

A battlefield.

Not a single living being could be seen.

Countless billion corpses lay in pools of blood. Entire land was devastated and was burning in fire. It seemed that the biggest battle in the history of mankind was fought here. The war was over, the Victor was decided. The losing side had only a lone soldier surviving, it seemed that he too was on the brink of utmost destruction - DEATH.

He lay on the ground, tasting dirt and dust and of course, blood.

His wounds seemed out of the ordinary, one could see the jade white bones even if they glanced at him from atleast ten metres away and his face was deformed to appear like grated meat.

He alone was surrounded by three, they didn't seem human, their eyes had a completely different glow than that of humans. They were inhuman.

They smirked.

One of them said in a sarcastic tone.

"Fallen to the ground, so easily?"

Then another.

"Is he what they call the 'worst of nightmares'? He couldn't even stand infront of us!"

The Fallen one didn't react to the words heavily. Instead, he just smiled at them. But the smile was a scary one, it meant that 'I am not done yet, I still have a trick up my sleeve.' He rose above the ground.

A hellish glow flickered in his palm. The light then stabilised, forming a sphere. The Fallen one swinged his hand, with his entire body.

The light on the palm formed an arc and it then left the hands of the warrior. It cut through the air and exploded right at the face of the three of his enemies.


A series of explosions followed.

The entire area was shrouded in the bloody mist caused by the tearing of flesh of the dead soldiers.

The mist soon disappeared.

Revealing the unscathed figures of the three. The one who stood in the front of the other three, was holding his hand extended to the front, up till his head. There was something in his hand, it looked like a jewel or a gem or something like that.

The thing showed a glow which disappeared in no time.

It seemed that the attack launched by the warrior was absorbed in it.

A cold laughter appeared on the face of the inhuman.

"The attack just now had the potential to shred us over a thousand times, but you should have known that Soul powers won't work on us as long as we have this gem with us, how ignorant."

The warrior started laughing heavily.

"I... HAVEN'T... LOST.. YET..."

The inhumans couldn't understand.

Then, a streak of light appeared in the palms of the warrior. It took the shape of a pyramid. Many circles surrounded the pyramid.

The cheerful expressions of the inhumans had dissipated by now and a feeling of fear got etched on their face.

One of then tripped over and fell to right where he was, such was the fear in his mind.

The one who fell just now was in a great shock, as his own body had started to fade away. Not only him, the other two inhumans were fading too. Infact, the figure of the warrior also started to dissipate and was turning pale.

He said in hurried voice.

"Are you really going to use that? It is negotiable, please stop it!"

The warrior gave a simple reply.

"I.. am.. afraid.. that.. I.. don't.. have.. the.. intention of.. doing so.."

His injuries didn't allow him to speak properly.

Another one of them said.

"You will die too, if you use that, so please let go of it."

The warrior didn't reply and crushed the pyramid in his hand, and



A man woke up as his breathing had reached extraordinary rates.

"Huff huff huff" The panting didn't stop.

"The same nightmare again?"

The man turned around to see an alarm clock, which depicted '4:30'.

The man pushed over the quilt that was covering his legs and stood on his two feet.

The name of the man is Chris Kennedy, he is 26, and works as a software engineer in Microsoft. His life is just as normal as that of any other human. Except for one thing, he gets a strange nightmare every single night when he sleeps. He doesn't know much about it, but he is tired of it.

But there is also a good side to it, it wakes him up early, enabling him to manage things well.

He sets off for his office at around 9:45.

The office is about 8 kilometres away from his house and he reaches there by 9:55.

And he returns back home at 5 p.m.

And just another day, while he was returning home, his motorcycle stopped.

He got off to check what it was.

It seemed that the fuel tank had been emptied.

"What? This couldn't be.."

He had filled petrol inside the tank till it was full in the morning, so how could it empty just in a single day?

He looked around him, and not surprisingly enough, there wasn't any petrol pump nearby. Chris started pushing his bike.

He pushed it for one kilometre, than another, and another one.

After walking the distance of five kilometres, when walking by the busy road, Chris felt that he might collapse any moment.

But, luckily enough, there was an outdoor soft drink vending machine by the walls at the end of the road, or maybe, the walls were that of the compound wall of some shop.

Whatever it was, Chris didn't care right now.

He hastily put a coin inside and quickly bought a tin can filled with an energy drink.

Gulp Gulp.

As he was drinking, someone patted him from behind.

"Excuse me, sir."

Chris turned behind in a manner, which clearly gave away the fact that he was annoyed.

On turning around, Chris saw a person, dressed like a mascot performer.

"What is it?" Asked Chris.

"Sir, didn't you just buy a can from the machine?"

Chris got even more annoyed. What kind of a question was this?

"Yes, I did."

"Great, now will you please come with us for a moment? We promise that we won't waste much of your time."

"Hmmm, only if you bring me some petrol."

"Uh.. Fine, sir."

And then, the guy brought Chris to a stall which was right infront of the vending machine, at a distance of about five metres.

The mascot said to Chris.

"Sir, we are holding a lucky draw contest, whenever you buy something from the vending machine, you can participate in it."

"Ohh, I thought that it was something else. So, how do I start?"

"Just pick up a random card from these cards."

Saying so, the mascot put forward a tray, containing many cards which were nicely arranged in a manner such that the front side wouldn't be visible, only the back side was visible.

Chris took out a card and showed it to the mascot.

The mascot seemed to be shocked.

He said in a loud tone.

"Congratulations sir, you hit the jackpot!"

Chris didn't seem much happy. Even though the stall was neat and clean, not shabby to the least, but still, this was just a normal lucky draw. So how could the prize be high.

Chris had made it in his mind that the worth of the prize won't be higher than the worth of the can itself.

"You get a ninety percent sponsorship for a world trip!"

It was as if lightning had struck Chris.

Chapter: 'Start' Finish.

Next chapter