
2.How Ironic

Jester opened his eyes falling but haven't realised it yet all he could see was sky. as he looked around and saw the ground coming for him at a rapid pace.

"Welp I'm gonna die" he said casually but before he hit the ground he woke up and quickly went upright.

"AHHHH!" He screamed before realising he was alive. Jester looked around he was at a different place it seemed like a old Japanese house there were wood floorboards with paper thin divider between what he guessed was the next room he could here shuffling from the next room and clinking if glass against glass.

"Ahhh it seems our guest has woken up" an elderly voice came from the other room. Jester got up from the bed he was placed in and opens the paper divider to see a elderly woman in a kimono.

"Would you like some tea" he elder asked.

"N-no I'm goo-wait where am I who are you" questions filled his head only making him more confused.

"Your questions will be answered in time, but right now you need to calm down" the elder said calmly gesturing to a cushion on the other side of the short table. Amongst all the confusion Jester finds himself sitting down with a cup of warm green tea in his hand sipping it.

"To answer your first question you are in valmeir" the elder explained.

"For the second question I'm the elder of this village most people just call me granny tho" she laughed a bit.

"An-" before she could say the next word a burly man bursted into the room.

"Elder there has been a sighting of a hyena pack surrounding the cattle" the man said with concern in his voice.

"If it's only hyenas send out the hunters" the elder said calmly, the man shook his head and left.

"Anyway fell free to look around and and see what this village had to offer"

The elder opens the divider to reveal a huge plain with birds of a species that he didn't recognise they seemed a lot bigger than usual.

"Whoa" He said to himself in awe.

"It's so beautiful here"Jester got up and walked around the village it was very green lots of grass and wooden buildings. As he wandered he lost concept of where he was, he looked behind him and saw distant light from the village.

"Ok I should head back" still wondering what world he entered he walked back, and at that moment he felt a sharp pain in his leg he looked down to see a huge hyena bitting down.

"AHHHHHH!" He let out a blood curdling scream that you could hear from miles away in his panic he moved his legs rapidly only making the teeth sink in deeper blood had started to glow from the wound only making the hyena's powerful jaws tighten the fur around its mouth becoming coated in thick red blood. Jester grabbed onto the hyenas face

"GET OFF" a burst of cold air went past him one of his eyes had a slit pupil, The pain stopped and as he looked down he hyena's face and half it's torso was frozen in a black ice. As Jester pull the jaw of the hyena's mouth open the wound started bleeding again. Jester musters up the courage to hobble back to the village and he passes out once more.