
Episode 2- Demon

"W-what happened? Did I die?" Devon begins to wake up. "Ahh." He covers his eyes as the sun shined at them. 'What the fuck happened?' He feels something around his waist. 'Huh?' He looks down. A arm was wrapped around him. He looks beside him. His whole face turns red. 'A-a girl?'

A naked girl laid next to him. Her hair was long. Somewhat covering her body. It was black with a hint of purple. Small dark pink horns sat on either side of her head. A heart pointed tail laid next to her. Attached to her butt. Her skin a shiny light purple. A strange dark purple marking sat on her cheek.

"W-who are you?" He looks at her confused. His eye's go wide open when he remembers the fire figure that grabbed him. He quickly looks down at her. 'Was that you?'

She starts to move. "So sleepy.." She raises up. Yawning and rubbing her eyes.

'She's alive..' He stares at her scared.

She sighs. "That sun feeels so good!" She stretches. As she does her hair moves away from her chest.

His nose bleeds a little as he sees her boobs. 'Wow..those are big..'

"Huh?" She looks over at him. Her eye's were a dark purple with a pink little heart in the middle. She blushes when she sees him staring at her boobs. She quickly covers up. Slapping him. "Gross!"

He falls back. 'Ouch!'

She stands. Making her hair cover her body. "HOW DARE YOU STARE AT ME WHEN I SAVED YOU!"

'Saved?' He sits up. He glares at her. "I DIDN'T NEED SAVING!" He shouts at her.

She crosses her arms. "Seemed like it to me." She looks away from him. Making a pouting face.

"You-" He growls as he rubs his head. 'This girl is about to get smacked...'

"Whose the dead guy?" She asks as she points to Harry in the pool.

He looks over at him. He grins. "Oh no one. Just one of my projects."

"Projects?" She looks at him strange.

He nods. "Yeah!" He smiles big as he was proud of his work.

"Oh.." She nods. "Um..what's your name?"

He looks at her. "Doesn't matter.." He walks over to the cliff. 'Guess it's round two..' He goes to step off but is grabbed by the girl. "What are you-" he falls back. Falling onto of her. He looks down at her. Her hair was no longer covering her body. "Dang.." Her body was curvy.

She blushes hard. "PREV!" She slaps him hard. "Get off!" She pushes him off before standing. "Anyways, I'm Scarlett."

He shakes his head. Trying to fix his almost broken neck. 'She has one strong slap!'

She stands. "For the record I am only saving you because if you die so do I!"

"W-what??" He looks at her confused. 'This girl is nuts...or maybe I am..' He shakes his head.

She rolls her eyes. "Isn't it strange that some naked girl appears out of nowhere? And that you tried to die but woke up here?" She crosses her arms as she waits for a answer.

'She does have a point..' He shakes his head. "I probably was imagining it."

"Oh really?" She tilts her head as she looks at him. "Fine.." She sighs as she closes her eyes.

He looks at her confused. "What are you doing?"

"Showing you.." She starts to glow. Her hair turning to fire.

He looks in awe. "Holy shit.."

She starts to float a little in the air. She opens her eyes. "See?"

"Y-yeah..." He nods as he stares at her.

She stops glowing as she sets her feet on the ground. "Told you." She laughs.

He begins to laugh.

"Are you okay?" She reaches out to touch him but he laughs harder.

'I've gone completely mad!' He looks up at the sky. 'I bet this is on you! Huh? I never believed in you so now as punishment you do this shit!'

She rolls her eyes. "Moron.." She looks behind her to the big house. "Maybe there is some clothes in there.." She grabs Devon by the shirt as she walks towards the house.

*Next Scene*

"Why again do I have to be tied up?" He groans as he sits in the same chair he used for Harry the night before.

She rumbles through the pile of clothes. "Hmm.." She groans. "Because you'll just try to kill yourself again..God! There is nothing in here!"

"Right.." He rolls his eyes as he looks out the big window. The cliff just calling his name. He jumps when he gets hit by something on his foot. He looks down to see her tail smacking him. "Um...say...what are you again?"

"A demon..no.." She throws the clothes behind her as she continues to go through them.

He tries to stomp on her tail but fails. 'Its too fast..' He groans. He looks at her horns. 'She definitely is a demon...'

"There!" She smiles as she jumps up. Her hands on her hips.

He looks over at her. He blushes a little. "Yeah...fine.." He looks away.

"Fine?" She looks down. The clothing she chose was a suit jacket that was WAY too big for her. "Hmm..."

'I hate this...' He growls.

She walks in front of him. "Why do you want to die?"

He doesn't look at her. "That doesn't matter..." 'Why does she care?'

"Oh.." She sighs. She looks at his jacket. "Can...can I wear your jacket?"

He looks at her. "No."

"WHY NOT!" She stomps her foot. As she was glaring at him she notices something behind him. She grins. "Lets go outside!"

He raises a brow. 'She's planing something..'

*Next Scene*

Devon, without a jacket, walks down the street with the girl. 'I hate this..' He glares at her.

She smiles big as she was wearing his jacket while also being handcuffed to him with some furry pink handcuffs. "Your sent is nice!" She sniffs his jacket. Her tail sways back an forth behind her.

Some people look at them strange.

'I don't like being stared at..' He looks at her. 'It's because I'm with her...' "Say, um whatever your name is..you need to hide those horns an tail if you don't want people to look at you."

She looks at her horns. "Right..." She sighs.

"Here." He stops walking in front of a clothing shop. "We can find something here."

She smiles big. "YAY!" She runs in. Pulling him with her.

When in the store, the girl, looks at all the pretty dresses. "So pretty.." Her eyes sparkle.

'I got to lose her fast. There is no WAY I can pay for anything.' He puts his hand in his pocket. 'Plus..if I do I'll have a better chance of getting out of this place...' He remembers her words. '"If you die..than I'll die..." Was..was that true?' He looks at her.

She smiles big as she goes through all the dresses. "LOOK! It has flowers!"

He smiles a little. 'What are you doing? Are you smiling?' He shakes his head. 'God! What is happening to me?! I only smile when someone is dying by my hands...'

"I swear! That asshole deserved it!" Some girls whisper to one another nearby.

'Girls and their drama talk..' He rolls his eyes.

"Scarlett.." She tells him while looking at a purple dress.

He looks at her strange. "Huh?"

"My name. You asked earlier...its Scarlett.." She laughs.

'Why is she laughing?' He raises a brow. 'Is this chick crazy?'

She sees his strange face. "Sorry. Heh. It's just that my name is based on the scar on my face." She points to the purplish scar on her right cheek. "See?"

He nods. "That's...umm.."

"I guess you humans don't have jokes." She smiles. "I guess I'll try this one on." She walks over to the changing area.

He shakes his head. "Um..Scar?"

She looks at him. "Hmm?"

He points to the handcuffs.

"Oh! It's fine. You can just close your eyes." She walks inside one of the rooms. As she locks the door she smiles up at him as she sees terror in his face.

'Let this be over soon..' He covers his eyes with his hand as he also turns his head.

"Done!" She looks at herself in the mirror. The dress she picket out was long and purple.

He opens his eyes. "Okay nice. Lets go-"

"No..it needs something.." She thinks for a moment. She grabs his jacket and puts it over it. She smiles big. "There!" She looks up at him. "What do you think now?"

He rolls his eyes. "Cute. Fine. Whatever. Can we go now?"

She growls. "Fine.."

As they walk up to the cash register Devon starts to freak out.

'Crap! I need to make sure my escape plan is going to work..' He looks over to the doorway.

"That'll be 10.87" The register man tells them.

'Okay..so I'll grab her before taking off. Just to make sure she doesn't slow me down while being behind me...' His eye's widen when he hears her speak.

"Here you go!" She lays down a 20 dollar bill. "Keep the change!" She smiles at him.

He grins. "Why thank you!" He puts the money up. "Here." He hands her a lollipop. "Have a nice day!"

She smiles back. "Thank you! You too!" She starts to walk out of the store.

Devon just looks at her confused as they walk down the street.

She licks her lollipop. She sees him out of the corner of her eye. "What?"

"Where the hell did you get 20 bucks?" He looks at her confused.

She shrugs. "I found it in that guys suit jacket. Why does it matter?"

"Oh.." He nods. 'I mean I guess that makes sense..'

She pulls out some more money. "I also found this in some small metal box." She had two large stacks of 100 dollar bills in her hand.

"Holy crap!" His eye's widen. He quickly hides it. "You shouldn't let people see this."

She nods. "Okay." she starts to shove the money in his pockets. "You keep onto it." She goes back to licking her lollipop.