
What mysteries Lie Ahead

No Pov

Chris and Tom have been in a non-stop fight for five days. However, this wasn't a life and death situation, but rather a challenge to test their powers against each other. Despite having powers, they had never used them to their full potential. Now they found a worthy opponent in each other to see if they could break their limits.

In the middle of the night, the two boys are sitting on the rock, watching the moon slowly disappear behind the clear view of the mountains. Each of them had a lot of cuts and bruises all over their body and blood covered from head to toe. Laughing at each joke and getting to know one another.

"HAHA what so when you were 10 years old your professor said no that you can't have a puppy but you said "Oh Yeah you have a smelly hairy dog who sometimes comes around and eats all our food and he can stay and I can't have a dog," Toms said mimicking chris of talking back to the professor and laughing at the end of it.

"Haha yeah I didn't have anyone I was always alone in that mansion until a couple more years," chris said in the last line with a sad tone.

"Why because your parents didn't want you when they knew you were a mutant," Tom said looking at chris eyes but he shook his head while looking at the floor with sad eyes. When Tom said that it became a little awkward.

Tom was about to speak but got cut off by Chris saying "Why didn't you care if someone got hurt if we fought in the ally" looking straight into Tom's eyes.

"They're nothing to talk about because whatever they see us they think we are monsters of diseases and especially the churches," Tom said with the venom at the end of it.


"There's nothing to talk about"


"I said Nothing"




Tom yelled at Chris, "You want to know why? When the church people barged into my house, they destroyed everything. But my parents were smart enough to escape through the back door.'"

Tom Pov 

"My parents knew they'd catch up to them so my father held them back to buy us some time"

"Take Thomas and Go Maren NOW!!" Tom's father said pushing Tom and his mother into the forest

"While we were running in the dark forest, my mother was trying to calm me down then we heard them"  


"My mother held my face and looked straight into my eye"

"Whatever you do keep running no matter what okay," Tom's mother said with tears in her eyes. 

"I was so scared I couldn't speak and she hugged me and I always held those words close to my heart"

"You can't lock up the darkness of what's inside you. It can be scary, but it can also be peaceful when you look into the abyss and realize that there is nothing to be afraid of. Embrace what's inside of you and remember this, Thomas."

"My mother pushed me in the opposite direction and led the others to follow her. As I was running away as fast as I could, I suddenly heard my mother scream in pain. Feeling scared and helpless, I continued running until I stumbled upon a black portal that transported me to a dark abyss."

No Pov

"I was 8 years old and felt frightened, but being in that place helped me gain control over my dark powers. It was then that I managed to create a portal back to my hometown and sought revenge on those who had hurt my family, including their loved ones. I wanted them to feel the pain that they had caused us. Looking back, it fills me with sadness." Tom said with tears in his eyes while looking at the moon. "And I was alone after that knowing the truth that everything in the world is a lie that the people and some corrupted government themself locking us up and torturing us like we're animals. They lie to the innocent people that we are dangerous but the truth is they want us as their weapons".

"Then we show them," Chris said for the first time hearing Tom's sad story.

"What?" Tom was shocked at not knowing what to say.

"We show them. The future is changing the world is getting bigger and harder and they need to know that without us what's to stop villains from destroying the world?" Chris said getting close to Tom's face. Looking straight in the eye and started to talk again "Do they think the military will stop the abomination, Hydra, and many more? No Hulk stopped the abomination but they still chased him to lock him up we both know the shady government wants to control him and make more or take Ironman's armor and his tech or even us, to see how we work and they can have powers too. We have to show the innocent people that we're not the problems they are and they'll do anything to get what they want. So I'm saying this. Are you with me man or are you going to keep running away" He said with his hand forward waiting for Tom to shake his hand.

With the grip handshake, Toms said in a serious voice "Yeah I'm with you man all the way. Let's change the world for the better for mutants, monsters, and humans." 

 "Good then let's go take us to Ally we were before and I'll drive you there," Chris said pushing Tom to make a portal. 

"Where we're going chris," Tom said while his making the portal but the only heard from him was "You knew Home".

Charles Pov

It has been five days of not knowing where Chris is. I looked outside of the window not knowing what to do his mind blocked my powers only if I had permission from him to let me in. In five days I had two new students Kitty Pryde with the power that "phases" through solid matter by shifting her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the objects through which she is moving and Evan Daniel who is the nephew of Storm whose powers extend or retract bone spikes that grow inside his body. 

"Professor are you going to watch the show with us or not" I got interrupted by one of my students. When I turn all I see is my students wanting for me the only thing I said is "Of course". 

No Pov

It had been only 15 minutes while the people enjoying the show

"I'm going to get some more popcorn bub be right back," logan said walking to the kitchen

when Jean heard something "What was that" Jean was looking outside to see if something was out there. When Scott heard her say something "What was what" while still looking at the TV. Jean was still looking outside the window "Nothing I thought I just saw-"


They heard something in the front and then heard a familiar, dark, smooth voice say "Hello, is anyone there? Where is everybody?" Then, they heard a calm British voice say "I feel moving shadows down the right hall, my friend."

"Yeah you're right I can feel heat signature and a lot more so come on man there in the living room. So whatever you do don't panic" Chris and the mystery person walking toward them

"I'm not," Mystery said in a confused voice 

"Not you, me I have to greet two angry people who are going to scream my ears off man," Chris said with a nervous voice when the mystery person laughed at that. Chris says with an angry voice "It's not funny man it's going to be worse if they see us, man".


When the people in the living room start to look at one another. When they finally see the two people It's like seeing someone in a horror movie. 

Kurt was the first person that says something "Bloody hell what happened to guys" 

Chris was the one who said while pointing at Kurt "See I told you well you see-" he got interrupted when he heard something on the TV as well as everyone else too.

"BREAKING KNEW we have found something unbelievable let us see what Jonny has to say"

"Thank you Adam well see here we have this man telling us and showing us something unbelievable here you go sir" Jonny put his mice in front of a young man who looked like a nerd you see in a movie.

"W-w-wwell you so see I have been looking for some quiet place to read a book in the forest and I see something not even a mile away from me so I ran toward it while recording to see what happened" When he was still talking he started to shake off what he had witnessed. It started to show the video.

 We see the camera being blurry while pushing the leaves to try to get a look at what is happening but when it does it shows an epic battle you see in anime or movies.

Two figures of lite and dark fight each other with the speed that the camera burly keeps up.

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU SEEING THIS? THIS IS AWESOME!!!" we see the camera jumping up and down.

Then it showed the light figure being trapped in the dark circle being slowly crushed.

"OH MY GOD IS HE OKAY IS GOING TO DIE" When he said that the ground started to shake "WHAT'S GOING ON" Then saw something unbelievable


A flaming Tornado reached the heavens itself but what was shocking the most was all the trees were getting their life force out of them leaving them to die. When all that was all over here the light figure said "Round Two".

"Mommy" and it showed different cut scenes for like four days of what has happened.END

Both reporters only had a few words "Holy sh-" and cut the knew right there.

The people in the living room had a lot of emotions Shock, Awe, Rage Disappointment, and Scared.

When Chris saw that they only was "Oh shi---".







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