

Day 40

Spring 61, 11M 495Y

Rasputin Territory

Walker Farm



1,000,000W was missing, and I had an uncomfortable conversation to get through. Nana, my sweet Kitsunite/WMD girl with a penchant for liquifying the insides of her prey or swallowing them whole with her tail, had robbed our cattle fund.


It wasn't the end of the world, and I had already replaced it, but that wasn't the point. Nana stole from me, and I needed to know why. We were still good, according to Reputation World. All her categories were nearly maxed out, so why did she take so much of our money. It didn't make sense she was my little economist, and she was miserly when it came to shopping for herself. When I tried to buy her a gift, she blushed and told me to return it and save my money.


Doing so increased her loyalty to me. It bothered me that I couldn't take care of her like I wanted to.


That was why I waited in my massive tent for our meeting. Gwen was gone practicing her elemental skills, Fu was leading her little spider silk sweatshop, Veronica required 10 fire skills at lvl50 for her next rank and was practicing them, and Isobel had some last-minute tasks to complete for the field where we wanted to store a projected 25,000 heads of cattle.


If that sounded like 40W a cow well it was.


Scout used his credentials as a tamer to set up the deal, and many cows would have to be left to wild monsters if we didn't take them. Over half would be free, many of which would be expected. Really, it was a win-win. We would take the cows they couldn't care for off their hands and become a target for the vampires. Nana worked out who would be the best to deal with and how to conduct ourselves. This was our plan, but she took the money meant for it.


I leaned back in my easy chair and stared into the cornfield. We filled every silo we built before summer and continued expanding my land. While I wasn't close to owning the entire territory, I had well over 15 square miles of land.


Psychic power had made farming easier than ever before. Luminaria High Evolutionary and Green Lord worked together to expand my hold over the land.


I could feel it beneath my feet. Green Lord was more than it appeared. Mana from the world flowed into me, transformed into refined green energy, and flowed back into the ground. Through my acting as a filter my crops were growing faster and larger than ever before.


Everything was going so well, so why would Nana suddenly steal from me. She seemed happy to play with an allowance in the Weston stock market. I saw her every night before bed using a tablet I bought for her to check businesses and research CEOs. She quickly turned the money I gave her into dividends with her talents and skills I couldn't match. I couldn't figure out why the woman I admired would steal from me.


I wanted to run away from this problem instead, I remained seated in my vast tent.


My tent had changed over the last few days. Silver Thread, spider silk, and cured monster hide were used to expand it into a monstrous circus tent. Elephant-type monsters could comfortably walk in, so I was confident in Nana's ability to enter comfortably. The same massive bed that we found in the palace was in her corner next to an oversized desk carved and hammered together by Big Don.


I felt my eyes moisten at the thought that this was betrayal and not some accident. Maybe Nana didn't understand what she did. Nana was good with money. If she didn't want me finding out she would hardly take it all.


Nana entered the tent and stood to her full height, wearing an Easton-style dress that showed off her curves nicely. She let her tail swish around as she made her way to the bed and collapsed into it. The springs groaned.


"Shut up. I haven't gained any weight. Fu checked my waistline herself." Nana said.


"Do you know why I called you here?"


"I'm too tired. Could you do naughty things to me while I sleep?" Nana asked.


"I didn't call you here for that."


Nana rose to her lounge on her arm. "I know and I'm sorry, I'll try and do better."


"What happened?" I asked.


"There are only two paths forward from where I am. Because of resource limitations, only one is really viable. Still, I think I've reached the limit of what I can do alone. Could you help me?" Nana asked.


Someone must have scammed her, and she's been trying to get the money back ever since. Nana wasn't sporting new jewelry, gear, or any other display of wealth.


"Can you at least tell me how it happened?" I asked.


"When I was researching how to rank up, I found articles going over prerequisites. Some monsters require special items or skills to rank up into rare forms. After learning that, I searched various skills and equipment to see if my instincts pointed to anything." Nana twiddled her thumbs before looking away. "One mouth beam skill or 25 fire skills are required for my rank up," Nana said.


"Since our skill library hasn't gained any new skills in our history, can I assume your provider took your money and gave you nothing," I said.


"No, why would I spend money on something we can get for free?" Nana asked. 


"I'm not going into the dungeon, and this isn't about ranking up. I didn't call you here for a progress report."


She smirked, stood up from the bed, and approached me, swaying her hips. The smile on her face was as beautiful as it was heartbreaking.


"Let's get to the point of why you called me here then," Nana said.


"1,000,000W went missing," I said.


She raised an eyebrow. "No, it didn't. I used it to buy a factory and transport it, its equipment, and employees here."


I opened my mouth and closed it, completely unsure of how to go from there. "That money was for buying cattle. We need the meat, milk, and cheese."


"We will soon also have a factory that builds processors for tablets, transporters, and missiles," A thousand-watt smile spread across her face. "Guess the best part. I bet you can't." 


"Does it matter? We don't have the infrastructure to support it. We only just got a power grid working, and it's mostly running on solar energy." She smirked at me as I spoke. I sighed. "Where did the factory come from?"


"Bismark a South of here in the Eastern block bordering Easton. Factories there need to be self-sufficient, supplying their own power, recycling air, and producing enough food to survive years under siege."


"How did you manage to buy a factory like that for a million?" I asked.


At this point, it was more impressive than frustrating.


"I bought majority shares when its territory fell into a recession and paid to have it, and all employees moved her. After all, towns with less than 20,000 people don't pay taxes."


"Isobel believes we can get away with it longer if we turn in improperly filed paperwork and put in for extensions." I shook my head and focused back on the important part. "What about the cattle fund? Why did you use it instead of asking?" I asked.


"I wanted it to be a surprise. So, surprise." Nana said.


 I sucked in a breath and let it out, then forced my mind on a topic I had been ruminating on. Several whiteboards covered in skill symbols littered my private study in the tent. Often I liked to write parts of the skill I was working on in front of me to get a feel for what I was trying to do. Skill creation instead of copying or modifying was significantly more difficult. Even with scrolls, my own notes, and decades of skill modification experience, the process wasn't easy. Snapping my fingers and making a brand new skill wasn't possible. 5 days of study taught me I knew nothing of cultivation. What I needed was to experience the process of cultivation for myself. That was the only way I could see myself succeeding in what I promised Far Ming.


Her name was on my Reputation World skill. We were closer to the positive side of neutral than negative.


"Don't use funds designated for a specific purpose without my permission again. If you had brought this to me, I would have given you the money." I said.


"There was no time either I bought it on the spot, or it would have slipped through our fingers. A factory is just what we need. Forget hiring humans. The monsters here will work and get the job done. We don't need specialized workers for running a line anyway." Nana said.


I reviewed what I knew about factories in the East Weston territories. To get hired, a standard education was needed, along with specialized education for the position. Battle classes like knights, fighters, or soldiers had a hard time finding work, so they chose to work in factories. Not everyone wanted a life of violence, women, and glory. A factory might be what we needed to give people something to do to earn Westons. Soon enough, we could purchase a village transporter which would allow the exchange of items and materials onto the open market far easier. Scout was already selling skill shards in my name. Who wanted steampunk skills?


Scouts cut aside I wasn't hurting for money, and soon enough, the attribute trees would produce fruit. I felt more mana fill my body and slowly produced a drop of green and let it free on my land. The exchange was getting easier every time, and the land was becoming more responsive, feeding mana directly to me for the exchange. The longer I remained in my domain, the more my skills seemed to come alive and interact with it.


Not being insane might have something to do with it. I shook my head. Who was I kidding? I was insane.


"You said you needed a breath skill." Nana nodded her head and wrapped her arms around me. I felt like a doll in the arms of an adult. "What does a breath skill mean? Are you talking about fire breath, ice breath, breathing, or maybe something to do with poison? Does it need to have breath in its name or have something to do with breathing?" I asked.


"It must allow me to concentrate some kind of energy and fire it from my mouth. That or I need lots of fire skills. Veronica seems to want to try a phoenix path, so I don't want to step on her toes." I stared up at Nana's chin several feet above my head. Her long black hair and fox ears gave the giantess an exotic look. She almost seemed wise in her contemplation. If it wasn't all about not stepping on the toes of the girl I might want to invite into our bed, I might even call her wise. "I could make something. A breath attack couldn't be that hard." I said.


I cursed myself the moment I said it. My mind was abuzz with cultivation methodology and the metaphysical soul organ that was meridians. Meng Bao had destroyed meridians, but from what I read it was more like nonexistent at this point. So, I had to basically build him a set that was a step over what I considered within my capabilities. Regeneration wouldn't help because it wasn't a physical injury. The completely impossible task set before me was even worse since I promised to build a breath skill while I was at it.


The worst part of all of this was that I kind of enjoyed it. I knew I was overworked and still learning about my skills slowly while trying to get some enjoyment out of my life. Farmers were supposed to have hard but simple lives. How did I end up in such a complicated situation?


I think it was when I decided to challenge known human limitations and learned 4 monster skills. The only reason I survived was regeneration.


My gaze turned back to Nana. She released me and returned to our bed. Her legs were open, and her pink and red hanfu dress was bunched up over her knees, flashing me with her white silk panties. Nana's elbows rested on the bed, pushing her massive breasts out further as her long, silky black hair cascaded over her shoulders like black silken waterfalls.


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What had I been thinking? There was only one true cure for a man's stress, and I wasn't getting anywhere until I took care of it. The royal sheets pulled back messily as she spread her legs and gave me a gaze I wouldn't forget. Amber eyes were cheating they had to be. I was already between her legs before I realized I had moved. She slid her hands over her thighs to pull her dress further back, exposing her white panty-clad sex.


Our size difference didn't mean much when I fully planned to be rough with her. This was to relieve my stress and not worry about hurting her.


I pulled her slip of panties back and pushed my face into the wrinkled reddening sheath hiding her clit. Making a giantess shake and moan was satisfying. While my licks were small on her most sensitive bundle of nerves, they had the body to make her shiver, clench every muscle in her body, and force my name from her lips.


"Atom," She moaned, and it was gratifying.


Some part of me that needed her to say my name felt so gratified upon hearing it. Being desired felt good. I slipped my whole hand into her gaping wet pussy and felt her squeeze with crushing force. A smile spread across my face as I pressed forward and felt her folds and grooves come together to squeeze, crush, and pull. She was soaked, and I pushed my dick inside her.


"Atom," Nana said.


Her moans were growing louder, and she spread her legs wide until I could almost fall inside her. My cocks brushed around the edges of her massive pussy as I made out with her clit while Nana moaned. I came from pushing my cock against one of her pink grooves and watched my seed fall into her dark depths. Still, I continued to fuck her rising to the occasion to spend my seed one ejaculation at a time. To a mere man like me, she felt bottomless, and I felt so small. This great monster was so powerful I couldn't fill her. All I could do was hit her weaknesses until she was satisfied.


"Atom," Nana yelled as I flicked her clit, stepped back, and unleashed a powerful dildo projection. This time it had a bulbous end that her massive cunt swallowed. Her muscles tightened, resisting my telekinetic pull by her expression in a pleasing way. I pulled her panties further away, and she pushed down with her legs, raising her bottom up, giving me a free shot at her tight black hole. Pussy juices had dripped down, wetting her just enough to slide in while she gasped and clenched, struggling against my power. I slammed into her anus as she thrust her hips, tightened even further, and screamed my name.


With a final yank, she came, and the dildo construct flew out and tore a hole in the tent. I dissipated it as she screamed, and a geyser of femcum sprayed me in the face as I humped her with full force bashing her back into the bed. I tasted her salty and sweet fluids as I sucked in a breath to fill my lungs in case I needed to talk later.


Her sweet monster pussy clenched as she moaned cutely, completely caught up in her own little world. I came in her little rosebud, and she moaned as I slammed my hips into her before going rigid as I came.



My eyes snapped open in the middle of the night as I felt heat rising from my stomach. I felt it in a place that should be my Dantian if all the scrolls were correct. Something was entering my Dantian. I gently moved Veronica and used all my telekinetic power to float a few feet and roll out of bed. A quick hop let me dodge Nana's tail. I quickly moved to my study and then gripped my chest. It was coming. My first drop of refined blood was about to fall into my Dantian.


I checked through dozens of scrolls and found what I was looking for. Cycling techniques were needed to not only awaken the meridians but also throw off heat from cultivation. I crossed my legs and began meditating.


From Sky Fiend Apotheosis, a single golden drop of chi flowed into my spiritual organ, and I felt it light up. Heat radiated off me as I struggled to go through the beginning steps of cultivation. I couldn't believe it was happening. As I moved, what the Eastons termed mortal matter pushed out of my pours and fell to the floor thick as maggots and wiggling from the change in temperature. Something was happening to me in place of the mortal matter. Chi filled the gaps, copying nearby cells as it flowed through my meridians.


I stood there silently, tossing the mortal matter into a box and placing it in my bag. It could hold a warehouse, so it could definitely hold some mortal matter. Through the process, the refined chi wore away as it flowed through me. Until I could refine enough to have it constantly flow through my meridians and store a surplus in my Dantian, I wouldn't reach the 1st stage of the 1st realm. I might have gained a few months of extra life from my cultivation.


From my study, I began taking notes rapidly with pen and paper. I didn't trust the information on my tablet the same way I didn't trust skill designs on my tablet. Until I had a tech guy who knew how to keep my research safe, it would mostly be pen and paper.



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