
Past Relationships and New Friendships

When Zane was walking to his car he saw Hunter leaning up against the driver's door. Zane's heart skipped a beat, not expecting to see Hunter looking so sad. (He hadn't seen Hunter since he changed his background to that photo).

"Hey," Zane greeted the not with a soft smile. Hunter looked up startled, not expecting Zane to show up (though he knew it was bound to happen).

"Hi!" Hunter squeaked. Zane raised an eyebrow as the boy turned pink and hid his face.

Zane was impatient to get home, so he leaned over (purposely getting close to Hunter) and started opening the door. Hunter jumped and moved away quickly.

He threw his pack over the chair and leaned on the open door. He smirked at Hunter before saying, "Want to go for a ride?" with a wink.

Hunter thought for a second before agreeing, "Yes, I would love to."

Hunter ran around the car and jumped into the front seat, Zane jumping in the drivers.

As they were leaving, Zane saw Sammy walking very close to somebody with a seemingly flushed face.

"What's up with Sammy and the other kid?" Zane asked Hunter. Truth be told Hunter had seen Sammy with the guys before but didn't think anything of it. Now he did think something of it.

"Maybe they've got something going on. He and I both recently found out things and I think he's doing some more learning," Hunter said, hoping that he could sometime too but didn't know when the right time would be.

"Oh is that so? Little Sammy got a boyfriend," Zane said. He hoped that he would be treated right (and that Sammy and he would kiss again, not going to lie).

"Did you, uh, have many girlfriends?" Hunter worked up the courage to say.

Zane chuckled at the question. He didn't know how to answer that. He had a few friends with benefits, a one night stand (or two), and overall no overly romantic relationship. So in his world, he was being completely truthful when he said, "Nope, haven't had an actual girlfriend or boyfriend."


"And how about you, Hunty?" Zane brought the question back on him.

Hunter was surprised by the nickname but decided that he kind of liked it. He had to think before responding with a quiet six and a half girlfriends.

Zan burst out in laughter.

"How the hell did you have six and a half girlfriends?"

Hunter was quick to defend himself, "Hey, three shouldn't count because they were in elementary and middle school. And the half comes from kindergarten where Jessica came up and told me we were dating but…" Hunter trailed off, embarrassed by the story.

"But what Hunty?"

"The next day she came up to me at recess and slapped me because she said I didn't pay enough attention to her."

"That's priceless!" Zane burst out in laughter. And as an afterthought, he asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"Home would be amazing, and you already know where I live," Hunter said leaning his head on his hand looking out the window. He loved just the feeling of being in a car (which sucks because he gets car sick after a while).

The both of them were quiet the rest of the ride. Zane was just enjoying being in Hunter's presence and Hunter just enjoying the car ride.

Once they got to their destination Zane offered to walk Hunter to his front porch.

"It was nice hanging out with you today, Hunty. Let's hang out some more later," Zane said.

Hunter responded with "I'd really like that" and leaned over to give Zane a hug. Zane hugged back tightly before pulling away and saying goodbye.

Hunter went into his house and came face to face with his mother.

"Hey, Honey, how are you?" His Mom asked with such a loving tone.

"Mom, I'm sorry for everything. You always said I was so I don't know why I'm having such a hard time.* he said, sadness dripping from his words.

Hia mom just smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Thing like just take time, Honey. And I hope you know that every time I said that, I was joking," she said, rubbing her son's back.

"I think I like him," Hunter said, feeling greatly conflicted.

"That's okay, Honey."

I love them so much yall. I'm excited for them to kiss again (and Sammy, oops). Also! I (half assed) introduced Sammy's love interest (i say as I plan on making Sammy kiss all the people ooops)... This is officially the longest chapter so far, yay!! Please leave a comment so that I know that yall are actually enjoying this story!

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