
Chapter 8

I wake up and look at the time, noticing there is 10 hours left until the next mission. I slept for 20 hours this time? I must have been exhausted from that war with the Imnoteps, huh. I shrug and open my status.

[Name: Zhao Feng

-Age: 16

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Level: 17(120/3200)

-Strength: 20

-Agility: 13

-Dexterity: 12

-Intelligence: 5

-Wisdom: 4

-Vitality: 12

-Endurance: 10

-Charm: 1

-Luck: 5

-Stat Points: 0

-Skill Points: 0

-Points: 4345

-Karma: 4950

-Skills: Sword Mastery(2/10)]

My strength hit twenty now, and I can feel my body got stronger due to upgrading both endurance and vitality. If I brought those to 50, wouldn't I be as strong as a tank? I shake my head while stretching my body.

I pick up my sword and head over to the training dummy. Since my skill increased to level 2, it is time for me to see what changed. I focused myself and stared at the dummy with my sword in hand. I could feel something interesting happen to my body.

When I focused on the dummy as if it was an enemy, I could feel that my muscles tightened and my strength increased temporarily. If I had to estimate, I would say my strength increased by 4 points, which is interesting to me.

I simply train for the next 9 hours and then I bathe myself for the remaining hour, then, I am teleported to the huge room with a thousand people again.

[Heya~ I am back~ A few of you are close to getting your Throne, so good luck! Now then, let's see this mission!]

[Mission #7, Search & Destroy.

-Description: There is a base that is housing cannibals somewhere. Your goal is to locate this base and slaughter the cannibals.

-Time Limit: 6 hours.

-Rewards: 300 xp. 300 points. 20 stat points. 1000 Karma.

-Failure Penalty: Death.]

Fuck me! Cannibals? What kind of shit is this? Are these survivors so desperate they need to eat other people? Just buy food from the shop for fucks sake! Bastards are no different from the monsters now.

A few people are close to getting their Throne besides me, which is surprising. I wanted to look around and see who has good gear but the white light appeared and teleported everywhere away from the large room before I could.

When I came to, I found myself standing alone on an empty road, causing me to frown. If nobody else is with me, that means that a total of 1000 people are spread out within this city. Just how big is it, then? It has to be bigger than my city, which is already quite big.

I shake my head and remember the mission, so I quickly walk around the city. I need to find some clues that can lead me to the base, or else I don't know what to do. I only have 6 hours, and I don't feel like dying to a mere penalty.

I run around the city for 2 hours without finding anything useful, which causes me to frown from nervousness. Thankfully my luck isn't bad. A few minutes after 2 hours passed I found a small group of people with some weapons and armor, which can't be from the mission group.

I can tell from the gear they have that they would be people who completed the sixth mission if they were, and they wouldn't be nervously looking around and sneaking around like them. Which means they are probably part of the cannibal group looking for supplies.

Thinking like that, I grin to myself and sneak up on them. There are only 4 of them, so there is no problem. I lop off the head of two of them and stab the hart of the other with my sword before they even knew I was there, all thanks to my high stats.

By the time the last guy could react, I already had him pressed onto the ground with his arms behind his back. He started crying out loudly which annoyed me, so I blocked his mouth with my hand and asked him cold.y

"Where is your base at? If you don't tell me what I want to know I will cut off one finger every 10 seconds. Now speak."

After I finish I release his mouth but he doesn't speak and continues to shout. I frown and cut off two of his fingers with my dagger, causing him to cry loudly and he told me what I wanted to know after I cut off 4 fingers.

Their base is located at a big mansion that has an underground bunker inside the basement. The mansion isn't that far away, so I got there in about 40 minutes. Looking at the 3 hours I have left, I smile. 3 hours is more than enough time to kill a few dozen people.

I see two people acting as a sentry standing outside the gate, so I sneak around them and cut their heads off from behind. I don't even look at their bodies as I jump over the gate and enter the mansion. I could tell there was nobody within the actual mansion as it is dirty as hell and I don't hear anybody.

I look around and manage to find the basement so I directly walk down the stairs and enter it. I look around and see a small door on the ground, so I approach it and pull it open quite easily. I look at the dark stairs that lay underneath and continue walking down.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I could hear people talking loudly, so I walk quietly and slowly around the darkness of the bunker. I could see around 40 people here. I also see a few cages with naked women in them, and I can tell they have been abused as they have that stuff all over them.

Most of them are kids around 14 years old, causing my anger to peak at the sight of them naked and chained in cages. I knew the world would be this fucked up eventually, but seeing it myself is another thing.

I hold my sword tightly and run out of the darkness I was within and start my one man slaughter. Before the group of bastards could react, I already cut down 5 of them. If I could, I would torture them, but I don't have the time to do so.

When they start rushing at me with weapons raised, I easily block them and stab into their chests when they fall off balance. These bunch of trash are all useless! They don't even know how to properly fight! Fuck!

They started to get filled with fear and despair when I killed over half of their group within a minute and tried to run away. How good I give the bastards the chance? I blocked the stairs and killed anybody who came near them by cutting off their heads or cutting them in half.

When there are only 5 of them left they all throw away their weapons and kneel down in fear begging me to spare them. I just look at them coldly and stab their crotch with my sword, causing them to emit blood curling screams.

After I let them feel the pain for 5 minutes I cut off their heads. I wanted to comfort the women in the cages but I didn't even get the chance to. All I could do was cut open the bars of one of the cages to allow the girl inside to get out before I was teleported away in a flash of light.

When I came to I was back in my private room, but I was still angry as hell at what I saw earlier so I started attacking the training dummy for 10 minutes before I cooled down and looked at the screens.

[Congratulations~ You completed the 7th mission! Here are the rewards~]

[You have completed Mission #7, Search & Destroy.

-You gained 300 points.

-You gained 300 xp.

-You gained 20 stat points.

-You gained 1000 Karma.

-You killed 47 cannibals.

-You gained 5500 xp.

-You gained 1500 Karma.

-You gained 1000 points.

-You gained the fifth right of the Hidden Throne!]

I gained the final right for the Hidden Throne so I was pretty excited, but I quickly calmed myself down and waited for the screen to explain it to me.

[You have leveled up~ You gained 2 stat points~]

[You have gained all 5 rights for the Hidden Throne! However! As you are currently doing the Tutorial Missions, you cannot gain the Throne yet! Please complete the final 3 missions!]

Hearing the screen I frown since I can't get my Throne yet, but I don't mind after hearing I need to finish the last 3 tutorial missions, which makes sense. I put the 8 stat points into dexterity, 7 into agility, and 5 into endurance and bring up my status.

[Name: Zhao Feng

-Age: 16

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Level: 18(1720/4000)

-Strength: 20

-Agility: 20

-Dexterity: 20

-Intelligence: 5

-Wisdom: 4

-Vitality: 12

-Endurance: 15

-Charm: 1

-Luck: 5

-Stat Points: 0

-Skill Points: 0

-Points: 5645

-Karma: 7450

-Skills: Sword Mastery(2/10)]

Looking at my stats I feel excited since three of them are at 20 now, and another is nearly at 20. I look at the timer that is only 3 hours this time and decide to just take a bath to calm myself down. After bathing for 3 hours I just managed to get my armor on and grab my sword when I was teleported to the huge room.

I look around and notice there are still 1000 people and it doesn't look like anybody changed. Is it because I killed all those cannibals by myself? Probably. None of them would die that way.

[Heyo~ Time for the 8th mission! Take a look~]

[Mission #8, Fight.

-Description: There is a fight going on between a camp of 150 survivors and 500 monsters. Your task is to slay the monsters and save as many survivors as possible.

-Time Limit: 3 hours.

-Rewards: 500 points. 500 xp. 30 stat points. 2000 Karma.

-Failure Penalty: Death.]

A white light covered everybody and teleported us away from the large room. When I came to I found myself atop of a medium sized building with a few other people so I look around. I spot a massive amount of monsters further down the road where I am.

I guess those are the monsters we need to kill. There are all kinds of monsters. Wolves, tigers, foxes, dogs, cats, rabbits, goblins, snakes, orcs and even some damn turtles. What the hell? Is this the freaking zoo?

A bunch of people start streaming out of the houses surrounding mine and they began running over to join the fight against the monsters. I and the others on the roof also do the same and rush down the building and run over to the monsters in a massive group of people.

We quickly reached the place where the fight was going on and we also quickly joined in. I easily cut through the weak monsters that are here. These these are only as strong as some of the Sector Leaders from that 4th mission, so they are very weak to the current me.

As such, wherever I went it was a slaughter. I could easily cut them in half, which is what I do. I sometimes cut off their heads, but I mainly cut them in half since it is quicker to do so. A couple hundred people from the mission group end up dying due to only having weak daggers.

The fight lasted a mere hour, but a lot of people died during it. Out of the 1000 people from the mission group, only around 400 are alive. As for the survivor group, due to people keeping them safe, around 100 are still living.

A white light suddenly shrouded all of us who were alive and teleported us back to our private rooms. I calmly sit down on my bed and wait for the screen.

[You have successfully cleared the 8th mission~ Here are the rewards~]

[You have completed Mission #8, Fight.

-You gained 500 points.

-You gained 500 xp.

-You gained 30 stat points.

-You gained 2000 Karma.

-You killed 172 monsters.

-You gained 2000 xp.

-You gained 1000 Karma.]

[You have leveled up~ You gained 2 stat points~]

I look at the 32 stat points I just gained and am quite happy at the amount. I put 10 into endurance, 10 into strength, 6 into agility and 6 into dexterity. After that I brought up my status.

[Name: Zhao Feng

-Age: 16

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Level: 19(240/4500)

-Strength: 30

-Agility: 26

-Dexterity: 26

-Intelligence: 5

-Wisdom: 4

-Vitality: 12

-Endurance: 30

-Charm: 1

-Luck: 5

-Stat Points: 0

-Skill Points: 0

-Points: 6145

-Karma: 10450

-Skills: Sword Mastery(2/10)]

Jeez. I have over 10000 Karma but I still don't know what I do with it. I shake my head and look at the 20 hour break time and take off my armor. I place it all on a table and then lay down on my bed and quickly fall asleep.

Next chapter