
before WWA

when you are born in a family that is both high military and high insanity, you pick up a few abilities. some get high tolerance to mental or psychical pain. some get a mask for emotions or motives. others are silver tongued or amazing power of will, as for me i have all of them. you might think this is good or a blessing even. however in my eyes your wrong its a blessed-curse. i can deal with anything to a much higher degree the 99% of people including what i want to hurt. 25 years of dull feelings and locked emotions will make anyone cold hearted hoping someone will light you ablaze with passion. now that the past has been dug up lets look at why we are here. may/2/2024 the USA was brought to war with ourselves, as our leaders fought among their selves. the people where given options, overthrow of fall in line with our heads down with tensions high and war expected the people held there hands out and got cuffed. a few people got away and found a spot to gather under the nose of the overseers. and as u expect they where not happy tho no one could do anything with out power or equipment. when a man came in the hideout beaten, bloody, and dyeing. he had one message to be said before he died "run or fight they are coming in hot and armed" with the words spoken he fell in the arms of his brother, ....me. he had a bag of ammo and gun parts on his side. with calm face and hate filled will i went to walk out when i was grabbed by the arm as i turned ready to swing i stop mid punch my good friend and non-family sister dezzy with no flinch and no fear she looked me in the eyes and slapped me "get a grip, you cant help him or us dead" -her words fear filled and worried for me i place my hand on her shoulder and said don't worry I'm pissed not stupid she moves her arms and i walk out the door and take a look around as I reenter the room she smiles with relief. i told her to get everyone packed we are being watched by the overseers. as she nods she leaves and starts packing with everyone, i grab the bag and his shotgun and ammo belt, put a coin on his forehead. a symbol of respected and so he'll be a warning to those that find him and so they know the location is not safe.

to be continued