
World Vagabond Wizard

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Chapter 1The start up [3-In-1]

Paul's eyes snapped open. He sat up and observed his surroundings. He didn't feel hurt, did not look hurt, and was certainly not in the same place he remembered.

Closing his eyes, he tried recalling the last events that occured before he lost consciousness.

And the last thing he remembered was that stupid new Paladin named Boris pissing off that flying calamity of a dragon called Aaronarra, who for the record in a fit of rage razed the whole freaking town.

The worst part was that everybody and they're grandmothers know that Aaronarra was not to be trifled with, I mean shit the fucking dragon was over 700 years old and was known world wide for his bad attitude.

But no that dumbass rookie had to go and piss him off in attempt to show off to a common whore, who by now was no doubt splitting her cunt open for the next wanker after being payed a few copper coins.

Standing up, Paul stretched a bit allowing his muscles to loosen up a bit. He did not know for how long he was unconscious, but his muscle were a bit stiff which reinforced the motion that it was quite a while.

Looking around him he realized he was outside, but the location was familiar yet very different, he had been assuming that he would of woken up at the respawn point set up by that crazy God who sent him to the world of Dungeons and dragons eons ago.

Yet what greeted him was most definitely the shores of the Thames, if he had any doubts and needed a big hint.

Then the fact that Big Ben was in front of him, staring back like a light house surely providing him the much needed proof he desired.

Smilling Paul allowed his eyes to take in the scenic view around him, looking around a chuckle couldn't help but escaping him, he remembered this spot very well.

This was where he had asked out his bestfriend back in secondary school, where he had his first snogg session with the said girl, and where he got laid for the first time with a hooker in the back of his dad's beat up 1962 Saab 60, the night he found out said girl was sleeping around with the guys of his football team.

After laughing at the sheer stupidity of his younger counterpart Paul's face became somber, not in sadness nor grief, no instead it was that one of sheer foreboding

Now most people would have been ecstatic to finally return home after such a long and arduous absence, but for Paul it was the opposite.

Why might you ask? well for starters he was the contracted play toy of a very bored, narcissistic, sadistic, egotistic and downright childish God.

And ladies and gentlemen that was a recipe for disaster, you see having been played around like fiddle for the past 400 years in the world of dungeons and dragons by the said God.

The only good thing that came out of that was that every time he died he could pick another race or class while keeping his stats and skill from the previous one.

Instinctively however he knew that something was coming, because if that chunibyo sent him here than he wanted to something from him, and like clockwork a screen popped in front of him.

Sighing Paul rolled his eyes befor he began reading, after all these were the quest allocated to him by his 'oh so great patron'

Upon reading the words that were on the screen Paul's eyes popped open like a cartoon character, before soon being replaced by a smile that hasn't been seen in ages.

Because everything he ever wished for, everything he dreamed of during those hard sleepless nights were just being given to him.

Dear soul

It has been recently brought to my attention that a certain misbehaving son of mine has been tempering with the reincarnation cycle for his amusement, upon further inquiries I have discovered your existence.

I sincerely apologize that this situation has not been discovered sooner and therefore in attempt to right the wrongs that has been done to you by my son.

I hereby grant you the wish you originally asked for upon your judgment which is to go to the world of Harry Potter. Even if it was a sham orchestrated by that said son of mine.

Furthermore due to all the grievances that you have suffered unnecessarily, I will be adding some other perks, abilities, powers, are available without any limitations or experience points.

All in all they are general things that would prove to make your life comfortable and safer. Though this world was you choice it is not the safest to say the least, you will also keep all the items, currency and magic that you had learn, purchased, looted or created in the D&D.

All skills, magic, classes, and even property are also kept. Furthermore you are now not only in possession of a person pocket space that you can freely travel to and from without any repercussions.

I have uploaded every information and memories from the books, movies, games, fanfiction and wiki page.

And i have also given you the ability to use this world's magic as well as combine both of them, now i wish you great luck on your newest and exciting journey

sincerely yours

The Overlord

Paul was so excited that he began fist pumping in the air like a guido from jersey shore, it was after approximately 5 minutes of a behavior that would make a permanent asylum resident blush in embarrassment, that he finally noticed the small note at the end of the letter

"P S- if you are worried that God who tricked you in the will retaliate against you in order to vent his anger, than you can rest assured.

His punishment will be for eternity. And since I am a fan of Greek mythology, I have decided to award him the 'Prometheus' treatment"

"Bugger, it seems like big poppa is really mad."

sighing as he made his way through London under a 'notice-me-not' charm that he wandlessly casted after he went through some is new memories.

He absently picked up a discarded newspaper from the floor and observed the date.

December 20th, 1966.

"Bugger me sideways"

Paul sighed again. Closing his eyes for a brief second he started rummage through his knowledge from both his past life as human on earth and through the new information of the world of Harry Potter that he has gained.

In his original life he had an eidetic memory, something that the shitty God thankfully allowed him to retain.

Thanks to that said ability he was able to remember all the major highlights of that era from the stock market and profitable businesses that will be popping up, but on the magical sides things would stay stagnant.

The only thing of note would be the rise of the dark wanker moldyshorts, sighing once more before dropping the newspaper in the trash bin then pulled out a well worn notebook and began to leaf through the pages as he walked towards direction of the leaky cauldron.

"Establish myself in the world, establish myself in the world, establish myself in the world, ah, here it is."

The notebook in his hands was not just any notebook. It was his contingency plan notebook. It listed things he believed he should do in many (in)conceivable situations.

And world travel in his opinion was one such situation that he prepared for, after all being constantly screwed with by a God with the emotional range of a 5 year old couldn't help but make one paranoid.

Add the fact that he was once a famous adventurer, warlock, cleric, artificer, ranger, wizard, bard, rogue, druid, sorcerer, alchemist, potioneer, was once a king, a prince, a Duke, and once a famous gigolo who stole the hearts of many young noble maidens and fucked many married wench who birthed him many bastards, let's just say his list if enemies weren't small.

"Right, first step, is Gringotts and then Knockturn Alley for papers, information, and test subjects. While I do have a lot of gold bars on me, it would be beneficial to not draw unwanted artention at this particular time."

Looking around him for a bit he spotted a few delinquents milling around and being up to no good, one of them was openly counting a stack of bills while being surrounded by few other hoodlums.

Suddenly an idea suddenly popped in his head, while taking a small detour and made his way towards the crowd of young adults with a fox like smile on his face, I mean why use your money when you can use someone else's?

Changing his features using the powers and abilities he had when he was playing as a member of the'changeling' race back in D&D, he now looked about as average as physically possible, in this world that ability would be called metamorphmagus and was highly coveted. It was an ability that was generally seen in the Black family, but sadly it has gone extinct and the last recorded user was in the way back in the early sixteen hundreds.

After his little shopping adventure on the local crime organization, Paul made his way to Charing Cross Road. He then ghosted through the Leaky Cauldron, made his way to the most popular destination in diagon alley.

Gringotts stood there in all her majesty with imposing snow-white multistoried marble building, the only blemish would be those blood sucking and ugly little money hoarders called goblins.

Once again shaking his head, Paul made his way in the bank all the while maintaining a serious expression. While Gringotts was impressive, living in the Dungeons and dragons world and seeing all the magical structures throughout so many different continents and of different cultures dulled out Paul's senses to the wonders of this world by a lot.

Making his way towards the nearest available teller, the Goblin didn't even bother to look up at him before snapping in an irritated voice saying.

"What do you want?"

Not even missing a beat, Paul said in a voice that only expressed how much he didn't care about either the goblin nor his attitude, after all he was used to the little buggers from D&D world and they were all the same.

They can all be described as commonly short tempered, easily provoked, will take a grudge to the grave and often took sadistic pleasure in exacting revenge once crossed.

"I'm here to exchange muggle pounds in to galleons."

He didn't even wait for the goblin's reply before he waved his hand and threw two large duffle bags filled with neatly stacked wads of cash the size of an adult fists each on to his table, by this point in his life he was used to people with attitude matching those of the goblin's.

Being an adventure and having held many prominent positions of power allows you to rub shoulders with all kinds of people from all walks of life.

He had fought against many goblins and even had one as a comrade once so he knew how to deal with them, it was fairly simple really the key was to make things as quick as possible and be on your way.

Upon hearing the sound made by the bag dropping on the desk the goblin fomaly looked up, his face was marred by the classic goblin sneer that he was accustomed to seeing.

The goblin for his part opened the bags, and started picking up the money while counting with an unreal amount of speed.

without as much as missing beat he snapped back at Paul at the same time but this time his tone was a bit friendlier, though if you didn't know goblin's like he did you would of definitely missed it.

"the exchange rate is 5 pounds to 1 galleon wizard, so your total will be 29800,592 Galleons 4 Sickles 28 Knuts, due to your high transaction if you pay 2 galleons,4 sickles, and 28 knuts I will throw in a bottomless pouch as a gift considering they usually cost 3 galleons"

Nodding his head Paul replied with one word on order to expedite the procedure, goblins weren't known for their patience. The whole goblin culture revolved around the ability to quickly and efficiently doing and saying what you need to and moving on to your own devices, and more often than not humans end up offending then by dragging on and being Long winded, so agreeing he said.


After hearing this the goblin pulled out a bag and started shuffling large amounts of galleons that were neatly stacked on the far corner behind his desk into it.

Surprisingly the whole process only took one minute and once finished he tossed the bag at him before snarling indicating he was done with him.

Catching the bag and putting it in his pocket he nodded at the goblin and said

"may your vaults overflow and your enemies blood stain the ground."

The goblin's eyes bulged and soon a creepy grin split his face showing rows upon rows of jagged yellow teeth, before replying

"May your gold always flow."

Waking out of the bank he quickly ducked in one of the deserted alleyways he quickly changed out the basic muggle shirt and Jean's for one of the many worn and ragged outfits from his adventuring days that he had kept in his inventory.

it was a faded black shirt and pants with a few tears in it from all the sword and knife slashes he had received, a leather chest armor, left shoulder guard with both shin and forearm protectors all cover under a dark black robe that covered his body and a hood.

He slightly altered his appearance, he now had sharp eyes and gaunt cheeks, making him look like a bird of prey, one that scavenges the flesh of ravaged and rotting carcasses, he also added a long scar that runs from his right cheek to his chin.

After viewing his appearance in a hand held transfigured mirror, he quickly made his way across the street and into the dark alley.

Knockturn alley was very different than Diagon. Where Diagon Alley was more like an open air market, Knockturn Alley on the other hand was a multi-layered labyrinth that the dark dregs of Wizarding England rarely left. They had their own society and a loose government.

The Low Man's Council as they called it ruled this place. Even the high born Dark Wizards like the Malfoys and lestranges didn't mess with anyone in there, and why might you ask? well it's simple they couldn't. They didn't know the ways.

The only way they got what they wanted was through bribery and sure those families had abundant resources, but one slip up and it will be game over before they even realize.

I mean Knockturn was openly displayed to every one who frequented diagon alley, it was publicly known as a lawless zone filled with dark wizards, witches, creatures, and were illegal activities are the norm.

Yet it has never been disbanded, so that should tell you the power the higher ups in that place had, not just magical might but all ranging from blackmail materials to secrets that could make or break some families, and to those pounce pure-bloods they're reputation was more important than anything else.

Despite the ministries efforts they could never get a foothold in this place, and the reason was simple really. This place had a different language than the surface, from the gestures, the phrases, the way you hold yourself, even to how you walk.

There are always eyes on you in Knockturn alley whether your are aware or not, some is watching, waiting, analyzing patiently waiting for the moment you slip up to take off your head and rob you.

Despite all, this wasnt Paul's first time in this kind of environment, back when he worked as the cutthroat rogue, they base was located in a place four time worst than knockturn alley.

In order to get to the headquarters you had to cross sections that was booby trapped out the wazoo, where danger beasts roamed freely too and let's not forget the many different rival guilds that were also in the erea, who while at it would not mind thinning out the competition.

Yeah compared to that knockturn was a walk in the park for him, So after consulting his memories he quickly located where the shop he need to visit was located at and proceed to make his way there, when Paul walked into the Falschmanns shop, he was greeted by well-dressed middle-aged man with shirt dirty blonde hair who sat behind an old wooden counter.

Who looked to be lazing around and smoking a pipe, he wore a Muggle suit and tie, though his tie was loose around his neck, and the top button of his shirt was undone, it gave him a look of no nonsense kinda of guy.

After noticing him the man, the man put his pipe down before spoking in one fluid motion without wasting any time.

"So, what can I help you with, Mr. . . .?"

Straining his ears a bit he quickly noticed his strange accent, as he rolled his "R" and flattened out his vowels. His mind worked furiously trying to pinpoint where it was from, and after a few seconds he gave up, because the man's accent was a combination of many different accents from throughout Europe.

Noticing his plight the man smile in self satisfaction, yet said nothing on the subject, shrugging at his childish behavior Paul replied.

"Blackfyre." Before sticking his hand out

he shook it without hesitation, his entire demeanor warm and inviting. "Mr. Blackfyre, it is. So what can I do you for?"

"I need some documentation," Paul replied without much hesitation.

"Ah yes, yes. Where from? Oh my apologies, let me introduce myself. My name is Hanns Steinbach master forger, Normally my daughter Mila would have been the one doing this here since she is in charge of the books and front of the shop.

But we need to stock up our inventory so she is out and about, now than what brings you here? Documentation? Also don't worry. I don't ask questions, merely what I need to know to create what you want. Now, what exactly is it that you need?"

Nodding at the man's rambling Paul proceeded to list out his much needed information and other miscellaneous identity papers.

" I will be needing a dozen of New Zealand documentation. Muggle passport, birth certificate, the magical equivalents, too. And an apparition license."

Looking up the man eyed Paul suspiciously for a moment, New Zealand was famous because of it's secretive wizarding government. Many of the pure-blood families who supported Grindelwald seeked asylum there and once granted would not extradited to their countries in order to face punishment for their crimes.

Over the span of a century many old and dark pure blood families have been known to go there only to never be heard from again, after observing Paul for a bit hanns scofted before saying.

"Ah, the entire personal identity set each then." He looked Paul over. "You look a bit young to be a fugitive, or to be starting a new life over? well whatever ain't my problem, so can you pay?"

Looking at the man in front of him with an equally suspicious gaze Paul asked

"What's your price?"

Hanns grinned and shrugged.

"For a dozen different complete package? Magical and Muggle documentation?" Hanns stroked his moustache for a moment. "Plus apparition license? Fifteen thousand each."

Paul frowned. That was a ridiculous price to ask, even in the wizarding world. A quick glance at the older man told him that he knew that, as well.

Without even beating around the bush Paul said in a flat voice

"Ten thousand "

It was Hanns turn to frown. "I cannot fully pay the bills with that. Do you have any idea how much it will cost to get you your apparition license alone? And New Zealand? that is so far away. I will need to call in a lot of favors all the while greasing some palms. Nope I cannot do it below twelve."

They quickly entered a staring contest, each studying the other trying to catch any form of weakness but both failing.

They didn't how long it lasted, until a female voice came from what he assumed was the back room broke them out of their staring contest.

"Dad I'm home"

A few seconds later, a young woman opened the door that led further into the house. When she opened the door both pair of eyes turned towards her.

The old man smiled at the newcomer, while Paul's pupils shrunk and began to studying her for any anomaly, while knockturn wasn't as scary as death valley from D&D world it still brought out the similar feelings had when he was over there.

it was akin to walking on a ground littered with eggshells, where one false move would spell the end. So it was important to keep constant vigilance or you would find yourself in an early grave not knowing how you got there.

And for Paul that was a no-no, not after finally catching a break from the shitty life he has lived so far.

She had very long blonde hair, which was tied up in a neat, high ponytail. She also had light blue eyes and wore a frameless pair of glasses.

She was well-dressed, to his surprise, in Muggle clothing. She wore a long grey dress. Her dress turns out at the bottom, has a line of light-grey fur at the top and exposes her collarbone and arms. She wore a belt made from gold, oval segments.

On her waist, she wore another belt, she had muggle-made black high heeled shoes to completed the image, raising her heels a good three inches off the ground.

clearing her throat in mild embarrassment for interrupting them, she said

"My apologies sir, father I did not know that we had a guess."

The middle-aged man laughed and replied in a very warm manner saying

" No worries sweety, Mr Blackfyre just walked in a few minutes ago."

turning towards her father with a look that could only mean that 'you had better have been behaving'

Seeing this Paul pressed his luck and quickly began speaking.

"No harm done miss Steinbach, i was only in the middle of discussing the matter of the over the top prices that your father has been throwing around today"

As soon ad the words left his mouth the middle-aged man winced, and the temperature dropped slightly.

The woman who's face had been nothing but smiles a second ago was replaced by that of a pissed off drill sergeant, one that only promised a world of pain later on.

After briefly staring at her father, she turned around and smile once more

"I apologize for father's behavior, Mr Blackfyre he likes to play games like these sometimes, just to see how serious his customers are. He calls it testing your character, but I figure he just likes to tease people."

When she finished her words she looked at the middle aged man standing next to her and sent him deadly glare, seeing this Hanns laughed in order to lighten the mood albeit a bit nervously.

Clearing his throat a bit he looked at Paul in the eyes with a bright smile and spoke once more like nothing ev ever happened.

"Do not worry, my boy. Ten thousand galleons is fine. How quickly do you need the documents?"

"Well i would as soon as you can possibly get them done, I suppose." Paul shrugged. "Hell if it's possible I'd even say today would be ideal, it's just i would rather have them sooner rather than later."

Looking at him The girl smile before replying back effectively cutting her father off before he ends screwing up this deal.

Since they don't get many customers these days, it would be ideal to get some cash instead of driving them away by over pricing everything.

"We do offer same day service, but with a fee of course, an extra three hundred galleons for our troubles."

Thinking things for a bit, Paul nodded at her. it wouldn't be much of a problem for him nor his pocket for that matter.

Seeing his reaction she pulled out a peice of parchment, picked up the quill laying on the desk and began speaking.

"So, we're going to need some details for the documentation you wanted. Let's start with yours first the birth certificate, name and date of birth, parents and so forth?"

Paul thought for a moment before beginning.

"Bellerophon Leonidas Blackfyre. Born December 15th, nineteen-fifty-one. Born in Lake Waitaki, New Zealand "

After dutifully noted everything down, she glanced up. "You're only three years younger than me ?" she added with a small smile.

Paul for his part only shrugged It was how old he was when he was murdered by that psycho God, but it didn't really bother him at this moment nor giving away that he was born in 1991 for that matter.

"All right moving on to your passport. Married? Single? Divorced?"


Mila nodded as she wrote it down. "Place of residence?"

Paul had to quickly think about that for a moment. He didn't want to imply that he had lived in New Zealand all his life, and he had to explain his weird accent that sounded like a combination of french and Australian but somehow sounded sexy. Finally, he settled on one explanation. "As of 1966, 18 Bowery New York city, United States of America."

Mila arched a curious eyebrow. "A well-traveled young man, I see," she commented lightly.

"As it were," Paul shrugged. "What else did you need?"

"A list of countries and the dates that you were there. So we can fill up the passport appropriately."

"All right Auckland, New Zealand, September 3rd, nineteen fifty six, left December 19th, same year," Paul began to invent, mentally making a note to study his passport later on and invent places of residence for each of the foreign excursions. "Then Hakone, Japan, February 4th, nineteen sixty one, through June 22nd, nineteen sixty two. Followed by Suopo, China, June 23rd through August 5th nineteen sixty oneHamburg, Germany, August 6th, nineteen sixty two through October 2nd, nineteen sixty three."

And the list continued as Paul's imagination filled it with the travels of his fake parents and himself. Croatia, Greece, Italy, even Russia, Cyprus, Turkey, Israel and Monaco followed the initial entries, eventually stopping in the United States.

He always took care to avoid being somewhere close to the British Isles. When he was done, Mila looked up from the half-dozen entries she'd made, and grinned.

"That's one hell of an elaborate history you have there, Mr Blackfyre"

Paul chuckled at that. It would be hell to memorize all that, but at least now he could claim as an excuse that he'd traveled a lot.

"Was there anything else you needed?"

"Well, yes there are the issue of your official school records and the equivalent of the OWLs and such. Graduation records, and let's not even forget that we also have to take care of your medical history too."

Paul groaned. "It's going to be a long day, isn't it?"

"Oh you have no Idea, why don't you take a seat while I brew some tea?" Hanns who had remained silent the while time smiled before making his way towards the back.

By the time Paul walked out of the store it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, he had his papers in hand but was told to come back later on tonight to pick up the rest of three sets of identities.

Smilling a bit at the shock on their faces when he showed his changeling ability, they thought he was a member the famed Black family since only they were known for the famed metamorphmagus ability.

After making his way to the surface Paul Quickly made his way to that same desolate alleyway and once again changed out of his clothes, after taking a deep breath he once again began to change his appearance.

Using his changeling ability he can not only take on any appearance but do down to the genetic level, meaning his offspring would inherit his features and if he so desire some of his abilities.

The process was fairly quick and in the place of a dangerous looking fellow, in his place stood a young man about head taller than most with shoulders like an ox despite that he was overly bulky.

His body was like a rugby player if anything, lean and powerfull. His handsome face was adorned with piercing and hauntingly dark violet eyes, which was all framed with thick long curled raven hair that reached down his shoulders.

All in all he was tall, handsome and athletic everything a young maiden could ask for in a prince charming.

After completing his task he sighed and walked towards Ollivanders wand shop in a hurry, he had would like to get things done before Gringotts closes.

Walking over to Ollivander's he activated his eighth-level spell 'mind blank' that prevents attempts to detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts and as soon as he opened the door a voice sounded.

"I don't believe I've ever seen you before", Ollivander said as he handed over a wand holster to an auror who proceeded to leave soon after he received it, all the while looking remarkably annoyed judging by the scrowl on his face.

"I would be surprised if you had, since I have just arrived in this country" Paul said mimicking an aussie accent, he had deep baritone voice that commanded authority despite his young age.

"Though i have heard that Ollivander's is the best. My former wand was a Quintana heirloom passed down from my grandfather, I never had my own wand and I was looking to change that now".

Ollivander frowned at that, while frowned Quintana was his elder and highly talented his style nor Gregorovitch's for that matter were never something he himself liked.

"What happened to your old wand mr…."? he asked as he fished for a name.

"I returned it to were it belonged, and that my friend is on one of the mattles located in the family vault. Besides if your product is as good as advertised I might recommend more customers"

After saying thta both he and Ollivander shared a chuckle, since Ollivander who for his part had been receiving more and more customers from overseas lately found th iij s amusing.

"Hmm, then lets see what we can find for you shall we"? Ollivander quickly went to work, coming back with this and that wand for Paul to try. It was as if the world was trying to recreate that scene from the movies because the pile of wands grew ever larger until Ollivander handed over a fairly long cream colored wand that was straight as an arrow .

"Try this one, Yew and Sphinx Whisker 13 and ¾ inches flexible, I have to say you were a very tricky customer, both tricky and mysterious, a very rare but deadly combination." said Ollivander after finally finding the right wand.

"I know, many witches have told me. Much to the dismay of their fathers, boyfriends, betrothes and husbands. Sadly none listened, which caused to either have to participate in many duels of honor or having to run away from fathers trying to forcibly betrothed me to their daughters."

Paul added a dramatic over the top sigh in order to lighten the mood a bit and judging by Ollivander's chuckling reaction he guessed he also found funny.

Yew wands are among the rarer kinds, and their ideal matches are likewise unusual and occasionally notorious. On the other hand Sphinx Whisker cores are rather rare overall, they are great for Charms and Curses, and tend to bond to those who are both clever and creative, anyways that will seven galleons for the wand and if you purchase holster it will come out to ten galleons total."

Dropping Ten galleons on the wooden counter, Paul grabbed both wand and leather forearm holster saying his thanks he made his way out the shop. Once again he walked towards Gringotts, but this time in his new appearance and wearing nothing but the most expensive clothes from his time as a duke. He wore a rich black robe, with gold runes into the silk while he walked his cloak billowed like a surging wave.

His steps were firm and radiated yet were as smooth as a breeze, as if he is almost gliding. He attracted many eyes as he walked passed the patrons of diagon alley, it was as if he was moses and they were the red sea. People would make way for him on instinct, like subjects to a king.The whole walk to Gringotts he kept repeating in his head that his new name was Bellerophon from now on, It was simple trick he taught himself In order to quickly trick his brain into believing it.

And it worked too because by time was he was inside the bank the name Paul was all but forgotten and now that stood in front of a teller who by chance happened to look up from his work and caught sight of him.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" it snarled

Wasting no time he took out a fist size jewel from one of his many bags of holdings and threw it at the goblin, who caught it with an "Oomph" but it almost knocked him out of his tall highchair.

"The name is Blackfyre...Bellerophon Leonidas Blackfyre." said with a smirk

"Really? I'm not familiar with the Blackfyre family." The goblin teller said with a sneer before looking down at his desk and then showing Bellerophon a mouth full of sharp teeth as the bank teller continued, "And my instruments are telling me that you're a not from any noble family either." The Goblin accused, since the bank really did have all manner of identification charms and wards set to identify individuals so as to ward off thieves and fraudsters.

Bellerophon's smile only dipped for a second before he looked around and noticed that none of the other wizards were really paying attention to him anymore; which was actually pretty normal considering Wizards seemed to ignore the obvious and believed the crazy before the logical.

Bellerophon reached into one of his bag of holdings and snagged another bag full of smaller jewels that bulged and jingled quite nicely. With a toss, the bag flew the distance to land on the tall teller's desk and slid across it until it landed in the Goblin's lap.

"I'm pretty sure my last name is Blackfyre, and I'd like it to be official." Bellerophon said with a smirk before reaching down and grabbing a second bag and tossing it right at the goblin

"I'm thinking the Blackfyre family is a long lasting pureblood family that has been a client of Gringotts since the annals of time, but which likes its solitude and who have been hiding away somewhere in New Zealand but their main ancestral house is in the Isle of Man and the secondary house is in the Isle of Skys, but they currently resides in a smaller manor in London What do you think?"

The goblin looked from Bellerophon, then back to the large heavy bags of gold Galleons, then back at Harry with a blood thirsty grin.

"I think that Gringotts would like to welcome Heir Blackfyre back to its halls. And this goblin is wondering if Heir Blackfyre would like matching documentation to back up his long standing history with the bank while we wait for his assets to be deposited and cataloged?" The goblin offered while sweeping the two bags and the fist size jewel off the desk and into a hidden compartment on the teller's desk.

Bellerophon's grin grew across his face and his eyes seemed to glow with his evil smirk in return at the goblin, "I knew we spoke the same language." Bellerophon replied as he walked forward and leaned over the desk conspiratorially.

"I have these documents already prepared buy ow long before the documents are not logged in the right place I'm assuming that you have somebody that can backdate them at the ministry right?" the files consisted of birth certificates, NEWT and OWL results Bellerophon gotten from Falschmanns, and talking he was starting to flip a large marquee cut ruby the size of a pound note between the knuckles of his hand; the ruby darting up and over each knuckle before dancing back the other direction.

The Goblin's eyes watched the ruby pass from one side of the wizard's hand to the other, and the goblin subconsciously nodded in agreement while he licked his lips and swallowed as the goblin salivated at the size of the large gem.

"Absolutely Heir Blackfyre, we have people that can, shall we say Arrange to have the documents placed in the right place and time."

The goblin gulped as Bellerophon spun the ruby on the tip of his finger rapidly. This in turn caused Bellerophon to only smirk to get wider and wider, finally he flipped the large ruby towards the goblin let go of the identification documents and tried to catch the gem only to have to juggle and bobble it back and forth a few times before finally catching the thrown jewel and clasping it to the little goblin's chest.

"speaking of which I will be looking for an account manager and someone told me to ask for Ragnok, by any chance is he present."

This comment startled the goblin, it was widely known that wizards looked down upon any and all magical creatures and especially so towards goblins.

Yet not only was there any malice nor contempt on this young wizards face but he even went as far asking for a goblin's name, quickly snapping out if his musing the goblin spoke.

"Yes Ragnok is currently the sub-senior manager in charge of account maintenance. I'm sure he could do an adequate job of being your personal banker, and arranging your documents which should have been done being taken care of about now."

The statement was prefaced by a "Ding!" sound as all manner of magical and muggle identification appeared in the magical 'in box' on the goblin's desk. The goblin bank teller handed over the documents to Bellerophon, the goblin had recognized Falschmanns work with nothing but a single glance.

After all he was one of the very few wizard who not only worked alongside the goblin nation but also learned from them, since it was his work it needed no corrections. Thus accelerated the process drastically, now not only was there a house Blackfyre, but they even had a seat on the wizengamot. The only thing that was needed to seal the deal was a drop of blood, which Bellerophon denied doing himself after he was only the Heir and not the Lord of house Blackfyre.

he gave the documents a fast look over before nodding and sticking them in a enlarged pocket on his robe, the goblin called another who proceeded to guide him deeper inside of the bank. After a minute of walking he was lead into an expensively furnished office where an older and uglier looking goblin sat behind a granite desk adorn in gold and silver.

The two goblins had a brief talk in their native tongue, before the guide nodded and walked leaving only Bellerophon and who he assumed was Ragnok.

"So Sharpfang sent word that you asked for me by name young wizard? And I am not even going to ask how you know of me, since you have greatly contributed to our vault. Those jewels you gave Sharpfang were of the purest quality we have ever seen, and a donation of that size must surely come with a price don't it young wizard?"

The goblin was eloquent and spoke with respect, but behind that tone was unveiled suspicions. No wonder this goblin got to his position, he had a way with words and was patient enough in order to deal with humans, a rare feat in the goblin nation to say the least.

Smilling and began speaking with Ragnok, and spoke for a very long time since by the time he walked out of Gringotts he had a sly smile on his face, depositing only one of bag of holdings seemed to make home richer than most of the old families combined.

since it was well past the closing time, he was escorted by 6 guards and a guide out of the building.

Once again he ducked behind the alley, and changed back into his Rogue clothing while altering facial features once more before returning to Knockturn alley.

But unlike last time his trip was not as smooth, he was accosted six times by some of the worst members of society.

Instead of killing them, he proceeded in knocking them out and placed them in his stasis bag. For the purpose of conducting some experiments at a later time before going to Falschmanns.

Like promised the rest of the papers were done and waiting for him. Quickly paying the rest of money he made his way out Knockturn alley in a hurry, but sadly things were not meant to be that easy.

On his way towards the surface he encountered 3 three more ambushes, which makes his total of test subjects rise to the number of 14.

In a haste he arrived at the doors of Gringotts only to see an inpatient goblin standing there looking like he was about to blow a gasket, handing him the folder alongside a small red ruby.

Bellerophon made his way towards the Leaky cauldron. Renting a room for the night, he layed in bed after nice hot shower and allowed sleep to overtake him.

It had been a long day, one in which he didn't even have time to go over the powers he had received from the overlord, but tomorrow is a new day in a new life and the start of a new adventure.

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FictionOnlyReader · Book&Literature
442 Chs
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Volume 1


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