
Reminiscing the past

<<(Chapter one)>>

Huff, huff.........

Everything seemed blurry, my eyes stung badly as my iris moved from left to right.

Oh! I passed out during the third day of trials in the army, what a drag!

As I was still trying to rally my memory round, my dad enters.....

He shouts in an emotional manner

"Fushi! Fushi!"

Crap! Was he out of his mind? My name is Kazumino Fujishimo, a teenager probably eighteen years of age.

My hairstyle: Long black hair/hair down which was a little below shoulder length, touching the upper parts of my back(spinal cord).

I am barely 5'7" feet's/170cm tall, my body build was lean average.

Trust me, I hardly had biceps but I wasn't slender in size. Iris color is sapphire blue and, dad was already in his forties,

his hairstyle: black pompadour.

He continues his speech,

"Fushi thank God you are alive".

"Let me be!". I replied curtly

Seriously? This sucks how did I end up in this condition? As this thoughts filled my head, he ignores my attitude, and continues to express his concerns...

"My boy! I thought you we're going to fall into a long term coma!".

Long term what?!!!, so I was in a serious condition, I see.......

"You passed out during one of the tedious tests that was imposed on you freshmen" My dad says as he takes an expensive bottle of wine.

I passed out no cap! But why I'm I been treated at my house, this is annoying!

"You did well son!".

He says as he nods in correspondence to his words

I used that slim opportunity to slay him with my words

"You're bugging me! Let me alone!".

Then I resumed to thinking about my life.... Damn! I could have been a surgeon instead. This is dumb & so is this man. My eyeballs connects with his & I closed mine immediately. During that moment I closed my eyes whether out of fear or because I was blushing, that I couldn't tell.


I asked my dad

"Hey", in which he replies me, then I continued the conversation

"Do you soldiers deal with drugs?,"

Before he could react, I quickly asked in a more direct approach.

"What I mean is, are you into hard drugs?".

With a surprised expression on his face, the glare he swings at me, even with my

lackadaisical looks, I was really tensed, which leads to me making the gulp sound with my throat. Did I tamper with his happy mood & switched it to death mode? I'm toast today.

Still in my world of thoughts he replies.

"What do you mean?" He asks as he puts on a broad smile on his face.

Phew! I didn't piss him off.

He resumes talking

"You know I hate hard drugs, or have you started smoking? It's not like I have any problem with that....You know............."

I interrupted quickly to remove him from his state of concern.

"No! I'm not into hard drugs. What I meant is that do the people who conduct the trials into the army; do they like narcotics or maybe they have slight interest in cannabis?"

He heaves a sigh, then replies

"Well I don't know, I'm not into their personal life".

With a grin on my face, I said;

"I'm sure they're into hard drugs because they've lost their heads".

He cautions me immediately

"Hey! you can't say things like that, never think of that or say that in their presence".

I decided to tease him a bit

"But you're the second in command; you're the general".

A gentle but wicked looking smile was produced by me, to be purchased by my dad, man! I was a real rascal.


He stares at the ceiling, before heaving another sigh.

"Son! I wished your mum was still alive; I just have an advice for you don't become cold blooded. I'll book you for the second trial coming up next week, don't worry I'll make it easy entrance for you but prepare for difficult series of tests practical and written".

With a friendly look I said,

"You should've smuggled me right away into the army but not to worry, I'm fine to partake in the tests.

Of course, my dad likes a free and fair trial of upcoming soldiers".

That sarcastic statement of mine was assisted with a serious look.

Understanding that I was being sarcastic, he says;

"Look son, a general must never be partial.

I can't guarantee you an entry the army but, I will make sure you pass the test series".

As he says this, he puts his hand on my shoulder, and before responding, I hit is hand away from my shoulder gently.

In other words, I removed his hand from my shoulder, before replying with a high pitched tone.

"I know!!!"

I sighed as I eased myself to avoid making a ruckus.

"You don't need to tell me about your concerns, I already understand the message you're trying to convey to me".

What a contradiction!, I touched my forehead gently because, I was not fully agile yet.

I still felt pain around my body.

Then suddenly one of my father's statement incites my memory of the past.

About being cold blooded, I signed up for trials four years after the unexpected tragedy, I think I saw a figure before passing out; he must be one of those sc*mbags who massacred my family, he had a very cold expression with a devilish grin. It was like blood was written all over his face, Damn! And I couldn't do a thing & after passing out I still dreamt of eating a bowl of sushi....tsschh. I'm so pathetic. My thoughts keeps playing with my reasoning. Anytime I remember the past it pisses me of, I end up grinding my teeth and clenching my fist. Why is it that negative experiences is harder to forget than the positive?

My dad, aware of my psychological situation asked,

"Do you need some time alone?"

"No I'm okay"_ I replied.

Wait! Wha? I just screwed up the perfect opportunity to send him out.

Well, he isn't annoying me now.

I stared at the room randomly as I had little to no expression on my face. I was so bored to the extent that I was counting the amount of dots on a painted picture just by my right.

My dad was busy lost in filling his glass cup.

Oh! I didn't finish my explanation earlier on my dad. He almost had the same body structure as me but he was a little muscular. His full name is Kazumino Hiroshi, that's all I can say for now. Come to think of it! Fushi...Sushi, damn that old man don't tell me...

My dad, as if reading me loud and clear, declares with a serious tone, but in a comical way .

"Son, he reason I call you fushi, is because it's similar to sushi.

"I knew it! Dad!!! What the hell do you take me for".

I decided to tease him for my own satisfaction but, now it's firing back.

"Mum won't be happy with that idea would she" I asked him with a grin

"Yeah she wouldn't, but she's not here to stop me! Fushi! Fushi! Fushi!"....

He keeps repeating it in an annoying manner which made me to feel like bashing an iron rod on his cheekbone.

About my siblings, my mum Teresa, was a high profiled surgeon, even before she married my dad, I don't really know much about her past experience but she was nice and humble for sure. She's was like a mentor to me.

Unlike my dad, who likes to dictate your future ambition. Mum was always ready to support your future dreams, as far as it is good enough. She kept talking about the advantages of having a Dad. It's not like I objected the doctrine but my dad?

What a complete drag he is.

My Elder brother Yamamoto, was following my dad's footsteps indirectly, he said he had no interest in the army but he worked, and studied tediously to join the marine corps, which he later achieved. I mean, what's the difference? The marine corps is still a branch in the army.

He was very ambitious, and you know the way all firstborns tend to be, he was loved dearly by our parents, especially my dad, he kept singing praises of him, so out of jealousy I also became interested in the military, which I later ditched.

But look at me now, doing what I hated the most...Which is being in the army.

Yamamoto was a crazy swimmer, he was given birth to three years before I was born. The week he was meant to be inaugurated into the army as a marine corps member.....tssch, that's when calamity befell us. He was about to be the first marine member to join before the required age for our country, which was 18 years. But he was allowed to take the trial at seventeen years of age because of his pure talent in the water, he floored the trials & created another record of being the first person to reach 97% both in practical and in theoretical aspect.

He was then told with the rest of the successors, to come next week for their inauguration.

My younger sister Hikaru, an inquisitive & sharp sister of mine, she was murdered at the age of six because, the age gap/range between me an her was eight years.

How...how I wish I was an overpowered being, I would have ended those guys right away....... But, It isn't possible, is it?

"Damn it! Why am I this weak?" I asked myself, and out of desperation, my eyes watered but in an unnoticeable way.


"Fushi I'm leaving....... Gotta do some things in the army, have a nice day son."

He says as he whisks his cup in a glamorous manner, before leaving it on a small table

"Hmph! Showoff!" I thought, as I kept mute, refusing to reply him.

He then smiles at me as he makes his way to the exit of my room, then he whispers to himself;

"He still has a lot to learn".

Well I didn't know what was going on in his mind because I'm not a psychologist.

After some seconds, he takes his leave while I lay down, resting my feeble body with a befitting nap.

Next chapter