

Moan* It's Morning, I have to meet my friends later 9:30Am, cause they got the Newest , Latest, Legendary and only one version of Bōryoku no kami(暴力の神) it's Very popular in the whole Asia and There another one, One of my Friend get The 70,000$ and only 10 pieces in the World in it's Very Rare but he got it, It's one of the Best game it Has on top 10 Games in the Whole World It's Jīqìrén shén(機器人神) And all of us was all Collage Graduate.(I'm Exited to Play it) but i will Just bring the old and Rusty 2025 Model of Kimetsu No Yaiba:鬼滅の刃 Series, And The Movie Game Adaptation that release 2027, Kimetsu No Yaiba:無限列車(Mugen Train) and all available on playstation Who Use Play Station This day, Ofcourse me cause i cant afford, ACK-GameWorld2035ProMaxSeries

All people had this Of course i'm not belong to them.

He arrived at his Friends House and they play For 5Hours Straight, Ace is on the way home(Ace Suddenly Remember What his Friend Say) Ace, huh, Have you Paid you Sudent loans, Ohh, I nearly Forgot that i need to pay it Next Month Right? Yes, How poor i am. (Ace Sit on Bench) How Would i Pay My Student loan in one Month, Hey Kid, Hey Who's That, Well I'm professor Park, Prof. Park, i will pay your Student Loan and Give you 30,000$ Just be my Invention Tester it will take 3month, I will pay you tommorow Deal? how would know that i will obey you, You need to sign this contract if you broke the contract you'lle be in prison for Fraud, and Stealing and some sort of that will you Sign, Ofcourse just to pay my student loan and for 30,000$ Let's Meet at this place tommorow

Ace was on the place,( Professor Park Arrived )Prof. Park! Over here!(Prof.Park.Walk toward to Ace) Are you Ready Ace, Sure I am(Ace and Prof.Park Ride the ACK:LightningSpeed, Wow,Prof. Park this was Amazing this is the most Latest ACK Cars it worth 1,000,000,000$, It have 320,000 Horse Power, it's Run a 100Miles Per hour your amazing(Ace and Prof.Park Reaches the Research Facility)

Prof.Park enter a password all over 10times and open doors, and the walls was Thicker than a House, it's Very Safe Here, ofcourse all the project i made i won't let steal,

(Professor Park Shows the Three Portal to that Three other world) Woahh!! it's Look Amazing, The First One is the world of Bōryoku no kami(暴力の神) The Second World Was Jīqìrén shén(機器人神) The Third

World was Kimetsu No Yaiba:鬼滅の刃series, Professor Park This All are Video Games, At The Same Times Ace They were real world too, What if i die? You will teleport on this world you will become immortal on their world,If you die you Respawn, Ohh It's Like LineCraft Yeah your right,i think ACK: Survival was More amazing that pixelated Linecraft. Fine can i enter, Bōryoku no kami(暴力の神) First? Ofcoure(Ace Enter The First Portal)

Wow So this is the The World of Bōryoku no kami(暴力の神) It's Very Nice(Ace Walks) it's So modern here, Wait(Ace Suddenly Remember the Game theme) Oh No my life is in Danger(Ace run and run) Ace Bump into a Soldier Girl. Who Are You(The Soldier Muzzle was Focusing in Ace Head) Who Are You! I'm Ace, Ace your name is Weird, Huh it's Normal,Don't Move, Ok ok, I tell you my name can you Tell me your name? my name is Kireina Tame ni Buki, So your the lead character, Huh!, (She Aim the muzzle to Ace)

Nothing, I'm sure you're not an enemy who are you, I'm Ace the wonderer, Wonderer my feat,huh, What do think this World is a Jungle! if you want to wonder go back 1,000,000,000 years ago! You Liar!Now i'm sure you an enemy, Wait what, Follow me or else i'll kill you, Ok.

To Be Continued