
Chapter 6

I wake up with a start since I could hear banging and movement outside of the store I am within, so I put the backpack on and hold my sword and quietly walk towards the door. I could hear voices speaking, which means that it is humans here.

I let out a quiet sigh since they aren't monsters, but they should still have horns on them, right? I could here someone shout about the door to the room I am in, so I hide behind the door and wait silently. After a minute, the door slowly opens and 3 people walk in.

They are three guys with a bunch of muscles on their body, but they don't have any armor and only have some daggers, which tells me they are some of the newbies that joined from the first mission. Once of them had a backpack on similar to mine, so they clearly found a supply drop, which is nice.

They don't even look behind the door when they entered, so they are pretty lucky to of lived until now. I walk out from behind the door and silently walk to them from behind. They still didn't even realize I was here, so I just silently laugh and thrust out my sword.

My sword entered the chest of one of them from behind and kills him instantly by piercing his heart. The other two saw the sword come out of their companions chest and instantly turned around to see me.

They were about to yell something but I don't bother with them. I pull my sword out from the dead guys body and attack the other two. I cut off ones head easily and stab the other guys heart. I only took 5 seconds in total to kill them all, which is about the same amount of time for one monster.

I already killed bunch of people during the second third mission, so I don't care about killing people now, nor then. I pick up their backpack and empty it out. There are 13 horns and a bit of food and water inside, so I put all the horns into my backpack.

I drink a bottle of water and eat two biscuits from their backpack and then leave the store. I have 96 horns now and there are still two days left to the mission, so I should collect even more. I will hopefully get 300 horns by the end, since I am curious about what I will get with that many.

When I leave the store I could see 3 monster corpses nearby, so I guess those guys killed them. I shrug and walk past them while looking around. I don't spot any monsters for about an hour, but I did see a few corpses.

After an hour I found a group of 10 monsters, which is the biggest one so far. I smile a bit and rush over to them. They spot me and all run at me together, which causes me to frown instead of smile. I could tell that they are in a formation that surrounds me and will allow them to attack my blind spots, which is weird.

All the other monsters I found only attack me sloppily, but these are different. Is there a leader? I wonder. I dealt with the 10 monsters easily and look around to see if there is a leader. I spot a large group of 30 or 40 monsters further down, and there is one particular monster that interests me.

The monster is two times the size of the other ones and it's horn is also thicker. When I look at it, it also looks at me. I guess it felt my stare? We stare at each other for a few seconds before he yells out in a language I don't know.

Afterwards, the whole group of 30 or 40 monsters turns and stares at me menacingly, which sent a slight shiver down my spine. Not out of fear, but excitement! The only time I felt like this was when I fought one of the Sector Leaders in the forest.

The leader yells out again and all of the monsters start rushing at me, which causes me to laugh aloud. I grip my sword tightly with both hands and rush straight at the group of monsters. I jump at the foremost monsters and cut them in half instantly, then rush into the middle of the group.

My target is naturally the leader of the monsters, since he is the stronger one. I don't even care about these average monsters, since they are too weak for them to do anything to me besides light injuries.

I cut down a dozen monsters or so before I finally reach the leader, and I instantly jump at him. He pulls out a saber from who knows where and meets my sword head on. Although got pushed back a few steps, he blocked my attack perfectly.

"Good! Good! Let's continue!"

I scream out while laughing. I stab and slash my sword at him with a fast pace, and he struggles to block everything. The weak monsters finally caught up to me and start swarming me, which causes me to frown.

"Piss off! Trash!"

I angrily stab my sword out multiple times and sever the heads of the 20 or so monsters that surrounded me and ran at the leader again. The leader backed off a bit and looked like he wanted to run, which annoyed me. Since he blocked my sword each time I though he wound be more interesting.

Too bad he is just like the weak trash, just slightly stronger. I stab at him a few times and he fails to block two strikes, one which stabs his heart and the other his throat. He looks at me with fear in his eyes and falls to the ground.

I felt upset since I thought this would be a good fight, but I got disappointed. I cut off all of the horns, including the leaders horn, and my total amount of horns of 142, including one leader horn. The backpack somehow has enough space, which is nice.

I look at the saber the monster leader used, and cut it in half in anger. No point in taking it since it is useless to me, and no point it letting others find it. I calm my emotions and continue exploring this place. I found a few small groups of monsters and kill them, gaining a dozen or so more horns.

For the next few hours I didn't find much besides a bunch of small groups of monsters, not even one more leader monster. I guess they are rare or something. Now that I think about it, although it is weak to me, but to the others that came here, it is probably strong as hell.

Looking up at the dark sky, I shrug and enter a random building to rest in. There is no separate room in this one, so I just lay down behind under an intact counter and fall asleep.

I wake up a few hours later and stand up while stretching my body. Surprisingly no monsters came around here, so I didn't end up waking up to kill them. When I leave the building, I think about Chu Nan. Although he is very weak, he is probably still alive. I killed most of the monsters on the stairs and he has the brains and knowledge about this kind of world from his games, so he is probably fine.

I look around and could smell a large amount of blood, which caused me to frown. There are no dead people or monsters around my area, so the blood isn't near me. The fact I can still smell it means that there are a lot of dead bodies at the place the blood is, so I decide to head there.

Who knows, there might be a leader or something similar there. I walk for 10 minutes before the smell of blood gets so intense I nearly need to cover my nose. I walk around a corner and finally found what the source of this smell is.

There is a massive group of dead bodies piled together into a hill, and they are all human. I look at it and I can tell there is at least 300 bodies there, which causes me to frown heavily. What the hell happened here? There is no way that such a big group of humans were together, so that means something purposely brought the bodies here, but what is it?

This happened overnight since I didn't smell it before I slept, so it can't of been a monster leader that did it. They might be strong to normal people, but they aren't strong enough to do this in a single night.

I wanted to head closer and inspect the bodies for a clue, but before I could, I felt danger. A lot of danger. I hurriedly jump from my spot and flipped a few times and landed a few meters away. I looked back where I was and nearly jumped.

There is a damn giant! It is the same monster as all the others, which I can tell from the horn, but it is huge. Compared to the monster leader than was two times the size of normal monsters, this one is 3 or 4 times the size of monster leaders.

It has a huge hammer in it's hands which is on the spot I was standing at. The ground it completely caved in around the hammer, which tells me that it is heavy as hell. I frown heavily and looked around me. I finally realize what killed all those people.

There are probably 2 or 3 hundred monsters surrounding me now. There are 10 or so monster leaders mixed in as well, so I could tell I am in danger this time. I look towards the giant guy and guess he is probably the king of these monsters or something. I'll just call him that for now.

The monster king says something in their language and a bunch of monsters rush me. I guess there is around 80 normal monsters and 3 monster leaders rushing at me. The monster king lost interest in me and walked towards the bodies piled into a hill and starts eating them.

Seeing that causes me to frown. I might kill humans without hesitation, but I am still a human in the end. Seeing this guy eat a bunch of humans causes me to get angry, so I wanted to stop it but I got blocked by the bunch of trash monsters.

"Fuck off you trash!"

I rush into the group of monsters and start cutting them up easily. My sword severs heads and cuts them in half constantly, and eventually the monster leaders rush at me. I killed over half of the normal monsters by then.

All three monster leaders attack me together, but they can't do much. I get a few injuries on my body here and there from their sabers, but they are too weak to do anything more. I cut off their heads and kill the rest of the normal monsters after that.

I ignore the monster king and quickly rush towards the remaining hundred plus monsters surrounding me. I jump into groups of them at a time and cut them in half constantly, including monster leaders.

Barely 3 minutes passed but I killed all over the 2 or 3 hundred monsters surrounding me, and thanks to my anger at the monster king I am not tired. The monster king finally felt something was wrong and looked up from the dead people it was eating and yelled out in rage seeing all of the monsters around dead.

"Come at me you piece of shit!"

Seeing it pick up it's hammer and run at me, I yell that out loudly and run at it too meet it in combat. I block a hit from it's hammer with my sword and could feel my bones break slightly, which causes me to frown. I could tell that I can only block 2 or 3 more times before my arms break, so I dodge the hammer.

I stab and slash at the monster king each time I dodge, and thank to it's large body and heavy hammer it is pretty slow. I cut off 3 of it's fingers on it's right hand and I cut off an ear. I was about to cut off it's head but I was blocked by it using it's right arm to take the hit.

As a result, although it saved it's fat head, I cut off it's right arm in turn. It had already switched the hammer to it's left hand and swung it at me right after I cut off it's arm. I managed to position the sword in front of me which blocked the attack, but I still got sent flying since I was in the air.

I crashed heavily into a building a dozen meters away and could feel my organs get injured, which caused me to spit out a mouthful of blood. Thankfully I bought the armor, or I would of probably got my chest caved in from that attack.

The monster king takes the chance I was injured and ran at me swinging it's hammer with it's left arm. I roll to the side and the hammer hits the ground, missing me completely. Taking advantage of it only having one arm, I swiftly cut off it's hand, which caused it to drop the hammer completely.

It doesn't have anything to hold it's beloved hammer with anymore, so I dodge a kick that came my way and jump into the air again. I slash my sword towards it's head and this time, it didn't manage to block it. I severed it's head from it's fat neck and it's body fell to the ground.

I land on the ground and nearly fall due to the damage I took from that hit, so I use my sword to stay standing and hold my stomach tightly with my left hand. I spat out another mouthful of blood, but I felt a bit better thanks to that.

I rested for an hour and then stood back up. I wasn't completely healed, but I can easily fight a dozen monster leaders again. I cut off the massive horn from the monster king and then cut off all of the other horns from the dead monsters around me.

I put all of the horns into my bag after I counted them and the number I have is pretty damn huge. I have a total of 341 normal horns, 16 monster leader horns and one monster king horn! That amount is a lot more than I though I would get.

After all this fighting and resting, I head over to the pile of dead bodies. I inspect each body that is still there and for some reason let out a sigh of relief when I didn't see Chu Nan's body there. It quite confused me. He could of been eaten by the monster king, or his body could be somewhere else for all I know.

I wonder why I was relieved when I didn't see his body here though. Do I want him as a companion? No, that's not it. I don't need one of those. Perhaps it is because he was interesting? Yes, that has to be it. He is very interesting indeed.

After settling my mind, I looked at the timer that suddenly appeared. There should still be a day left, but perhaps because I killed the monster king, there is only 3 hours left. I wonder how many people are gonna die because they don't have 100 horns.

I probably just killed another 100 or so people due to killing the monster king, but it's not like I care. The group will just get replenished. There are a couple trillion people on Earth, and a few million in my city, so who cares about a few thousand deaths?

I sure don't. I stopped caring about people after that incident a few years ago... Whatever. I shake my head to stop thinking about it and simply lay down on the ground looking up at the sky. I felt a bit tired after fighting these few hundred monsters, but I can't sleep until I get back to my private room.

While laying there, 3 hours quickly past by. No monsters came to attack me during that time, so I simply lay there. Eventually, a white light covered my body and I was teleported away. I opened my eyes and sure enough, I was in my private room.

I sat up and took off the backpack that still has all of those horns in it, so I am confused. I simply wait for the screen to explain the use of them, if it even does.

[Hello~ Congratulation on completing your fifth mission, or second for most of you. I will explain the horns after the rewards~ Here you go~]

[You have completed Mission #5, Collection.

-You gained 100 xp.

-You gained 100 points.

-You gained 5 stat points.

-You killed 324 normal monsters.

-You gained 3000 xp.

-You killed 16 monster leaders.

-You gained 2500 xp.

-You gained 1000 points.

-You killed the Monster King.

-You gained 5000 xp.

-You gained 1500 points.

-You gained 2000 Karma.

-You obtained the third right of the Hidden Throne!]

Damn that is a lot of stuff! I even got the third right! I only need 2 more rights and I will obtain the Hidden Throne. I really wonder what Throne it will be.

[You have leveled up~ You gained 2 stat points~]

[You have leveled up~ You gained 2 stat points~]

[You have leveled up~ You gained 2 stat points~]

[You have leveled up~ You gained 2 stat points~]

[You have leveled up~ You gained 2 stat points~]

5 levels. All of that xp only gave me 5 levels, Jeez. It is going to be hard to level up in the future, huh. Well let's look at that status of mine.

[Name: Zhao Feng

-Age: 16

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Level: 14(90/1300)

-Strength: 9

-Agility: 7

-Dexterity: 7

-Intelligence: 5

-Wisdom: 4

-Vitality: 8

-Endurance: 5

-Charm: 1

-Luck: 5

-Stat Points: 15

-Skill Points: 0

-Points: 3245

-Karma: 3450

-Skills: N/A]

Damn! I nearly have as many points as I do Karma now. Well, let's put 5 points into strength, 5 into endurance, 3 into agility and 2 into dexterity. After that I look at the bunch of horns in my backpack and hope the screen explains.

[Now then~ You are probably wondering about those horns, right? Let me explain~ You can trade them for stuff! I will bring up the screen you can trade for with the horns~]







I skip both armor and weapons since I don't need anything new, but the skills and information ones are interesting. I bring up the skills shop first.

[Spear Mastery: 300 horns.

-Sword Mastery: 300 horns.

-Dagger Mastery: 300 horns.

-Halberd Mastery: 300 horns.

-Axe Mastery: 300 horns.

-Sabre Mastery: 300 horns.

-Bow Mastery: 500 horns.

-Blacksmith Mastery: 600 horns.

-Medicine Mastery: 800 horns.

-Monster Mastery: 300 horns.

-Driving Mastery: 200 horns.

-Cooking Mastery: 50 horns.

-Crafting Mastery: 75 horns.]

Damn~ That is a lot of stuff. I can directly ignore everything but the Sword Mastery. I don't know what it does, but I can tell it will increase my strength with swords, which is what I need. So, I purchase it for 300 horns, leaving me with 41 normal horns, 16 leader horns and the king horn.

I could feel something change within me after I purchased the skill, but I don't know what it is, so I ignored it and brought up the information shop.

[Mission Information: 50 horns.

-Monster Information: 50 horns.

-World Information: 1 leader horn.

-Strength Information: 10 leader horns.

-Skill Information: 3 leader horns.

-Screen Information: 1 king horn.

-Future Information: 1 king horn.]

Damn! I can actually get information about the future, what the hell. There is also the screen information, huh. Which should I choose? After thinking for a few minutes, I got my decision made. I chose the World Information, Strength Information, Skill Information and Screen Information. Although Future Information sounds nice, it is pretty useless to me.

After I bought all of the information with the horns, a few screens popped up, telling me about what I purchased.

[World Information: The world known as Earth was under a Peace Period all this time, and just recently lost it. After the loss of the Peace Period, monsters started appearing on Earth. The entire world changed. Earth actually increased in size. Oceans got larger and deeper, land developed further, and new things appeared, such as new forests, new jungles, new oceans, new cities, new towns, and such forth.]

That is all it tells me huh. Well it isn't that useless, since it tells me about the new oceans and stuff, which could be dangerous. Earth increased in size though, how interesting.

[Strength Information: You can increase your strength by a few methods. The first method is by using stat points, which are gained from missions and leveling up. The second method is by working out. This method can slightly increase your stats, but it is pretty useless now. The last method is by gaining a Throne. Obtaining a Throne will give many benefits, including increasing your strength.]

Oh? I can increase my strength by obtaining a Throne? I am looking forward to obtaining that Hidden Throne even more now. Since it is hidden, it will obviously be better than normal Thrones.

[Skill Information: Skills will increase your power. For example, your Sword Mastery Skill. Your skill with swords will increase immensely, allowing you to use anything that is a sword without practice and still be professional with them. Increasing the skill level will add more benefits to it as well.]

Skill level, huh? I guess that is what skill points are for, but I don't have any yet. Well, I Will get them in the future obviously.

[Screen Information: The Screen was created by an unknown being from the time where Thrones were still used. As a result, when that being got strong, he created a Peace Period for every world and when that period disappeared, the Screen will appear for everybody on that planet, along with the changes. The screen can be considered and omnipotent existence that will assist everybody with all of it's might, as long as they are capable enough. If one gets a Throne, the benefits increase.]

Interesting. The screen was actually created like that, huh. I wonder how much the screen will change once I get my Hidden Throne, hehe. I am looking forward to it so much now.

I look at the normal horns and few leader horns I still have left, and since I have no use for them now, I just took them out of my backpack and put them on a random box that is in my private room. I noticed that my private room keeps expanding with each mission I complete, and new things keep getting added, which is interesting.

Looking at the 30 hours for the break, I lay down on my bed and, due to my fatigue, I fall asleep instantly.

Next chapter