
World strongest sage

join Elias as he rise to the apex of this magical world filled with power struggling people, who would do anything to become world greatest...

prynex · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Knights are humans who train their physical body to the extent that their strength becomes unmatched, they use all sort of close range weapons, from swords to axe or even hammer, they focus on the physical area but sometimes take magical buffs or magic items and gears to aid their battle.

Mages are those who train their mana and use different magic to do battle, a skilled mage could single handedly defeat several knights, a summoner, they're in fact rare. These extraordinary humans have the ability to make contract with monsters, some even spirit or demons maybe dragons it all depends on their nature, talent and luck. Their power actually depends on how strong their summon is..

Valkyrie and masters go together, the Valkyrie being a female and the master the male. It's like as contract...these are extremely rare but famous for the deep secret behind it all. The Valkyrie is a female who awakens a mana seed inside them, they can fight on their own but the powers are severely limited, if the Valkyrie bonds with a make with extreme mana the seeds begins to grow stronger, there are four stages to this contract at first the. Valkyrie starts off as a battle slave, then becomes a battle maid, then a battle general and lastly a battle princess.

The relationship between a Valkyrie and a master is such that the master has hundred percent control over the Valkyrie and as such the Valkyrie is utterly vulnerable to the master. The Valkyrie must chooses someone whom they trust their life with and can also help them grow stronger and also to some extent masters can tap into the power of their Valkyrie.

Archers, these are skilled with their wit, senses, they specialize in long range weapons like bows, cross bows, magic guns and so on, they're fast and deliver deadly attacks.

Then last and not the least, Sages, they utilize magic far complex and stronger than mages, their magic are only possible with something known as the mage crest, it's a divine emblem on their palm that draws mana from the heaven and earth, a sage is said to have the raw talent of ten mages put together.

I took a moment to analyse my crest before looking at my reflection in the pool of water, I clearly knew over a million type of magic right now so I decided to test out the effectiveness of a mage and a sage, I was feeling weak and had several injuries on my body so I first decided to use healing magic on my self. "Heal!" I mumbled to my self as I was enveloped by a green sphere of light, I could feel all the pain leaving, I was left without a single scar except for the path were I was stabbed with the red bone dagger.

I decided to try the healing magic of the sage, "Heal!" I mumbled as the crest on my hand lit up with bright green light, the crest was located on my left palm as immediately not only did the only remaining injury healed up but I also felt energized. I thought to my self how superior a sage's magic is to a mage's.

My appearance was not one to joke with as with all the markings on my body I probably resembled a demon so I chose to hide it with magic, at first I had used mage magic but it failed so I put my hop on sage magic which immediately made all the markings disappeared but I also felt a bit weak after that guessing that the markings was some kind of power and since I made it disappear the energy it produced also disappeared along side it.

Finally I could see my true appearance, behind those markings, I was really handsome and cute if I had this looks back at my former life I'd probably be a star amongst teenage girls, I mean I had this shining silver long hairs reaching my waist line, then silver pupils like that of emerald it trapped the light of the sun reflecting brightly,my lips was surprisingly pink as if I had rubbed lipsticks on them, then I had these cute short nose and a red earring on my right ear which made me look more like a girl that a boy, I even doubted my appearance as I had to check my pubic region to see what was down there, at first I almost skipped a heart beat seeing there was nothing there but after a proper look it was there but only small.

"I think I'll fix that with magic later." I said as i stood up surveying the area, I needed to find someplace to sleep since it was getting late and all that, I leaped up into the air attempting to get a quick view and surprisingly I got a view of the entire forest, I hadn't put much effort into the jump but yet I was one hundred meters above the ground.

There was a human village not too far from the forest so I decided to head there and find someplace to sleep, in less than ten minutes I came to a stop in the seven feet tall wooden fence that was reinforced with magic making it a little tougher than hard wood.

"Stop human, go back to where you came from." I heard a feminine voice from ontop the fence as I was forced to look up, I'd recognize those blonde hair and pointy ears from anywhere, it was a female elf. "It turns out it was actually an elven village...I mean you no harm!" I stated my intentions but something told me they don believe me. "Leave now, while you still have your heads attached." All of a sudden several elves with arrows pointing towards my direction showed up. "I just need to stay for a night, I promise I'll leave tomorrow morning." I said but to no avail as it fell on deaf ears.

I had no choice, if they don't want me there's probably nothing I could do about it, as I was about to leave, I soon heard some screams about something known as a basilisk. "Oh, no it's the basilisk, curse our luck it had to show up when the only person who could probably defeat it was gone.."The elves said amongst themselves as they all leaped from the fence attempting to fight it head on, from the mana the elves were releasing I'd say they could probably account for rank D adventurers at most while the monster was a rank B, there was no possible way they would defeat it.

I watched their pitiful attempt to stop it as they were all thrown in different direction being pulverized by the six arms overgrown five feet tall eight feet long lizard.

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