
Wrath of the Old Gods

“I'm sorry about this, Mom...Dad... I know doing something like this is insane, but I'll try my hardest to make the right choice.” Upon awakening from a long train ride, Derrick finds himself in an illogical world of monsters and magic. A dying wraith is saved by the young Derrick, forming a contract that will bind them by fate. They fight through the underground of the city to reveal the truth of Derrick's transmigration, to reveal a path home! As he fights off the chaos and abnormality, the world’s balance will twist and turn. Will Derrick be able to survive such madness? Or will he wither and die as a clown of fate?

Donny_C · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 23: The Hunt for Reed Rowley

Derrick went to Mr.R's manor after waiting the remaining 4 days. If all went well, he would obtain the Factor of a Rank 6 Wraith. He would certainly grow stronger with this encounter.

Walking through the crowded halls, he smelled the unbearable scent of tobacco, alcohol, and expensive cologne. 

Perhaps I should have arrived late to the manor…Derrick lampooned.

Upon entering the 3rd playroom, his eyes darted from left to right in search of his temporary ally, Naoto Gan. There was also the bloated aristocrat, Favio McLoren. He didn't seem to be very friendly, but the request for a Rank 5 Solari Factor may indicate that this man was strong. Perhaps he knew of even stronger allies.

"Good evening everyone," Naoto Gan said with a welcoming tone. "I'm delighted to inform you that I've obtained the Rank 5 Solari Factor and the Rank 6 Wraith Factor. I was also able to obtain the Rank 5 mythical item, Life-Span."

He handed the mythical item to Derrick. The hilt was covered in an ornate emerald wrapping in the traditional style of Sani. The blade was around the length of a standard short sword and it had a slight curve that was almost unnoticeable.

Derrick couldn't contain his joy upon seeing the weapon. "This is quite a valuable weapon! What does it do?"

"The blade is enchanted with the spirituality of the Solari people, significantly boosting its effectiveness against demons, foreign Gods, and evil spirits. It drains the life force of evil entities and uses it to enhance its power, hence the name, Life-Span."

"I see, this is quite the specimen. I would once again like to thank you for the mythical object."

Naoto Gan's emotional state greatly lightened in response to Derrick's praise. "It is of no issue. Now then, shall we get to the topic of hand?"

McLoren's mouth curled up into a slight smile. It seemed rather unusual to see such an uptight man express positive emotions. "Yes…you are quite right. I would like to thank you for your service, but it would be rather rude of me to accept such a gift without upholding my end of the bargain. With the help of my affiliates, I've been able to track down the possible whereabouts of Reed Rowley." 

He took out a photo of Reed Rowley and pointed at the building in the background. "This is the "Mc'Cloud family diner in the West Borough. I've hired some associates to stake out the building for the past week and we've come across the target. He seems to frequent the diner semi-regularly. After further tracking his movements, he seems to be using The Hole to evade our surveillance. He likely knows about the bounty on his head."

Naoto's expression quickly soured upon hearing the news. "Tsk, of course he knows. That sly bastard is far more clever than your average scam artist."

"That isn't all. I have far worse news. Reed Rowley has been using Areas 2, 4, and 6 as his escape routes. Those areas lie within Naraka territory. In the worst-case scenario, Reed Rowley may be loosely affiliated with Naraka, though it is an unlikely conclusion."

"Damn. Just how far does his influence go?!"

"Calm down Gan. Let's think about this rationally." Derrick dug through his pockets and placed the records extracted from the Karma onto the desk. "Look over these. I've obtained them from a trusted assistant."

After briefly analyzing the records, Naoto Gan broke the awkward silence. "Frank Harrow? Increased police presence? Where did you even get something like this? This is classified information that only the police chief could obtain!" Naoto Gan and Favio McLoren's attitudes took a distinct change. Derrick's incredible contribution to the case inspired a great deal of awe and terror in them. Just who was this boy? How extensive was his influence?

Hehe...it was all thanks to Elizabeth's support that I managed to obtain such an ace card. I'd do no good telling them such a thing. I have to maintain this facade of superiority for as long as I can.

Derrick laughed inwardly at their reactions. "These documents describe the "Replacement Case" system. I'm not quite sure about the intricacies of the method, but I know that it involves abducting the homeless within the city, specifically the Campbell district, and replacing their identities with another person. There is solid evidence that Reed Rowley is in league with the police department and/or Naraka specifically. We can't hope to resist them."

"So the case is a dead end?"

"Not quite. There is still some hope in the situation." Derrick immediately thought of asking Callos, the executive for Testament, for a favor. However, this would likely destroy the balance between Testament and Naraka if they were to get involved. There was another card at his disposal that he could exploit to guarantee a path forward. 

"This information that I've presented to you is highly classified. The higher-ups within the police are certainly aware of the theft and are weary of any leaks being revealed to the public. In this situation, wouldn't it be wise to pull back any available forces to Brayworth Pharmaceuticals and tighten security? They simply don't have the time available to aid a small-time scammer. At this point, Reed Rowley is nothing but a liability; Now is the perfect opportunity to strike."

McLoren stroked his chin in contemplation. "I see, your reasoning is sound based on the available elements at play, but don't you think this plan is risky? Your entire argument relies on the assumption that the police will not support Reed Rowley. Can we truly trust such a statement?"

"Of course not. This is all just a gamble. Whether you wish to support me or abandon me is your choice entirely. However, nothing is ever gained without an immense amount of risk. We cannot afford to play the situation safe. We must take the leap of faith."

A deafening silence once again filled the area. The loaded gun known as "uncertainty" had taken hold of Naoto and Favio. Should they take the risk and eliminate Reed Rowley now? Or should they abandon the hunt altogether under the notion of Naraka's involvement? 

The first to confront this uncertainty was Naoto Gan. He silently raised his hand as sweat ran down his forehead. "I'm in...I'll do it." 

Favio was perplexed by such a decision. "Come now, let us think about this! Can we truly afford such a risk? Making an enemy of Naraka means war! We cannot do this!"

"Calm down, Favio. It's now or never. If we cannot execute and interrogate Reed Rowley now, our efforts will be in vain. Are you truly a man of your word? Will you run away?"

Favio clenched his teeth in frustration. The feeling of uncertainty coiled around him, constricting his body and leaving him short of breath. "Do I leave?" "Do I stay?" His mind was torn between these two ideals. However, he could not find it within himself to resist the common opinion. He was a man who could hardly fight against the oppressive force of peer pressure.

"V-Very well...I will support you in this endeavor."