
Would You care? (WOF Oneshot)

It was the middle of the day, when all nightwings were asleep. All but one. Darkstalker got up out of bed when he was sure everyone else was asleep. Now, it was all about to end. Why did he want his life to end so badly?

Throughout his entire life, Darkstalker had been trying to gain the attention of his father. After years he wanted him to just be noticed in a positive way, but Arctic always found a way to make it negative.

Eventually after a lot of thinking, Darkstalker came to a conclusion that he was sure would make his father appreciate his efforts. He didn't want to go, he didn't want to die, he just wanted to see his dad show him some appreciation, even if it meant death.

He had it in his bag, as he walked to his father's room. He shook him awake.

"Ugh, what do you want now you disappointment?" Arctic said coldly. 'That hurt.' Darkstalker thought. "I just needed to talk to you, alone. I promise, afterwards you'll never have to see or hear from me again." I said. He most likely didn't believe me. He got up saying "Yeah, yeah, just get it over with."

The moment we were in the living room, I started speaking.

"I realized a few things a while ago and was judging what values I had-" I was soon interrupted.

"What do you mean 'values you had'? I don't recall you having any." He said coldly. "You're right." I say quietly. I slowly pulled out a knife.

"This knife is enchanted so anyone who gets stabbed with it will die, leaving no memories or proof of their existence. This includes everyone but you." I say.

"Put the knife down." He say threateningly.

"The knife isn't for me to use." I say as a slide it across the floor to him.

"It's for you, da- Arctic, please kill me." I say. He looks shocked.

"Don't worry, I'm not lying about the enchantment. You can check if you-" I was interrupted again. "Why?" He asks me. I look up to him, a few tears start falling from my eyes.

"Because, a useless mistake of cross-breed trash like me isn't worthy of being the son of someone as amazing as you. You've said similar things to me multiple times. It just took me a while to realise the only time you'll be happy when something involves me is my death, unfortunately I couldn't off myself but you definitely can." I say.

It takes him awhile before he finally says...

"I won't."

After he said that, some of me broke. I started crying uncontrollably. "I can't believe it. I'm so much of a mistake you won't even stain your claws with my useless-"

"Shut up!" He says interrupting me. "I don't know why you think of me so amazingly, but your death isn't something that'll satisfy me."

As soon as those words left his mouth I feel to the ground crying again.

"Why? Why? WHY??? Why am I such a mistake? Why do I have to be so useless? Why for once in my life can't I get your love?" I scream as I slam myself against a wall. I feel my dad grab me and look me dead in the eye, before he did something unpredictable.

He hugged me. Why would he-

"I'm sorry if I don't show this to you or your sister, but... I love both of you more than anything else. I just don't show it in fear of hurting you or your mother... but it turns out by hiding my love, I was hurting you more than I ever could've. I know it's a little too late to ask this, but can you forgive me?" He asked, I could feel the sympathy with each word. I cried. "I forgive you Arct-"

"Please, it okay to call me dad." Arctic said.

"Okay Dad." I said as I slowly lost consciousness.

Arctic's Pov

I was careful not to wake up my son, as he was asleep in my arms. Then I heard someone enter the room. "Arctic, have you seen Darkstalker?" She said, before realizing he was curled up in my arms. "What did he have to offer you to get in this position?" She asked.

"I was never honest with him about how I feel, he thought I hated him so he..." I then referred to the knife with my eyes, as she looked shocked at it.

She ran over to it and picked it up. "He tried to kill himself?" She asked looking full of guilt and shock.

"Yeah, but he couldn't so he asked me to so he could make me happy. After having a heart to heart talk, we ended up like this." I said. Foeslayer left and soon returned with Whiteout. Foeslayer broke the knife and stuffed the pieces into a glass jar. I carried Darkstalker since he seemed clingy for me and as we all laid down in bed, snuggling around Darkstalker. Then a few moments later we fell asleep.

Darkstalker's Pov

I opened my eyes, prepared to see nothingness thinking of my plan. Then as I opened my eyes I saw color. My Mom and sister were snuggling me, but to my surprise, Dad was as well. I looked over to see the pieces of my enchanted knife in a jar. As I slightly flinched, Arctic seemed to notice even while asleep and pulled me closer. "We love you. I love you." He said. A lot of thoughts were going through my head, but the best one was, 'He cares.'

The End.