
Worlds Collide: Hidden Class

"Happy new year" During the start of a new decade, across the globe, teens are transported to another world in order to save that world from an incoming crisis. Through the use of mana, skills, a system and his hidden class, Atlas yearns to become the strongest in order to save this world at a possibility of returning back to his family.

nkz · Fantasy
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23 Chs

White Void

A tired sigh escaped my lips as I reluctantly rose from bed for the second time that day. Glancing at my phone, I noticed it was already 6 p.m. "I guess I slept for a while." I muttered as I ambled towards the bathroom to freshen myself up once again.

Walking out of the bathroom I started heading to the living room were I assumed my parents awaited. However, as soon as they spotted me my mother rushed towards me enveloping me in her warm but tight embrace.

"Mom what's wrong?" I queried, baffled by the urgency of her hug.

My mother however, could not bring herself to reply leaving me with the sounds of her sobbing tears streaming down her face creating a pool on our marble floor. My father, who was seated in his armchair wore a somber expression on his face as he gazed towards our direction.

"Mom! Please speak to me!" I shook her off trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation. 

"Atlas..." My father interrupted me as he stood up from his armchair.

"The government bodies of nearly all countries in the world have issued a statement suggesting that the message may indeed be true." He continued as he kept averting his gaze to avoid eye contact.

"What do you mean? That can't.. that can't be! I mean we are talking about teleportation for fuck sake!" I exclaimed in exasperation, as I realized that the nap I took in attempt to escape reality had only delayed the inevitable.

Glancing down at my mother as she stood a little shorter than me, I noticed she had calmed down slightly. Yet, as soon as our eyes met I watched as her eyes welled up into tears.

I embraced her and my father joined in. The next couple of hours were spent with my family, in particular my sister. Although I wanted to doubt the statement that the government released, it was simply wishful thinking. Thus, I tried to cherish every living moment, whilst aware that these may be the last.

My family went to sleep pretty early today. It was evident that the devastating news and them worrying all day took a toll on them. Personally though, sleep eluded me, that being the case I sought for a solution all night surfing the internet fighting for a chance.

However, it was all for naught.

When my parents awoke we had decided to present my sudden disappearance as an extended trip in an attempt to spare my sister from the complexity and severity of the situation.

Glancing at the clock, 10:55 a.m., if the message were true I would be transported to a new world in roughly 5 minutes.

In the eyes of my sister I appear as if I am packed and ready for my long journey ahead. I spent 3 minutes talking to my family and embracing their arms for perhaps the last time.

Stepping out of the house the air around me was filled with the cries of my mother as she dropped to the floor. But I didn't dare to look back.

'10:59:21' "I guess we'll know if the silhouetted man was being truthful soon enough." I muttered to myself as I closed my phone, tilting my heads upward to gaze into the sky for the remaining seconds.

And suddenly, it all went black.

In this dark void, I was aware that my body had stood up however, I lacked control of my body from the neck down.

It felt like an eternity had passed, but suddenly, the sky lit up into an endless blank white background. 

Frantically turning my head trying in an attempt observe my surroundings, I found myself to be met with an endless sea of other humans roughly my age. Eerily, it was apparent that none of us could move. However, this caused screams of terror to roar across the boundless white void.

Thankfully, soon the cacophony ceased as our ability of speaking had been taken away too. It felt as if we were prisoners, slaves to some higher being. My heart raced, anticipating a gruesome ending to this undesirable situation.

Almost as if my thoughts had been laid bare, a dark silhouette, identical to the one in the video, emerged from nothingness. 

"Welcome! I am so glad you decided to join us here!" The dark silhouette stated as if it was expecting us to scream from excitement.


"Ah, right.. I forgot; you guys were so loud that I had to mute you. Nevertheless, I welcome you, we are currently in a dimensional portal—a sentient being that analyzes you and equips you for you journey ahead while simultaneously transferring you to your destination. Either way, you have all been gathered here to test the might of your species! Although I can't divulge much, I will inform you that the world you are being transported to is one of magic, and it needs your help. I hope you understand that your sacrifices are well worth it." 

The dark silhouette's joyous tone matched with its raspy yet ominous voice paired for an unsettling combination that made me long for it to be muted too. 

Upon the conclusion of his monologue, a blue screen materialized before me.

[Analysis Complete for Subject: Atlas Lancewell]

[Symbiosis Process Commencing...]

Everything went black.