
World strongest sage

join Elias as he rise to the apex of this magical world filled with power struggling people, who would do anything to become world greatest...

prynex · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Efreit the fire spirit prince.

[The western side of the mountains]

The sword saint could be seen walking aimlessly on the mountains as she searched for the spirit. Spirit are very powerful beings, possessing pure and powerful mana, they're almost invincible to all type of physical attacks, A fire spirit like this would probably match up to low level dragons or wyverns, it would surely be a tough foe for this S+ Rank adventurer to handle single handedly.

"I must defeat this fire spirit, no matter what, if only I can find it!" The sword saint said as she stopped to take a quick look around, just then she could feel the temperature on the ground rising from inside her shoes as she leaped up, she was too slow as the ground exploded with a huge burst of flame sending her flying into the air like a broken kite.

"A sneak attack, damn that spirit!" She said twisting her self in mid air as she landed on the ground with a gentle thud on the feet, the spirit spiraled out from the burst of flame as it floated there just looking at the sword saint to make a move.

The figure was quite domineering, it had a titan humanoid structure from head to waist, which was already around five feet tall, his body was covered in flames, it had no legs only a single tail of fire.

"What the, it's still a child yet it's already on the level of wyverns, it's core must be powerful, I must get it at all cost, that's the only way to cure my curse, now after being hit by spirit flames I can feel it boiling within me, the flame heart curse... my chest... it's burning." The sword saint said in agony as she held her chest struggling to breathe, just then the spirit attacked throwing a fire ball at the sword saint who was lucky enough to dodge it without a single scratch.

"Prepare your self!" The sword saint said unsheathing her sword, the force of the blade released a shockwave which sliced through the spirit and a huge boulder behind it.,

"It regenerated!, I expected such" she said appearing behind the spirit slicing it multiple times in mid air before jumping back. "You attack with the intent to kill, so I must do likewise!" The spirit said telepathy as it raised it's hand causing the area around the sword saint to explode.

"Damn it, a spirit with fire element Is the worst possible foe for me, with every attack the curse grow stronger, now I can barely use thirty percent of my real strength I need to go back and prepare for this, at least no one in the city is strong enough to fight it so it'll still be here!" The sword saint said to her self as she leaped back in attempt to flee, but it was too late as she was blasted on her back with fire strong enough to burn through her amour, leaving her half naked.

"(Groans in pain), My chest, Damn It I can't move, I knew I wasn't ready yet I was ignorant to that fact...if I'm going down I'll at least do some damage..I'll use the power of my curse! even if it kills me. Flaming sword resonance!" She said swinging her sword at the spirit releasing a thin red wave of light as it cut through the arms of the spirit causing blood to pour out of the severed limb, that indicates the spirit was injured for good and it won't be able to regenerate it anytime soon.

But the spirit was not the only one releasing blood, the sword saint herself was coughing out blood every second...."It seems you had a little trick under your sleeves, but a trick that kills you isn't a trick it's foolishness." The spirit said landing the final blow with the strongest flame it could possibly harness.

"Excuse me!" A cool calm voice was heard as the flame collided directly to this new figure exploding with a huge impact that left a crater on the ground. The figure was no other than me. "who is it that saved me.... it's him, I remember him it's The boy from the inn." The sword saint said to her self spurting out blood.

I bent down to her level on the ground placing my hand on her head, "You shouldn't talk right now, you're badly hurt...Heal" I said as she was enveloped with green light which healed all her injuries completely. "My body it feels light, the curse it's been subsided, I can't believe a human being like me could possess healing ability you to this level, who are you?" The saint said to herself looking at me with this sense of adoration, respect and trust in her eyes.

"I think it's time I try out some new tricks, Appraisal!" I said as the information of the spirit flowed through me.

[Race: Fire spirit, origin: Royal bloodline, It is the only son of the fire spirit emperor, the highest level of fire spirit Alfreit, he is still a little spirit being only four hundred years old, he posses trait and talent from his father making him extremely powerful at such a young age. Name:Efreit. Tamable: only after it's defeat.]

"Oh I see, a prince eh, but still four hundred years old that's no joke for a kid, I think the last info means I can turn it into my summon, cool or rather hot!..Time to cast some buffs. Fire damage reduction, heat nullification, burn effect nullification, pain reduction." I said as I walked towards the spirit.

"I see another who wants to die, thy shall fullfil your wish." The spirit said as I was covered by an immensely hot tornado of flames.

"He didn't block! I guess I had hope for nothing, what a shame, I planned on surpassing her but it seems I die here today!" just when The sword saint thought it was over.

"Hey kid, didn't your father teach you not to play with fire!" I said as I gently walked out of the flames with my hand in my pocket making me look like a cool character in some comic book. "What, he's unscathed!" The sword saint and the spirit echoed at the same time, as I simply replied with a snap of my finger. "Yes!" The tail of the spirit started to freeze as the ice kept crawling to it's waist level. "That's creeping ice, in less than a minute you'll be a perfect ice sculpture of Efreit the fire spirit prince!!!"

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