
Chapter 3


Fuck! the timer was so damn loud that I jumped out of the bed and smacked my head on the wall. I look at the clock that is still beeping with annoyance and smack the button to turn it off, and I got some damn silence now.

I have four hours left until the next mission starts, so I should sort some stuff out now. Lets bring up the shop now.

[Weapon Shop

-Armor Shop

-Food Shop

-Misc Shop]

I click on the Weapon Shop and the few weapons come up for me to see.

[Iron Dagger: 10 points.

-Iron Sword: 50 points.

-Iron Spear: 65 points.

-Iron Halberd: 90 points.

-Iron Axe: 50 points.

-Bow: 130 points.]

Just like I originally planned to do, I clicked on the Iron Spear option and clicked the yes button when it asked if I wanted to buy it.

[You have purchased an Iron Spear~ You lost 65 points, hehe~]

An average looking spear popped up in front of me and fell into my stretched out hands. I could feel that it was pretty heavy, but not heavy enough that I can't use it. I don't know how to use a spear, but I can guess pretty much. I can thrust it and sweep with it, which is all I really need to do.

Since I have 4 hours until the next mission, I figure I should practice using the spear until then. I hold the spear properly and start practicing thrusts for an hour. I found out that the wall isn't breakable, so I used it as my target. After thrusting the spear for hundreds of times, I of course left a few marks on the wall, but that is it.

My body is tired as hell, but I force myself to continue and start using the sweep for spears. I move the spear sideways constantly while hitting a thick piece of wood that the screen gave to me to use. I imagined that there was an enemy with a weapon in front of me and I kept blocking it and knocking it to the side by sweeping my spear.

By the time I did that for a bit over an hour, my body was too sore to do anything more, so I sat down and decided to rest for the next 2 or so hours until the mission starts. I start a bath that is in the bathroom and relax myself in it while also cleaning myself, and two hours past by quickly.

When there was 3 minutes left until the ten hour rest period ended, I got out of the bath and dried myself off before dressing myself, and I just finished dressing myself before a white light covered me and brought me somewhere else.

Thankfully I managed to grab my spear at the last second, or I wound feel like killing someone. When I could see properly, I found myself in a giant room with a lot of other people. While there are some of the students that lived in the gym from the last mission, I could see up to a thousand people here, most of them from other schools, even middle schools, while the rest are adults like teachers or businessmen.

I look around and notice that only 1 out of every 15 or so people I look at have a weapon other than a rusty dagger, which confuses me. Did they not have enough points to buy a better weapon? Although I was confused, I didn't bother asking anything.

[Hello~ It is time for the fourth mission! Hehe~ This mission is interesting!]

[Mission #4, Survival in the Forest.

-Time Limit: 7 days.

-Rewards: 100 points. 100 xp. 5 stat points.

-Failure Penalty: Death.]

Fuck me. If it was another battle royale I could just kill a hundred people or something and be done with that, but this isn't fun at all. I gotta survive a week in a forest? I damn well know it ain't that easy. This is probably a monster infected forest with countless monsters in it.

[Now then~ I will explain~ You just have to survive for 7 days in a forest! Not a normal forest though~ This forest is filled with tens of thousands of monsters in it, so you will always be in danger~ You can team up with other people, or go solo~ Who cares~ You just gotta survive~ Killing is allowed, too~ Good Luck~]

A white light covered every single person in this large room and teleported us to a random place. I look around as soon as I can see, and I am not amused. I am in a place with a large amount of giant thick trees. There are huge bushes everywhere along the ground, and there is nothing like a path.

The worst part is that I appeared in a FUCKING RIVER! I got completely soaked and my only pair of clothes are drenched in water. Although it won't weaken me in any way, the clothes I have on me are the only clothes I have. They will end up being all wet and soggy now which will make me feel uncomfortable.

I can't even make a fire to dry them because I don't know if the area I am at is safe at all, and monsters could be anywhere. I look at my soaked clothes and silently curse my luck for falling here and slowly move around. I don't bother staying at the river even though it is a good source of water, and that is the reason.

Who knows how many monsters come here to drink water? I don't feel like staying at a place like that where danger is everywhere. I need to venture around regardless, so I can just leave right away. I look at the sky and I can just barely see the sun due to the massive trees. I walk west according to the sun slowly and warily.

When I was walking through thick bushes and through thick trees, a small black shadow appears to my left and I instantly stab my spear at it. My spear cleanly pierces into whatever the shadow was and pinned it to a tree, so I look at it.

The shadow was apparently a big rabbit. The rabbit is about the size of two adult heads and looks fat, but it is clearly fast which I saw from it's shadowy appearance from before. I look at the dead rabbit at the end of my spear and suddenly felt hungry.

I also realized that I actually have not ate any food in about two days now, but I didn't notice my hunger due to all the fights I had during that time. I can't cook the rabbit here since there is no space, so I grit my teeth and walk back a few minutes and got to the river again.

Although this is stupid but I need to eat no matter what. At this rate, if I don't eat within a few hours I will probably weaken immensely due to it and that will put my in more danger. I get a bunch of sticks that are dry and put them into a pile and manage to create a fire using stones I found around and light a small fire.

I somehow manage to cut off the skin of the rabbit and put it on the end of my spear and start cooking it over the fire. It takes a long time, but 15 minutes later it is cooked enough for me to eat it. I look at the crispy looking rabbit and cut pieces off of it with a rusty dagger I washed in the river beforehand and put it in my mouth

A juicy taste enters my mouth as soon as I take a bite of the rabbit meat I put inside my mouth, and I hungrily chew it up and swallow it. It tasted wonderful. Perhaps it is because I am starving or it might be because I caught the rabbit myself, but it tastes very good to me.

I rapidly eat the rest of the rabbit and manage to fill myself up, but the taste of the rabbit almost tempted me enough to go hunt another one, but I calmed myself down since that would be a stupid move. I don't know where the rabbits could be, and I can't tell if there are any monsters nearby where they would be, as such it is too dangerous.

My clothes conveniently dried off due to the fire and I wasn't feeling uncomfortable anymore due to wet clothes, so I put out the fire and drink a few mouthfuls of water and then walk in the same direction as before.

I didn't encounter any monster or animal for an hour of walking around, so I am confused, but I don't let down my guard even slightly, as I don't know if there is a monster watching me or not. It never hurts to be cautious like such, as it often saves lives.

When I was walking through an area that has more space than average, I suddenly felt something was wrong so I hurriedly jumped back and a large shadow suddenly appeared where I was previously standing.

The shadow was a large tiger, which was currently staring at me viciously and also appears disappointed that I dodged it. I was sweating heavily due to nearly dying like that, and hurriedly positioned myself properly.

I don't know how strong this tiger is, but just it's size alone is hard for me, and judging by it's speed when it jumped at me earlier, it is faster than me, so it makes sense it is stronger than me. The only advantage I have on it is that I have weapons and am a lot smarter.

When the tiger jumps at me again, I sweep my spear and deflect it's claws that were stabbing towards my neck. The tiger didn't expect I could do that, so it went slightly off balance and I took the chance to thrust my spear at it's head.

Even though it was off balance, it still managed to dodge my thrust, though not completely. I didn't manage to stab it's head, but my spear did hit it's neck on the left side, leaving a bloody gash on it. Seeing the injury, I let out a breath of relief since this means it isn't as strong as I thought.

It is just fast. It might have decent power, but it didn't overpower me during our earlier clash. The tiger looks at me fiercely and I look at it with a calm face. Neither of us make a move and just look at each other, when I suddenly thrust my spear at it at a fast speed, almost catching it off guard.

My spear stabbed it's back when it dodged and left a wound on it, but it wasn't that big of a wound. The tiger obviously would get angry and it rushed at me angrily. I inwardly cheered at this, since it is more reckless now and it got harder for it to dodge.

I left more and more injuries on the tigers body and it got angrier and angrier due to this, and it kept making mistakes, one of them fatal. When it attacked me, it was too rushed and it completely missed, which gave me the chance to stab it's head with my spear.

My spear pierced straight into it's head and pierced it's brain, quite clearly ending it's life. I easily dealt with this giant tiger and I only had a few light injuries on me when I was dodging it, so I was quite happy. The fight itself took around 30 or so minutes, which was only because of it's speed.

I look at the dead tiger and although I can't take the whole tiger, I can take some useful stuff. I noticed that it's fangs were very sharp when it slightly grazed me with them, so I pull them out of it's mouth and put them in my belt, securing them near my daggers.

No screen came up when I killed the tiger, so I guess all of the kills I get during this mission will be put into the rewards at the end. I dislike this since I can't get stronger during a mission, but I can at least gather some good materials such as these tiger fangs along the way.

I could tell that they were a lot better than my daggers, so I was quite happy as I left the corpse behind and continued on my way. I walked for a few hours without even seeing a shadow of a monster or animal, so I am even more confused than before.

The screen said that there were tens of thousands of monsters and animals in the forest, so why did I only see two during the past 6 hours? Did I get sent to a safer area or something? If it is like that I am pretty disappointed.

Others would like it if they were in a safe area, but I don't. The more monsters and animals I can fight, the better my battle experience and spear skills would get. Although I won't be using a spear forever, but using a spear is going to be pretty good during these tutorial missions.

I kept searching for another 3 hours but I didn't find anything and it was getting dark, so I gave up on searching for stuff to kill and turned to finding a place to sleep the night. I didn't find anything like a cave, but I did find a good tree. There are a bunch of thick leaves on it and the tree branches are thick enough for me to lay on without falling off, so I climbed up the giant tree and lay on a branch.

There were a few vines on the branch I was laying on, the same with a few others, which makes it convenient. I tie myself to the branch with a few vines, and after making sure that I was securely tied to the branch with no risks of falling, I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep on the tree.

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