1 "Breaking Rituals"

A girl was crouching inside a cell, bruised and bloodied. With the look in her eyes, it seems like she has given up hope in getting out of wherever she is right now.

'Looks like no one is searching for me. I've been here for a long time now and there are still no rescue coming in. Ah! I hate my life, why did this happened to me. Huhuhu. I don't want to suffer any more! Kill me now!'

The girl thought helplessly. She's been experimented, raped, and abused. And with her suffering, the people, the lunatics seem to feel joy with it. With her pain.


"Wake up girl! Wake up! It's your time again!" Said a bald and muscular man while grinning, and then took out the girl out of the cell. The girl didn't fight or struggle anymore, the months of abuse abviously taught her a lesson of not struggling anymore while being manhandled by this person.

The man dragged the girl, out of the cell and in the hall.

"I don't know what is the council sees in you to not give up in this stupid experiment! Those idiots think that you will Break and attain powers! HAH! A girl of your kind, will Break? Are they out of their mind? Stupid motherf*ck**s!" And then proceeded to spat at the girl.

After a long minute of walk, they arrived at a hall with a lot of candles, the place is dark, and aside from those candles, there don't seem to be another source of light.

On the ground there is a circle drawn with blood, and people in a leather masks, that looked like dry faces of human beings, surrounding the circle.

"Ah, finally the subject arrived. Garang, please put her inside the circle."
