

Ren signed off on all the papers placed before him and made sure that he read through them carefully.

'So many died when I did not even consider them my men. I kept calling them probationary members so I guess it still ended up being my responsibility.'

The first things he had to deal with were the death certificates of all the members who died in Hueco Mundo. Whenever he came across a name he did not recognize, he asked Kyou or Shin about them since they had led the main troop during the time in Hueco Mundo.

He patiently listened to them and learned about the person behind the man. Even if he did not like to admit it, Ren had been influenced by Khorne from all the years that had been together. While he still did not care for the shinigami who died as much as most others would, he still cared somewhat.

But Ren did not feel guilty for their deaths. He had told them about the risk of death beforehand and given them the choice to back out. His main concern was the waste of potential.

After signing about 300 death certificates, Ren was finally done with them. But just as he set his pen down, Kyou passed over the salary book.

Ren pulled it up and looked through it before signing a few things to decide the new salary that would be distributed.

'We get this much per month? I need to calculate the logistic costs, maximum members need to be taken into account. If we take on bonus missions, we can make some more but I am not sure by how much.

Ugh. I'll just write down this amount for members and pay the officers this. This is a bit over the standard salary most give off but since I do not plan on having 3,000 members at all times, I think that we will be fine.'

Ren quickly wrote in the amounts before passing the book over to Kyou. He was about to stand up once again before Kyou passed Ren the list of graduates from the academy.

The academy had two types of graduations. Fast track and standard. Fast track were those who graduated at random times due to their advanced skills. These people usually passed the shinigami exam while still in school so they had automatically graduated.

Standard was the people that Ren was currently looking at. These were individuals who had met the academy's standards and would graduate with others at a standard time. Although none of these individuals had taken the shinigami exam yet each of them would most likely pass the shinigami exam.

Ren's job was to look through them and find which ones had the most potential or were most suited for the 8th division.

Each division was given copies of the students' performance during their time at the academy as well as teacher and psychological evaluations of each of them. When the graduates passed the shinigami exam, the divisions would get a copy of that as well.

Of the standard graduates, there were only 30 that year. None of the names stood out to Ren as someone who would be important in Canon.

There were two people who gained his attention. They were a married couple. 1 of them was a noble from one of the 4 Great Noble Families, Tokinada Tsunayashiro of the Tsunayashiro Clan. His wife was named Kakyō.

'Hmm. Even though he is an outer member of the clan, he has excellent reiatsu. I would even say that he was comparable to Yoruichi at the time when she had graduated from the academy.

He has good potential but his personality is the issue. Although the Tsunayashiro Clan tried to sweep it under the rug, we as captains know what really happens in there. The guy bullied countless students and forced at least 10 to quit the academy before they disappeared.

As for his wife, this woman is truly pitiful. I can't imagine how she suffers under him. That's not my business though. The reason why this sucks is that it means that this woman is not willing to fight for herself.

Whether that is just because she is cowardly or for fear of the Tsunayashiro Clan, I am unsure. To recruit her or not? That is the question.'

Besides their potential, the main thing that gained Ren's attention was the woman's name. He kept thinking that it sounded familiar in the deepest echoes of his mind but after 100 something years and learning about the life of Ren before he left, most of the minor things that occurred in Bleach were forgotten by him.

'She is not a main character so no matter what happens, it should not be something so major that I change the plot. Right?'

Ren decided to go with his gut and she was the only member of all the graduates who the 8th division had their eyes on. The battle for the members would be handled by his officers.

Lastly, Ren needed to go over missions. Missions were classified from E-S. E class missions required a single shinigami, D meant a squad of shinigami, C meant an officer, B was a lieutenant-level, A was Captain-level, and S required 2 Captain-level individuals.

Anything that required more than 2 captains would be handled by Yamamoto himself. Ren read through the various missions that were being requested by the divisions to do. He saw 3 that required them to visit the human world for some rogue shinigami so he had accepted those 3 without a second thought.

'Although I can't go, I can see how they all are able to handle themselves while dealing with other shinigami.'

Next chapter