
Chapter 2: Tardigrade (011)

"I know and it was obvious on the way you segway the topic"

But he just Pretend and act like he already know where's milda directing their conversation.

"Oh as expected for the chief general an incredible insight and superb calm demeanor... Can you still be calm after you see the news that i have?"said by milda with a troubled expression in her face, then she face tristan with a serious look and at the same time their surroundings suddenly change to a solar system, yes they are now in space it is quite unbelievable but they are still breathing like there was an oxygen in there proximity and the most mind-blowing they are not affected by the space radiation and a solar wind even they are not wearing any space suit and not reach by the magnetic field of earth.

"what do you want to show me, it was really needed for you to exaggerate this kind of message For you to take me in to this zone".

-zone is a certain place where the ordinary people in the virtual world cant come without the permission of grand master AI. Milda is just like a care taker and the embodiment of rules in this virtual world she is the AI who was responsible to everything in this world of quantum numbers thats why she can do everything that she wants to do in this world.

Still tristan has still an unmoved expression even the scenery around them change, but his pupils has a subtle movement and his gaze become sharp while his eyelid is still half close even though he's still look like he doesn't care but the light in his eyes speak so differently.

Then milda said in comforting voice

"Just wait a little bit chief head, i just dont want to directly said this so it might convince you that it was all authentic come from the alliance because it was also quite inconceivable"

subsequently tristan flick his hand to set aside the glass because the alcohol and the ice was already soaring up and he also feel so uncomfortable to the odd signs that milda's showing off.

Milda shout in the direction of tristan because they were in space and there was no air molecules and it was so hard for the sound wave to move

"Lets go move near to the real problem!!"

After that in a blink of an eye they were already near in the sun

Yes they were in virtual world that are using the same principles in real life but milda was the master AI of this world and she can literally do what ever she wants except for the restrictions that was on her program.

"Its already starting, brace you're self chief although we are in virtual world, i think it was quite painful"

then milda move a hand to grab the goggles that pop out of nowhere

The solar wave became so dense in an alarming level. All solar phenomenons are happening in the surface of sun, it was sending a batch of more powerful solar wave in every direction, producing a concentrated heat waves, later on the light became so intense to the point that it blocks anything without a trace at a speed of 186,000 miles per second It only took 8 and half minutes before the destructive light reach the earth and devour everything without a trace, through this process the space itself was shaking, rumbling and emitting a powerful outward wave called gravitational wave that holds a power that can easily destroy a planet, the planet will squeeze in the other side then it will expands on the other side just like a squeeze stress ball that will couse the planet to torn apart

* * * * * * * * * * * *

In the middle of the system called eidousent-1 system there was an enormous ship that suddenly stop, it has color of blue and black with a shape that resemble to a larva of beetle. There was a word on each side of it (TARDIGRADE 011) that indicates its name and modification number. It is a enormous ship that can accommodate a total of five hundred thousand crew on board and also full of facilities and equipment that use mainly for exploration, experimentation, observation and hibernation (although it has an enormous in size it was still microscopic, if it is compare to a galaxy that's why it was name in the one of the smallest creature in earth that was known for the common name water bears).

In the Inside of the ship only darkness could be seen and coldness could be feel like there was no any sign of life, but then there was a sudden female monotonic sound could be heard that saying

"Initiating the artificial gravity system of the ship.

"Releasing oxygen 1%,2%,3%,4%,5%,6%,7%,8%,9%,10%...100%"

"The crew was ready to release from hibernation chamber"


After that all the lights in the ship has been turn on one by one until, the whole ship become resemble to a deep sea creature that has a bioluminescent with a multiple colors of light in the entire body. In every room inside of the ship there was a device with mysterious features that could be seen it is a human size bullets that tilt in 45 degrees with a pure white color and has a vanes from top to bottom with a flowing blue liquid in the inside of it and this device suddenly produce a "psshhh" sound along with the released of white smoke

"Initiating defrosting process"

"Deactivating the brainwaves enhancer"

"Scanning...…the heart was in good condition...…the brain was in good condition...…all the internal organs and cells has been analyzed and there was no defects found...…analyzing has been completed"

"have a nice day"

This was the sound that could be heard inside of every human size bullets they called hibernation chamber, where the body can be preserve by freezing, but when the hibernation was ended the subject was still alive because of the modified bacteria created by the humans to help all the cell to be preserve and stay alive in a extremely low temperature but when it expose in room temperature the bacteria will die without any trace. This bacteria was needed to inject in the body before they go to hibernation chamber and they also drink a special liquid to prevent the acid in the stomach to turn into block of ice and maintain in a gel like state that will also go back in to liquid form when the temperature turn in to room temperature again, after that the female monotonic voice could be heard again.

"The voyage has been come to halt because the energy was exhausted into critical level "

"Turning to charging mode"

Afterwards there was a metallic sound outside the ship

"Click-clack...…chink-chink-chink-chink-chink, bam"

At the outside there was countless black sphere that could be seen at the top of the ship and the sunlight is clearly directing to every black sphere like a black hole that could bend the sunlight. This is the device that can concentrate any light into one point to produce a lot of heat energy to easily convert it into electricity, although in this process there was a lot of energy loss it is a lot more faster and efficient to collect an electricity.

In the inside of the ship there was a spacious white room but there was no any other things except for the 4 open hibernation chamber at the center, surprisingly the occupants of the hibernation chamber does not move at all like a corpse in whole thirty second, this was brought by the hibernation side effect because the brain, neurons, muscles and other internal organs are needed some time to recover and adapt again since it was stop and preserve by the special Gas and bacteria inside of the hibernation chamber

After a whole 30 second there was a sudden querulous voice could be heard in the one of the hibernation chamber at the center of the room

" -Gasp- The worst feeling ever... -cough--cough- I love my job but this feeling when waking up to hibernation make me realize that love will never always bring happiness"

When the steam disappeared the appearance of a man in his twenties with a pale skin and long blond hair in a close suit black uniform could be roughly seen and he was hugging himself at the same time trembling in cold like a wet puppy but when you look closely to his face the fine jaw line and a clean nose bridge along with the olive green eyes of him like a aurora in the cold night sky could be clearly seen however all this princely feature was covered in a dumb expression and workaholic vibe of him

"Flynn!!! Don't waste you're time in complaining! Check that object!"

Said anxiously by the man in the corner while typing in holographic keyboard and giving commands to the staffs in the ship, he was in his thirties, with a thick black beard, brown eyes and a black hair in a black close suit uniform. His name was Morgan standfill, he was the head researcher of the tardigrade 011 and one of the two supreme authorities in the ship.

"Ahh….. Yes sir…..Jean give me the full situations of type S rank 1 classified object"

Then Flynn tidied himself but still trembling cause by the hibernation side effect

After that the female monotonic voice could be heard again

"Voice has been recognized ...Flynn Atlas...…age 26, 49 kilograms, height 5'11, type B+. Executive researcher of time and space...please enter the access passcode"

Jean was a central A,I system of the ship that is responsible in navigating the ship in space, assisting their daily lives and securing the safety of all the crews inside the ship

Then Flynn snapped his fingers and the holographic keyboard suddenly pop up in front of him at the same time he open a compartment at the side of the hibernation chamber to get his eye glasses and put it, after that he type the passcode in the holographic keyboard.

"Access has been granted... compiling the data's of type S, rank 1, classified object that was accumulated in the past 5 earth years of observation"

In every planets there was a different time zones. One day in Venus was equivalent to 5 832 hours, one day in mars was 25 hours, as well in the other planets in other systems that's why they emphasize earth days or years to distinguished the exact time that they use.

"Summarizing all the files"

"Please wait"

"What the... 5 years has been pass?! What kind of joke is this Jean?! What happen?! when we travel from planet equinox, we just use 2 earth years and now we are coming back, we already use 5 earth years and we didn't even reach our solar system?"

All of a sudden there was a male voice that could be heard near in the one of the hibernation chamber. He has a brown hair with a blue eyes, 6 ft tall and a little bit tone skin, his name was Theodore Atkinson, one of the executive researcher like Flynn but in a different field, unlike Flynn who concentrated in formulas and theories in time and space that can apply in the study of worm holes and black holes Theodore's mastery was in chemicals and composition of materials he was responsible for testing a new elements that they have been discovered in this expedition.

"I thought that the past 5 years was just a features in virtual reality world, I didnt expect that we also stock in space for 5 years"

Said calmly of the female voice near at the metal automatic sliding door, she was holding a trey with a 4 bottled coffees, she has a red hair blue eyes, pale skin and a alluring figure that can entangle any mans eye who can see her for the first time, she was also a executive researcher in the field of biochemistry her name was Janine cleminton.

"It is also in my prediction and I also hear it in gossips of the other crews when we are in virtual world but I didn't take it so seriously at that time...…. By the way, Janine how did you wake up so fast than us?" Ask by Flynn

"Ahhh that thing? I develop a new bacteria that can relive the stress and speed up the recovery of our internal organs in shock brought by the hibernation especially in our brains, I accidentally discovered a strange bacteria when we are in planet equinox and it have some similarities of chromosomes in the bacteria that we are injecting before we go to hibernation so I decided to do some experiments and trails after that I found out that they are merging when expose to their critical temperature and they are swapping genetic material at such a high rate to continue their life span and they created a new safe variant of bacteria for us to use also I give an a lot of test and trails to make sure that it was safe to use" elaborated by Janine with a proud smile on her lips.

"Wow how awesome Janine, so you also give that kind of bacteria to Sir. Standfill?" Ask by Flynn

"Yes…coffee?" Gently offer by Janine to Flynn

"Thank you" then Flynn grab one of the bottled coffee in the tray and he smile affectionately to Janine

Then Janine walk to the others to give the remaining coffee.

Afterwards jean speak and at the same time the images in the holographic screen in front of Flynn suddenly change.

"Summarizing completed"

"Hello Mr. Theodore Atkinson and Flynn atlas, the type S rank 1 classified object labeled by the alliance was constantly emitting a force field and it is raising a level in every three earth months. Right now it is emitting a force field comparable to a 20 times of its original force field when we obtain it in planet "kuusi equinox-6f" and almost 60% of the calculation capabilities of quantum computers in the ship was occupied, to constantly compute the minimum counter force field in every direction of the classified object to contain it safely, unfortunately it was stil using a large amount of electricity and it force the ship to cancel the usage of warp drive therefore we didnt arrive at the calculated location in the right time instead Jean calculated the safest but longest route to take course to mine a tungsten for the back up nuclear fusion reactor in the ship in order to extend the remaining energy" respond by jean

"Why you didn't inform us in virtual world that we are facing this kind of crisis?" Ask by Theodore in depressed state

"Sorry for not informing you all in virtual world because the virtual reality system has an independent A,I system and jean cannot intervene so freely, unless when the situation is life threatening to the crews on board besides when the crew was awake at that critical time when the ship is in energy crisis. It will just consume a lot of energy for accommodating all of them and it might couse the total depletion of energy" answered by Jean

This time Jean was not monotonic to her responses since the ship was currently in the light zone and near in the star/sun also the ship is currently charging while all the quantum computers can use their full capacity since they are not lacking in electricity right now

"So that is the reason why we took a lot of time -sigh-" said by Janine in conflicted expression

"Good decision Jean" complimented by Morgan different to the reaction of the others in the room he was still calm and cheerful

"Its all thanks to the person who program Jean" respond by Jean to the compliment of Morgan in a respectful tone

"I think we need to give thanks to George and his team mates when we back home" add by Morgan

"Sir i think they were already retired especially when we get back hehehe" awkwardly reminded by Flynn while watching the fast forward footage of that object and reading the reported changes of it

"Sir. Morgan what are you doing?I think Jean can handle that" ask by Theodore while walking towards to Morgan with a curious gaze

"You are mistaken Theodore i already finished all the problem in the ship and I already let the other minor task in the ship to Jean" reply by Morgan

"Then what are you doing right now sir?"

Ask by Theodore

"I'm just checking the past activities of the ship and the commands sent by the alliance...…wait"

Morgan was calm at first but when he see the file he was became standstil and the turn of his mood was visible

hi there readers! a little bit trivia here from the author, did you know that the tardigrade is the most resilient organisms that can live in any extreme environments, yes its include the space!!! it was not all their quirks they can also revive their selves and yes they are truly exist!!!

dont forget to live some comments for improvement, i really appreciate that


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