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A gun is fired.

"hah, hah, hah..."

"splash, splash...."

"pitter patter"

panting is heard, nearly lost in the sound of rain, as a pair of sleek black boots pound into the puddles of mud in the dirt.

"@$#_$&&!! #_$&+$$_...#_#$-#...#$@...."

yelling is heard in the distance, gradually fading away.

The girl decides that the enemies are far enough away and stops running.

she sits down on a relatively dry root of a tree, and gazes up at the sky.

despite being covered in mud and grime, despite her aching muscles and tired legs, she smiled a satisfied grin.

she stood up from her Seat, and raised her hands up to the overcast sky.

that very moment, the storm clouds that covered the sky began to quickly disperse.


the young woman declared her victory to the heavens, and held within her tightly closed fist, was a jewel so magnificent and mysterious, it seemed to shine with an inner light.

it glittered and shown, seemingly reflecting the moon and stars on its flawless surface. although it seemed to glow, the color of the so called "light" was as dark as an eternal starless and moonless night.

for this reason, it was known as "The Abyss Jewel"

little did the girl know, that she would become as dark as it's light, as powerful as it's presence, and as eternal as the jewel it's self.

little did she know, she would become a legend so mysterious, no one knew where it came from.

little did she know, she would become a deity so powerful, all of existence would tremble at the sound of her name.

little did she know, she would become.....

"The Eternal Chaos"
