
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Movies
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Chapter 27: Eyes Like Him

As night settled over the Fairlake Sheriff Station, the atmosphere inside the jail cells was tense and subdued. Doctor Rick Lown carefully stitched up the cut on Billy's right hand, working diligently to ensure the wound was properly closed.



"That should do it." Doctor Rick remarked, finishing the stitches with precision.



Billy nodded in gratitude, feeling the soreness in his right hand ease slightly now that they were properly treated. "Thank you." he said earnestly.



Doctor Rick packed up his medical equipment, preparing to leave the cell. "You'll need to have those stitches removed in about three weeks." he advised before heading towards the door.



Sheriff Angela Carter, who had been overseeing the medical procedure, nodded in acknowledgment. She picked up the keys from the nearby table and approached Billy's cell to unlock it.



Once the cell door clicked open, Doctor Rick stepped out, nodding to Sheriff Angela as he passed by. "Thanks for coming, Rick." Sheriff Angela said with a brief smile.



Doctor Rick nodded in return. "That's alright." he replied, understanding the demands of the job.



As Doctor Rick made his way towards the exit door, he paused and turned back to Sheriff Angela. "I know how busy it's going to get for you tonight." he remarked, a hint of concern in his voice.



Sheriff Angela nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Yes, it's going to be a long night." she acknowledged, fully aware of the challenges that lay ahead.



With a final nod, Doctor Rick bid Sheriff Angela goodnight. "Goodbye." he said softly.



"Good night." Sheriff Angela responded, her voice calm but focused as she prepared herself mentally for the tasks ahead. She watched Doctor Rick leave before locking Billy's cell securely once more.



Adam Wilson leaned against the cold metal bars of the jail cell, watching the unfolding drama among his newfound companions. Billy stood solemnly, his hand bandaged from the stitches, while Cruz paced anxiously in her cell, her worry palpable.



"You know, I just don't know what I am going to do," Cruz muttered, her voice filled with anxiety. "If I get charged, they're going to take my scholarship away from me."



Gus, seated beside Julian in their own cell, added grimly, "We could get kicked out of school."



Lita, her frustration evident, turned to Billy. "Billy, you've got to tell her. It was your drugs, not ours."



Julian shook his head, his concern deep. "No, no. If he claims it's all his... they could throw the book at him."



Lita retorted sharply, "I don't care. I am sitting in jail because of him."



Meanwhile, Adam Wilson and Porter Harmss observed the tense atmosphere with a mixture of detachment and amusement. Adam chuckled softly, drawing the attention of the others.



Porter, sensing Adam's amusement, raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, knowing Adam often found humor in unexpected situations.



Gus, his patience wearing thin, demanded, "Is this funny to you, dude?"



Adam's smirk widened slightly. "Sorry," he said, his tone mocking, "I'm just laughing at your whining like a little bitch."



Lita's temper flared. "Shut the fuck up! We are not like you, prisoner... and who the hell are you?"



Adam leaned back casually. "Name's Adam Wilson," he stated boldly, enjoying the shock that registered on their faces. "Got charged just like you crying bitches."



The mention of his last name sparked curiosity and confusion among the group. Julian was the first to voice it. "Are you here for weed too?" he asked, trying to connect the dots.



Adam nodded nonchalantly. "Yup, pretty dope, huh?" he replied, his smirk suggesting a hint of pride rather than remorse.



Porter, beside Adam, leaned in and whispered, "Hey man, is this what you said your plan was?"



Adam glanced at Porter, his expression unreadable. "Just keep quiet. Let me do my thing." he whispered back, a hint of reassurance in his voice.



Cruz, catching on to the conversation, voiced her observation. "Wilson? Similar last name?" she noted, puzzled.



Adam shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I don't even know you." he retorted coolly, his demeanor suggesting a deliberate distance.



Cruz frowned at his dismissive tone. "You're rude. I don't even know you too sir, and if we are indeed relatives, I don't see you as such." she stated firmly, asserting her stance.



Adam's smirk remained, his response ambiguous. "Heh." was all he offered before settling into a contemplative silence, his mind already working on the next steps of his plan.



Billy, sensing the tension and Adam's detached demeanor, interjected with determination in his voice, "Alright, alright. Don't worry, guys. I'll get us all out of here, okay?"



Adam glanced over at Billy, his curiosity piqued by the sudden assertiveness.



Billy, his bandaged right hand a stark reminder of their predicament, stood up straight and addressed Sheriff Angela Carter, who sat at her desk in the nearby office, shuffling paperwork under the dim glow of a desk lamp.



"Sheriff, can I speak with you a moment?" Billy's voice carried a mix of earnestness and anxiety.



Sheriff Angela looked up from her desk, her brow furrowing slightly. "What is it?"



Billy stepped closer to the bars of his cell, his friends watching intently from their own adjacent cells. "The drugs are mine. My friends had nothing to do with it." he asserted, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.



Sheriff Angela maintained her composure, her eyes assessing Billy carefully. "That's to be determined," she replied evenly, keeping her tone neutral yet firm.



Undeterred, Billy pressed on, his sincerity evident. "Honestly, they're mine. They will tell you." he insisted, his eyes pleading for understanding.



Gus, seeing an opportunity to support Billy's claim and possibly secure their release, spoke up from the cell. "He's telling the truth, Sheriff. We weren't involved."



Billy, sensing a moment of potential understanding, continued to plead his case with a touch of desperation. "Please, let them go. I will take responsibility." he implored, his words laced with a mixture of guilt and determination to protect his friends.



Sheriff Angela sighed softly, deliberating her next move as she stood up from her desk. "All right, I need space tonight anyway."



Then She retrieved the keys from the nearby table and approached the cells of Gus McKaley, Julian Jones, Lita Marquez, and Cruz Wilson, each one looking hopeful yet apprehensive about their fate.




"Don't leave town. I still need to investigate all of you." Sheriff Angela cautioned as she unlocked their cells one by one, her voice carrying a weight of authority tempered with a sense of fairness.



Cruz, visibly relieved yet still worried about Billy, spoke up to reassure Sheriff Angela. "We won't go anywhere. After all, my boyfriend Billy is still here."she offered, her voice tinged with concern.



Sheriff Angela nodded, acknowledging Cruz's assurance with a brief nod. "There's a motel at the end of the street. You can get your things." she informed them, her tone indicating a readiness to move forward with the night's proceedings.



As Gus, Julian, Lita, and Cruz gathered their belongings and prepared to leave for the motel, Cruz paused at the threshold of their cells, glancing back at Billy with a mix of gratitude and concern. "We'll bring you back some dinner, Billy," she promised softly, her words a token of her support despite the circumstances.



"Thanks." Billy replied gratefully, watching them leave with a sense of relief mingled with lingering worry for their futures.



Meanwhile, outside the cells, Gus and Lita couldn't resist a parting shot at Adam Wilson, who remained behind bars, seemingly unfazed by their departure.



"Now who's the crying baby?" Gus taunted, his voice tinged with smug satisfaction as he glanced at Adam.



Adam met Gus's gaze with a cool smirk, his expression revealing a hint of amusement. "You, big guy." he retorted casually, his demeanor calm and collected despite the tension in the air.



Gus's features darkened with anger at Adam's nonchalant response. "You!" he shot back, his voice rising slightly as his frustration grew.



Lita, sensing the rising tension, intervened quickly, placing a calming hand on Gus's arm to defuse the situation. "Stop, babe. Don't worry about that hobo. Guys like him always end up in jail." she said dismissively, her tone conveying a mixture of annoyance and superiority.



Adam shrugged indifferently, not bothered by their taunts. "Well, a bitch like you always falls for street." he fired back casually, his words aimed to provoke but delivered with a calm demeanor.



Julian couldn't help but laugh nervously at Adam's jab towards Lita, finding the tension and unexpected banter somewhat amusing given their predicament. His "pfft" escaped almost involuntarily, a brief moment of levity amidst the tension.



However, Lita's reaction was far from amused. She shot Julian a sharp, angry glare, her eyes flashing with annoyance and hurt at his lack of support or defense. His laughter, though perhaps unintentional, stung her pride and worsened the already strained atmosphere in the jail cell.




Realizing his mistake and seeing Lita's hurt expression, Julian quickly tried to rectify the situation. He raised his hands in a placating gesture and stammered out an apology, "So-sorry, Lita." his voice earnest and apologetic as he tried to appease her anger.



Then Lita shot Adam a final glare before flipping him off defiantly, her gesture a clear expression of her disdain for his presence.



Gus followed suit with his own middle finger raised, both of them expressing their frustration and disdain as they prepared to leave the station.



Adam responded in kind with a dismissive middle finger of his own, "Bitch." he muttered under his breath, unbothered by their hostility as he settled back into his corner.



Porter, sitting quietly beside Adam throughout the exchange, sighed softly, a mix of relief and apprehension evident on his face as he observed the dynamics unfolding before him.



As Gus, Julian, Lita, and Cruz finally left the station to head to the motel, Cruz paused before she departed, casting a curious glance back at Adam Wilson, who shared her last name.



"I should call my father if he knows about him." Cruz muttered to herself quietly, her mind swirling with questions about the unexpected connection.



Adam overheard her remark but offered no response, his thoughts already turning to the next steps of his plan.



As the night settled in at the Fairlake sheriff station, the atmosphere was tense. In one of the cells, Maynard Odet, a grizzled and outspoken man, was voicing his frustration to Sheriff Angela Carter, who sat in her office nearby.



"Hey, what about me?" Maynard's voice carried through the hallway, laced with indignation. "You saw how they attacked me. Why am I being held?"



Sheriff Angela, accustomed to handling difficult situations, replied calmly but firmly, "Assault with a deadly weapon."



Maynard scoffed, his demeanor defiant. "That's bullshit."



Before Maynard could continue his protest, Adam Wilson, sitting quietly in his own cell nearby, listened intently. He already recognized Maynard back then, Maynard was—a fucking serial killer and a cannibal and the father of the infamous trio: Three Finger, Saw Tooth, and One Eye. 



Adam, his brown wavy hair falling slightly over his forehead, decided to intervene, sensing the potential for escalating conflict. "Stop it, old man." he interjected, his voice calm yet authoritative.



Maynard turned sharply towards the source of the voice, his eyes narrowing in suspicion and defiance. "Who the fuck are you to tell me that?" he retorted, his tone challenging.



"I said stop it." Adam reiterated firmly, his voice carrying a hint of authority that demanded attention.



Then Adam met Maynard's gaze evenly, his green eyes piercing through the dimly lit jail corridor. There was an intensity in his stare that momentarily silenced Maynard, reminding him of the unnerving presence he once encountered—the red-eyed Leader Alpha.



Maynard, taken aback by Adam's piercing gaze, muttered under his breath, "Your eyes... just like him."



Adam's expression remained stoic, though inwardly he wondered what Maynard meant by that.



As Maynard, clearly annoyed and feeling the weight of Adam's gaze, he reluctantly gave in and sitting down on his bunk with a grumble. Sheriff Angela, watching from her office, sighed with weariness as she observed the unfolding scene, her mind already racing ahead to the paperwork and reports this incident would inevitably generate.



Then Sheriff Angela responded with a dry remark, her tone betraying a mix of exasperation and resignation towards Maynard's constant complaints: "You'll be fine."



Adam acknowledged Sheriff Angela's presence with a nod, understanding that the situation had calmed down. He returned to his corner in the cell, reflecting on the unfolding events and contemplating his own plan now that the chain of events had been set in motion.

To be continue