
To my and there terror

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.

(expect MY own)

Said in the mind of a 14 year old teenager,his name was Elijah Demond Avery or would like to be called Elijah demon because it sounded cool-ish in a way.The way he looked was, he had dark-ish brown hair with skin that look normal brown , with eyes that were brown colored and in normal clothes but no real characteristics that stand out

He was in class when the voice in his head spoke once again.*Why are you just sitting here in class wasting your time when you could be training or killing something,really this is stupid you don't even get half these things*.

Him sitting there thinking that he may be a little insane said in his mind 'shut up school is needed in social society and I can't train all the time with there being limit on how much time in which I'm allowed to do, and to answer question the second answer again KILLING IS ILLEGAL.'

*humph*. Than it when silent.

I loudly sigh in class when the teacher was talking when he said<Oh it seem like Mr.Demond is bored with my class.Than he should know what the answer on the board is>.

I look straight at him got up from my seat went the board and wrote all the numbers of pie I could remember and said 'Done'. and sat down.

The teacher was furious and tried to stay clam and said<Thi...this is a literature CLASS>

By the end screaming and then he told me to get out his class.

I didn't mind since this happens a lot in other classes too.As I made my way to the office where I will sit for a while to "cool me down" when there was a group of people with guns entering the school I knew what those people are I screamed 'TERRORIST' everyone looked at me with doubt and anger until they heard <THE GOVERNMENT HAS NOT FULFILLED OUR DEMANDS SO THIS SCHOOL SHALL BE OUR 1 HIT> they point there guns up and I immediately say 'Get down!!!!' bullets spray everywhere, the sound of glass shattering fills the air.

some teachers got shot from not reacting fast enough they scream and fell down.I went into action when they got shot and had to see the injury to know what to do and fix it. I went to a teacher desk that had a lighter in it and cloth from my shirt and fix up most of the injured I ask the teachers fif any of them had a knife but one ask<What are you going to do with the knife fif you get one?>

I sigh and said 'Take care of the problem of course' as I know the teacher who ask had a knife I took it away from him to see what type of knife was it 'It's a cooking knife' I sadly say 'Well this will have to do, oh and I will give this back later just wait' I calmly say to ease his mind. I went to look where the terrorist they seem to be coming where we are I quickly gather my wits then speaking 'The terrorist are coming this way turn off the lights' as I quietly say this there were mostly panic expressions among them but some seem to have listen to what I said and turn the light off.

In my mind I say 'training don't fail me now' and hid under the desks to hide from them.

*Go for the kill Elijah because if you don't,you will die from it* it said calmly, which is very unlike it to sound calm.

The terrorist entered the office with guns then walked around to see if they can find any people to became a hostage with the rope and knifes they have... Wait they have knifes!!! I can use those if I can take them out,if I'm lucky.

I go towards the nearest one that happen to be alone and sprint garb his mouth and slit his throat to avoid screaming.

Laying the body down I think 'There no time for for feeling sick got to move forwards!!!'I grab the knife that the died body had it seems to be a Glauca B1, weird it's being used by terrorist. I go towards the next target but he seem to have found someone and said to the rest of the group <hey guys I think I found something we need.> he forcefully grabbed the teacher up and held him up and point the gun up to his head saying <don't try anything> then push him to the place I think that there going to keep the hostages.

I don't do anything yet to not alert the others, waiting for the other terrorist to move away from each other,I saw that they were going into groups two to find out where there other member went,knowing they will find the body eventually I had to hurry and take them all out, a group of 2 searching for other hostages and the missing member.

Seeing them go toward a place where there a lot of teachers hiding I rush toward them to kill them

I got one before one tired to shoot me and miss most of them until one hit my arm but after that I killed him, I think that the other terrorist are coming this way in my mind saying <It hurts!!! so much it hurts to hold the knife I can't use it any more!!!> insanity yelling*Elijah fight through the pain hold your knife strong don't let the temporary injury stop you from killing them*. For the first time in my life insanity gave good advice, so for once I will listen to it And kill them no matter what!!!!!