

It all started when he arrived. My friends betrayed me. My love for life abandoned me. My sworn sister breaked her relationship with me and now I am dying just because of him by the hands of people I cared most In my life.

Now you will ask me who am I? Well I am abhijeet and as my name states in hindu mythology I will conquer anyone who is against me. Now you will think if I can win against anyone why am I dying? It's because I can't hurt people who were Important to me. And now they are against me just because of him because we have different concept about protecting peoples. According to him we must try to make peaceful relations with aliens who attacked our planet 300 years ago and I believe we must repel them fight with them till death. Why I don't want for peaceful relation with them? It's just because of their unreasonable demands. They want to rule humans as overload. They says we will be granted freedom but for me it's being slave. Another reason is because they killed to many of our brethrens. Another question you will think why people of earth thinks and accepted their terms was because we are weaker than them and nobody wants to be dead.

Well for that he was chosen as leader of humans and I alone a single person tried to rebel due to which I became wanted and now I am at gate of death in middle of mountains thrown half dead and this is the place from where access to human settlement is almost impossible. Even I am dying I have only one wish that is to protect the people of earth even if they had betrayed and abandoned me because they are my breathens.

Suddenly a sound popped in my head[ ding : suitable host has been selected for world protector overlord system]