
Chapter 11

I could hear someone approaching our building during my sleep so I instantly got up off the bed and held my sword. My movement probably startled the others but they also grabbed their weapons when they saw me doing the same.

The door opened and the bulky guy from yesterday enters. He is surprised seeing us all pointing our weapons in his direction even before he opens the door. He sports a grin and speaks to us, who lowered our weapons after seeing him.

"Good reactions! That is important on the battlefield! Let me introduce myself. I am called Bin Cao! I am a Lieutenant of the Frost Squad. Get dressed and follow me. We are heading to the battlefield now!"

After he finishes speaking he leaves the building and closes the door behind me. I could tell he was still waiting outside, though. I stood up off my bed and put my sword back onto my belt and put my backpack filled with food, water and bandages onto my back and headed outside.

A few moments later the other 4 also came out with their weapons and armor on. Bin Cao told us to follow him, which we do. We walk past a few buildings similar to ours and I can see a few other people who are doing missions, but since they aren't part of my mission I could care less about them.

After walking for a few minutes we reach a large group of trucks. We were probably on one of them yesterday, huh. Bin Cao led us onto a large truck and he also got on it. There were already another 15 people inside the truck, but there was still enough space for all of us.

A sat down on a random seat and Chu Lin and Lin Shi sat down on either side of me. After a few minutes the trucks all start moving, so I guess everybody is on their truck. I could see about a hundred trucks earlier, and if there are 15 people on each truck here, there is over a thousand people.

Compared to the army of monsters, this is just 1% of it, so I am assuming there are other bases around with more people, or else this war would of already been over by now and we would of lost. The trucks drive for about 7 hours before they stop somewhere.

Bin Cao is the first person to get off of the truck, and the rest of us follow after him. When we get off of the truck, I could see a huge base in front of us. I look back and there were a few gates with a bunch of soldiers patrolling around.

The base is so huge that it should be able to hold at least a hundred thousand people, which is the same amount as the monster army. Realizing that, I let out a quiet sigh of relief since there won't be a repeat of that mission I nearly died.

Over a thousand people got off of all of the trucks that just entered and we all followed a lieutenant that led us to a place. We passed by a few tents and buildings along the walk and I could see people with a badge on their clothes or armor, which says their rank.

I could see multiple people that were a lieutenant, there were a few officers and even a captain here, which surprised me. Bin Cao leads us past all of them and we eventually reach a gate. The soldiers guarding the gate salute Bin Cao and open it to allow us entry.

Bin Cao nods at the soldiers and we all enter the gate. Inside of the gate there are a bunch of people running around with armor and weapons on them. Some are wounded and some are eating. He leads us over to a person that is speaking with a few others.

I look at his badge and get a small shock. His badge tells me that his rank is Major, so he is probably the leader of the Frost Squad that I am apart of. He notices us but he doesn't bother with us and continues speaking with the other 4 people who are all Captains.

After a few minutes the 4 Captains leave and the Major looks at us. When he sees Bin Cao in the front of the group he nods at him, and Bin Cao salutes him before stepping off to the side. The Major looks at us all for a moment before speaking.

"I am Major Frost, the leader of the Frost Squad. You will all be Privates of my Frost Squad from now on. We are getting ready to join the battlefield to assist the Steel Squad. You will all be given a Private badge before we leave. Get your armor and weapons ready, we leave in 15 minutes."

After he finishes speaking he turns around and quickly walks away from our group, probably going to settle something. Bin Cao then steps up in front of us all and begins speaking.

"Alright, get ready, Privates! We will be going to join the war in a few minutes! Make sure all your gear is well maintained and ready for a long battle! After you get your Private badges we will set off!"

After he finishes speaking he sits down on a chair with a few other Lieutenants and a captain and they begin speaking about something I can't hear. A few minutes later a couple of people come over with about a thousand Private badges in a few boxes and begin handing them out.

I look at the Private badge that i just put on my left chest and wonder, what rank will I get by the end of this mission? Hopefully I will get around Captain or Major at least, since I get more rewards from the higher ranks.

A couple of minutes later a group of Captains and Lieutenants come over to us and begin separating the group under different people. I was placed under the leadership of a Captain, while the other 4 I came with were put under Lieutenants.

I follow the Captain with a couple hundred other people towards a few trucks and we all board them. I end up being on the same truck as the Captain and I could tell he isn't liking me by his look. I could see him scanning me with his eyes before looking away in disappointment. Most likely due to my pale skin and me having no armor on.

How would he know my clothes are stronger than any armor in this whole army? Not like I will explain to him. The trucks drive forward for 4 hours before we stop and get off. When I get off I see thousands of injured people on stretchers getting bandaged.

A few of the Privates around me paled at the sight of this many injured people but I just looked at it calmly. I noticed nearly all of the injured were Privates, with a few Corporals mixed within and that was it. I couldn't care less about this many injured people since I personally killed over 3 or 4 thousand during the tutorial.

The Captain leads us all past the group of injured and over to a building. I see a few heavily armed guards guarding the building entrance. The Captain stopped moving in front of the guards and spoke to them.

"Captain Zhu Yi reporting for duty!"

The guards looked at him and nodded to him and allowed him to enter. His name was Zhu Yi, huh. He entered the building for a few minutes before coming out with a frown on his face. He looked at us all before speaking to us.

"I am Captain Zhu Yi of the Frost Squad. You will all be following me into battle now. We will assist the Steel Squad that has taken heavy damage from the monster assault. Now, follow me!"

After he finishes speaking he begins walking outside the base through a different gate then we entered and then he began running. This caused all of us Privates to have to run as well to stay near him. I was perfectly fine, but after an hour the other Privates began getting tired and slowed down.

I shook my head at how weak they were and continued following Captain Zhu Yi closely. After another hour I could smell blood and hear fighting going on nearby. Captain Zhu Yi waited a few minutes for the Privates to catch their breathes before speaking.

"We are here! We will be joining the battle now! Get ready, Privates!"

He takes the sword on his back off and runs through a few trees. I follow him with my sword in my hand as do a few others with their weapons. We run a few meters through trees before we can see the fight.

There are a couple thousand monsters fighting a group of around 3 thousand soldiers. The soldiers are all injured either lightly or heavily but they are still fighting since they have no choice. Captain Zhu Yi screams out loudly and jumps into a group of monsters and instantly cuts them down.

I also begin my slaughter. I ran through a group of 12 monsters and passed by them in 2 seconds before I continue running on. The monsters I passed by suddenly got split into pieces before falling to the ground.

The group behind us finally reacted and took out their weapons before joining the fight. I continued to pass by the monsters who were to weak to even see me before they died. I cut them into half or cut off their heads most of the time while occasionally cutting them into a few pieces.

The fight lasted about 3 hours and we finally won. I had a few injuries on my body but the flexible armor I was wearing had blocked nearly all the damage I took, so I just have some scratches. The same can't be said about others, though.

Over half of the group of Privates I came with died, while the others all had heavy injuries on them. Most of them were crying out in pain like little kids which caused me to frown. If this was anywhere else I would probably kill them just to shut them up, but I can't do that here.

Captain Zhu Yi was covered in blood, but none of it was his. I was watching him during the whole fight and he wasn't injured at all. I guessed based on his attacks that all his stats were at least above 100, if not higher.

He isn't a Captain for nothing, huh. I could see him look at me with a bit of appreciation in his eyes before he looks over all the other Privates, frowning. I could tell he was angry at how weak they were and how badly they got injured during a simple fight like this.

He shakes his head and walks towards the group of people who we assisted during this fight and began speaking with someone. I guess he is a Captain of the other squad or something. They speak for a few minutes before we head back to the base.

I was about to head to a barracks where I would be sleeping at to look around when Captain Zhu Yi called me over to an office. I enter and see Captain Zhu Yi with 4 other Captains, including the one from the other squad I saw earlier.

"Sit down, Private."

One of the Captains spoke to me while pointing at a chair at the end of the table. I look at them for a few seconds before sitting down on it. The Captains look at each other before one of them speaks to me.

"What is your name, Private?"

"My name is Zhao Feng, Sir."

I answer his question as respectfully as I possibly could since this is an Army, after all. I can't act like I normally do until my rank increases.

"Well then, Private Zhao Feng, you were amazing on the battlefield earlier. According to Captain Zhu Yi, you killed nearly as many monsters as he did during the fight. As a result, we are promoting you to Corporal as you gained enough merits for it during that fight."

When I heard the Captain say I was promoted to Corporal I was shocked. I only fought in one easy battle like that and I was already a Corporal from it, which surprised me. I could tell that the Captains were a bit surprised by my strength by looking at them, which is probably why I got promoted.

A Lieutenant to the side stepped up and handed me a Corporal badge while taking my Private badge away. I look at it for a moment before I put it onto my left chest.

"Keep up the good work, Corporal Zhao Feng."

"Yes, Sir!"

I saluted before leaving the office. I was still a bit shocked that I got promoted already, but I was also very happy. If I got promoted already, doesn't that mean I should be able to each Captain soon? I was a bit excited at that thought as I lay on my bed and slept.

During the next month I participated in a total of 7 battles and got promoted to Sergeant at the end of the month. 2 months after that I gained enough merits to get promoted to Officer and was given a squad of 10 to lead.

At the fifth month I destroyed a monster camp and slayed a monster Captain and gained enough merits to be promoted once again, resulting in me being at Second Lieutenant already. During the 7th month I destroyed a total of 4 monster camps and killed 2 more Captains, getting promoted to Lieutenant.

During the 10th month I killed a Major on the monster side while destroying my 14th base and was once again promoted to Captain, which shocked everybody in the army. My promotion speed was just to fast, after all.

Finally, during the final month, I got promoted to Major. The reason being I killed a Colonel of the monster army while assisting a General in slaying the monsters General, causing him to applaud and promote me to Major.

When the time came for me to leave the army I was given a reward by the General for being an amazing soldier and he set up a banquet for me before I left. Shortly after the banquet finished I was teleported back to my private room, still wearing the Major badge on my left chest.

I sat down on my bed after placing the Major badge within a glass box that I had in my private room and placed it near my bed on a small table.

[You really are amazing! You actually managed to get promoted all the way to Major within a mere year, really amazing! Here are your rewards.]

[You have cleared Mission #1, War.

-Mission Ranking: S

-You gained 10000 points.

-You gained 10000 xp.

-You gained 50 stat points.

-You gained 1000 Karma.

-You killed 19287 monsters.

-You gained 50000 xp.

-You gained 32500 points.

-You gained 4000 Karma.

-You killed 13 Captains.

-You gained 25000 xp.

-You destroyed 29 bases.

-You gained 40000 xp.

-You killed 4 Lieutenant Colonels.

-You gained 20000 xp.

-You killed 1 Colonel.

-You gained 30000 xp.

-You reached Major Rank!

-You gained 45000 xp.

-You gained 30000 points.

-You gained 3000 Karma.

-You gained the Badge of Honor!]

[You have leveled up x17~ You gained 34 stat points~]

17 levels! Why is there so many levels from just the first mission? Is it because I got an S rating on the mission? Yeah, that should be the reason why. I have 84 stat points, huh. I will put 25 into strength, 25 into agility, 25 into dexterity, and 14 into endurance. I smile slightly before bringing up my status.

[Name: Zhao Feng

-Age: 16

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Level: 47(9150/42500)

-Strength: 100

-Agility: 100

-Dexterity: 100

-Intelligence: 50

-Wisdom: 50

-Vitality: 50

-Endurance: 89

-Charm: 10

-Luck: 10

-Stat Points: 0

-Skill Points: 0

-Points: 94145

-Karma: 15950

-Sin: 0

-Skills: Sword Mastery(5/10), Solitude Movement(4/10)]

94000 points, huh. Points are pretty damn useless now, haha. 3 of my stats are at 100 now, finally. Now i need to work on the others. Oh well, I will deal with that when I wake up. I yawn and lay down on my bed before falling asleep.

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