
World War 2: Rise of Evil

Death... is everywhere. There is no good, and bad in war. Only Death awaits them in the field. War is hell. Blood is everywhere. The Warfare, for supremacy and power. An alternative History of the World. The Rise of Evil. The Third Reich is coming. .... So we follow the story of a young man name Wilhem Weiß, as he was transporter in an alternative history of the world, what will he do? What will happen to him? (I don't own the cover picture here, if you're the owner of it, and you wanted to take down of it please inform me and thank you.) (Also, I'm not proficient in English and my grammar is wonky, I hope you forgive me for that, but I do hope you enjoy.)

Unhinged · War
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Broken Promise

"What the hell happened?" Alex was confused as both of his ears are only ringing, he looked around and saw the other crew all of them are dead except him.

He was terrified, he then screamed out of terror. "AAAAAAAAAA!!!!" he screamed in fear as he could see the lifeless body of his commander who has his guts been spilling out of his stomach. Then the driver was dead as he has a massive hole inside his chest it was made by the shrapnel that burst while the loader was missing bloody as well.

It was already a miracle that he survived that shot, but he notice the damage turret ring along with the breech of the gun. He is now impossible to fight back against them.

"No! No! Please No! Everyone please wake up! Everyone please be alive!" He then check their pulses but to his avail they were already dead.

He screamed out of fear and suffering. He was mentally breaking down as he just saw his crew got killed in a single attack.

He was enrage, he then check the gunner port as he could see the Panzer 4 Ausf D stopped moving, except he could see the soldiers begun to move on against him. They were slowly moving to confirm if the tank was already been taken out.

"Shit! Shit! Those fuckers!" He then adjust his aim and he look towards the Panzer 4 Ausf. J who is responsible for killing his commander and the other crew.

Alex saw William who then get out of the cupola of the Panzer 4 Ausf J. He was furious he then goes towards the frontal machine gun of the tank and pulled the trigger which causes the entire convoy to be on halt and hold there ground.

William then saw the rain of bullets was coming towards him, he then quickly jump down as his face touch first the ground as he didn't have the choice as he was being shot at.

"Fuck me! That hurts my face." He complain as he was being hailed by the bullets.

"Shit! That KV-1 has a bone to pick me doesn't he!?" He thought as he was the one who took out the KV-1 in the first place.

"Die! You Mother fucker! Just die you goddamn monster! You fucking monster! how dare you kill them! They were like my brothers already! I will have your head just you wait! AAAAAAA!" Alex was enrage has his wrath didn't stop he keeps firing the machine gun until it finally run out of ammo, he keeps pulling the trigger but he only hears the clicking noises.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!" He then begun to load the machine gun and continued for round 2 of the hail of barrage. He was filled with adrenaline as he didn't notice the injured legs he received from those shrapnel he was just filled with rage.

The Panzer 4 Ausf D. Begun to fire against the KV-2, as the shell bounce and absorb from those shots. The inside was vibrating so loud that the ears of Alex begun to bleed he couldn't hear his scream anymore. His entire arm was numb due to the vibration of the gun that he keeps firing.

He then direct his attention towards the other soldiers, who he keeps firing and he saw the enemies who got there legs been ripped off by the bullets along with there arms. It was a bloody last stand.

But all things has there end... and this was the end for Alex last stand. He finally ran out of ammunition. He keeps clicking his machine gun but it wasn't firing anymore.

The Germans begun to notice that he finally ran out of Ammunition, as they run towards the KV-1 as the soldiers reached the KV-1, and forcefully opened the hatch of the KV-1 they could see Alex who just keeps clicking the machine gun while his ears was bleeding as they were dripping down in his cheeks along to his necks that stain his clothes.

The Germans then forcefully drags Alex outside the tank and headed back towards the convoy and dragging him. He was being force to be drag out of the tank and outside was the same as well.

He could feel the ground and the roughness of it while being dragged towards the convoy. "I'm sorry... Polina... it seems I have broken my promise for you." Alex who muttered.

The German soldiers who then finally reached the convoy and thrown Alex towards the convoy. "YOU FUCKER!" The NaZi soldier who then kicks his face out of anger since killing one of his allies.

"Guah!" He screamed and cough some of his saliva.

"You will never break me!" Alex said, as the German didn't understand his language.

The German begun to search his body, as they found a wallet that contains the picture of Polina. The Germans then showed it to Alex and rip it apart which enrage Alex which he forcefully stand up and bit the person ear which the soldier scream in pain. "Take that you NaZi Fucker!" Alex said in English which almost everyone understood that.

The soldier was about to kick him in the soldier but he was stopped by Anna. "Why are you guys playing with your food, he is no more use anymore he is a dead man." Anna then pull out her P-38 a handgun which she aims at his head, and she didn't hesitate to pull the trigger and killing Alex.

Alex body then fell down in the ground lifeless as you could see Anna was stain by the blood that has gotten in her face.

"Gruppenführer!" William then goes closer to them as he could see Alex lifeless body in the body and the blood that is in the face of Anna. Which William just took out a towel which he handed at Anna.

"Danke Schön." Anna then took the towel and wipe the blood out of her face.

"Let's get moving." Anna then turned around as she was cold and didn't hesitate to kill anyone in her way.

"Shit... This war is much more bloody than I thought... reading a book wouldn't even justified how terrifying it is." William muttered as he just couldn't believe that he was already in the war... and he had already killed the people inside the KV-1.

William then take a closer look in his hands, and he was shaking.

"Just how many more years I'm going to endure this."