
Chapter 2: Task became a little troublesome

As Dash escorted Zajju, he inquired, "Sir, I don't understand why people bother smuggling shihai. Can't they just buy it directly from the government?"

Zajju regarded Dash with a critical gaze, recognizing his lack of formal training at the academy. "You haven't attended the academy, so you're unaware. Let me explain. First, consider how shihai is manufactured."

"Boss, don't take me for a fool," Dash retorted. "I know only a core formation expert can create shihai."

Zajju sighed at Dash's ignorance. "Indeed, core formation experts make shihai. However, even for a seasoned core formation expert, the maximum efficiency in shihai production is only around 20 percent."

Dash was visibly taken aback. "No way, their efficiency is that low?"

Zajju nodded. "Yes, and that's for experienced creators. Newbies at the low-level core formation stage have an efficiency of only 7-9 percent. In other words, if a person has 1 liter of Chakra, an experienced shihai creator can produce around 200 ml of shihai before experiencing extreme fatigue and needing at least 8 hours to recover."

"Mid-level core formation experts have an efficiency of about 40 percent, while high-level ones reach around 80 percent," Zajju added.

After letting Dash absorb the information, Zajju explained, "This is why the government allocates specific amounts of shihai based on individual status."

"And when can someone start learning Veda arts?" Zajju inquired further.

"At the mid-level chakra gathering level," Dash replied.

Zajju continued, "Most Veda talisman stores are run by high-level chakra gathering experts. Since they can't create shihai, they must purchase it to craft tools like picture capturers, transmission devices, and low-tier tracking devices."

"Ah, now I understand why shihai is expensive and scarce," Dash remarked. "Only 80 percent of the population can progress beyond the chakra gathering realm to reach the core formation realm, and the high-level chakra gathering experts outnumber core formation experts. Add to that the low efficiency of shihai production."

Impressed by Dash's comprehension, Zajju said, "Seems like you've got a good grasp of this. We can discuss more later. For now, how much farther to our destination?"

"Not much further, just about 5 minutes' walk," Dash replied.

Meanwhile, as they proceeded, Kalki and Prachi overheard their conversation and were amazed by Zajju's knowledge. They wondered why he chose smuggling and running a grocery business when he could have been a junior teacher at the city's academy with his decent low-level chakra gathering expertise.

Coming from noble clans, Kalki and Prachi had access to such knowledge about shihai production efficiency, unlike the common populace who only knew that core formation realm experts created shihai.

Meanwhile, a cloaked figure in black contemplated, "The intel seems accurate since Zajju is personally overseeing this delivery. He must be the one who captured the young leopard recently taken by the guard captain on the outskirts of Liyargwa." [City name: Liyargwa]

The guard captain's report mentioned a skirmish with bandits attempting to steal the chakra beast. The battle ended in a stalemate, allowing the beast to escape. Given the guard captain's middle chakra gathering realm status, Zajju's group likely includes a high-level chakra gathering expert, possibly 'Bima,' assisting them at the request of their employer, Hridhaan.

The youth muttered to himself, "This is my chance to capture them, especially with the help of those two girls, this mission should be a success."

After a few minutes, Dash and Zajju entered what appeared to be a closed inn. Kalki and Prachi followed cautiously, checking for traps or veda inscriptions that could reveal their presence. They spotted dimly lit green dots arranged in a circle around the inn, detectable only through chakra sense.

"Hmm, this low-level bronze veda structure won't hinder me," Prachi remarked confidently, creating an opening for them without alerting anyone inside.

The youth observed silently, letting Prachi take the lead and following closely before the veda structure became fully functional again.

Inside the storage room, Zajju noticed Fauja and Bima sitting quietly. "Ms. Bima, I appreciate your assistance in advance," Zajju said.

Bima retorted, "Save the pleasantries. I'm here for the job, not to join your group of nobodies."

Zajju felt embarrassed by his failed attempt to recruit Bima before even offering any benefits.

Meanwhile, Kalki and Prachi were surprised to see a high-level chakra gathering expert like Bima. Rather than fear, they seemed excited. "Looks like a chance to test my skills," Prachi said with a grin.

Kalki agreed, "It's unexpected but manageable. We can handle them."

Seeing Prachi's smirk, Kalki asked about the reason. Prachi explained, "Bima's a sensory type expert; she's already sensed us, so the element of surprise is gone."

Bima chimed in, "Well, what are you waiting for? Come forward, or shall I come to you?"



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