
OOO..no What A Mess

"Robert Lincoln his name will be 'Robert Lincoln'" said the woman while appearing utterly exhausted because of the 'pregnancy labour' for 8 hours straight, But she appears to be happy just when you look at her you don't see any fatigue like every cell in her brain is active.

{She's on adrenaline right now}

Right, when she thinking of something the door from the right opened up and standing there was the man in his late twenty with tears in his eyes and while looking at his wife and son.

The man name was 'Harper Lee' and the women name was 'Nova Silva' If you are asking me why their names are so different from each other. Well, let us just say they are people who don't believe names rather they accept the 'Credence' of the person.


Credence Meaning:- belief in or acceptance of something as true.}

The man just stood there like a lamb trying to certain his action cause one step wrong could be his doomsday 'god help me' {A.N:- I will not. Evil Laughter} cause of the tigress who is sitting on the bed with his baby in her hands 'AAA he is cute' have a happy smile on her face.

The wife seeing her hubby like this got a tick mark on her forehead and shouted out loud at her husband "Say something you damn bastard".

'AAA here we go again she's probably on high adrenaline' the man looking at his wife the amused ' she's is usually like this in his bed on the night of passion' this time the man looks at his wife's eyes which are starting to shut down 'she probably used last of her energy by shouting at me' And quickly goes towards her and supports her by the shoulder but before he could say anything his wife is already drifted to the land of dreams.

"Sweet Dreams have a good sleep Tigeress".

And so the story started.

Kidding just a prologue.



Well, this was tiring cause I'm writing this at 2 am well fuck I hope you like it.

Good riddance.

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