
Chapter Pov Vailein

Just before I arrive home I advise both Iluna and Agri to release my hand so that my little sister has no excuse to bite them. Then my eyes grow wide and I say "darn I forgot the presents! Meditite quickly go buy them here is my card! Or my little sister will kill me!"

Meditite seeing my panicked expression gniffels but still takes the card and teleports away, 10 seconds later a small present shows up, another 10 seconds later another up until there are 50 seconds passed and 5 new presents in my hands. Sighing in relief we slowly move to my home. When we are 50 meters from the front door Lynn throws open the door with a bang, glares at Iluna and dashes towards me. Quickly putting the presents down I bend over slightly to catch her. Lynn however has no intention of stopping and glomps me directly causing me to role backwards to avoid hurting her. Sitting on my chests she smiles triumphantly to Iluna to which Iluna only looks confused back. Lynn, just like last year, clings to me so tightly that I have to lift her up and look at the presents on the ground. I ask Iluna and Agri to take all the presents inside and we move to the living room.

Once inside I introduce my mom Thinee and my dad Listric to Iluna and Argi and vica versa. After telling their story and how they have been kidnapped from their rooms in the orphanage my parents ask them to help in the kitchen. Though a lot of Pokemon are capable of helping them with slicing the veggies, the cooking itself still needs to be done by a human. Then humans like a small bit of artistic taste on their plate so yeah again a human is better for that part of the job too. In exchange they can interact with the present Pokemon, play in the theme park during slow hours, 3 meals a day and a roof over their heads to sleep. Lynn the mischievous maiden pouts at this. In the Afternoon Lynn drags me to the yard. I call Iluna and Argi to show them around. They are very surprised by the space we managed to gain for ourselves. A few of the Sneasels evolved into Weavels. Next to helping in the kitchen preparing food the Pokemon also build more and more routes in our fun house. The underground Maze is also a real maze underground, the lighting is very poor and it's difficult to find your way. some high tech equipment is installed to show where kids are and how they are doing at all times. The small pond also grew, the water is still clean and pure. The sandy area now is similar to a beach with several lazy chairs to rest in. The steel area is now a reaction test place for humans and Pokemon, with plenty of places to rest. The rockwalls are climbing walls from easy grips to real rock walls. Overall our theme park is still slowly improving. Of course our produce and flower gardens have also grown a lot with the help of the Pokemon.

After being shown around Iluna and Argi request to go to sleep early and are allowed. My moms Farfatch guides them to their rooms, the beds are already ready for sleep and in no time at all they are in dreamland.

Mav says "Now little princess time to unpack your present." to which Lynn no longer waits and tears the paper apart as fast as she can. Inside is a Poke-ball in her favorite color, sunny yellow. She is very happy. For our parents we bought some small gifts that they wanted for the house. My parents ask me how I met the orphans. After talking about the story from my side Mav is curious how I bought the presents on time. Telling him that Meditite managed to procure them through teleport only makes my whole family laugh. Lynn slowly calms down from the Poke-ball that she got and asks when she can get her own Pokemon. To this we tell her what is the standard for all people in the alliance.

Tonight Lynn sleeps in the same bed as me. Since she is now 4 years old we can take her to the amusement park. So after a morning warm up and picking up Kira and Janfa, Lynn joins us from 10 am onwards to train. This keeps going till it turns 1 pm then we go out and play in parks, amusement parks and different parks where you can meet tamed Pokemon. Before Lynn is allowed to join us in our play time however she gets a small quiz of 10 questions. It are really basic questions though such as what type attack is super effective on grass type Pokemon. If she has less than 7 good answers she's not allowed to join us on today's date. If she passes she gets to come, if all 10 answers are correct she can buy a small gift or save it up for a larger gift.

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