

Okuda did not comprehend what Ren said at first but when he saw Ren's body disappear, he immediately raised his sword to block the incoming attack.

As soon as he did that, Okuda felt a large amount of weight on his weapon before he was sent flying through the air and crashing into the barrier. Okuda's body caused cracks to appear on the barrier.

Seeing this shocked everyone. To be able to damage the barrier with pure physical strength would leave anyone confused. Shinigami were not known for their strength but instead of their technique. Ren broke that concept in front of all of them.

"Hmm. This is what a captain is capable of? Too weak!"

Okuda wanted to refute but when he looked up to see Ren, Ren had already disappeared once again. Okuda looked towards both sides to try and predict where Ren would attack from but he could not tell.

'Shit. Right, front, or left! Shit! Gotta pick one!'

Okuda blocked towards his right but he did not feel any weight from an attack. He tried to switch his guard to his left and jump to his right but he could already feel the fist in his side. Okuda was sent flying again and cracked the barrier once again.

Unable to divert any of the force with his sword, Okuda's body took the entirety of the attack. Okuda was lying on the ground barely able to breathe.

The spikes of the gloves had pierced his kidney. The rest of the force damaged and shook up his internal organs. Okuda could not even stand up at the moment, let alone fight back.

"Come on, Captain Okuda. You can't take a couple of punches?"

Okuda felt furious. He had never been mocked like how Ren was mocking him. Okuda used the sword like a cane to lift himself up with and to make sure he did not fall over. To be able to stand, even with the sword as a cane, proved the tenacity of Okuda. This was physical ability but pure will power.

"Haha. I can't die like this. I'm going to unleash my bankai and kill you! Ban..."

Ren went all out this time. When he used shunpo to interrupt Okuda's bankai, he did not use pure technique but also used his monstrous physical strength along with it. The pure force of the movement destroyed the very ground he was standing on.

When Ren reappeared, he was standing next to Okuda. Both were standing still as if they were statues and not people. But one of the statues had its head missing. The missing head was in Ren's hands.

Okuda's body soon collapsed and his great sword turned into a plain katana. When he was sure Okuda was dead, Ren reverted into his normal form and threw away Okuda's head to a random part of the arena.

Ren was left standing in the middle of the arena bare-chested as he was waiting for Unohana's announcement.

Everyone was surprised to see Ren's speed. With that level of speed, Ren could be in the top 5 for the fastest shinigami.

They were also surprised by Ren's ruthlessness. He had killed Okuda after taunting him but with only 3 blows. One as a warning, 1 to cripple him, and the final move was an overkill move.

'This boy is pretty good. He definitely has the potential to be a Kenpachi. I want to see what his full strength is like. This boy makes me want to use my sword once more.'

Unohana gave her praises to Ren silently before she jumped onto the stage to announce the results. Unohana stood in the middle of the arena and began to declare the winner.

"With his death, Okuda has lost the position as captain of the 8th Division. With his victory, Ren has earned the position of captain of the 8th division.

From this day on, let him be known as Ren, captain of the 8th division!"

Ren took Okuda's blood haori off his body before he put it over his shoulders. He then left the arena without speaking to anyone. Ren was going back to the 11th division to grab all of his stuff before he moved into the 8th division.

Ren grabbed the few items he had as well as his clothes before packing them into and bag and getting out of there.

All of the division members could tell that Ren was leaving due to the death of the captain but none knew that he had officially become captain of another division.

They just thought he was going rogue and were giving him a head start before they were ordered to hunt Ren down and kill him.

Those who looked carefully and saw that the haori was the one for the captain of the 8th division and was not the one belonging to the 11th division were shocked. They could tell what it meant for Ren to have it.

As for the members of the 8th division, they were surprised and upset to see another person wearing the haori of their division. A few tried to stop Ren but they were quickly dealt with.

Ren entered his new room and got rid of all the old things within before placing his down and setting up his space. He then laid on his bed and looked at the ceiling while planning his next thoughts.

While Ren was relaxing in his room, all the shinigami in Soul Society found out about the two new captains. The lieutenant of the 5th division who took over the 11th and the lieutenant of the 11th division who took over the 8th. This was a big deal as it had never happened before.

The official ceremony for the promotion of Suzuka and Ren would be held the next week when all of the captains and their lieutenants would be present.

Next chapter