
Day of Beginnings

[1763rd year, 1st month, 2nd day, Local time 12:00 am midnight]

The day was finally over, and with that the last day of the 3 day fest had started. After farewell comes enlightenment which creates new beginning, hence the Last day of the 3 festivals was called Day of Beginning. This is the day when people plan their next year. This is the day when people try to start anew, this is the day where adventure begins.

<Are you sure you want to transfer all lvl 6 appraisal data into the system?>

<Beware wrong information can heavily impact the script in infant stage>

Mike had completed the procedure to get the script soul and already copied the basic data like basic fighting techniques for Master rank and below, he copied the data stored in lvl6 appraisal ring which was surprisingly world level ring meaning the creator had a system which has explored almost the whole world. The ring itself was lvl 6 ring and as far as appraisal rings go it was not precious as almost every system in the popular world has around lvl 8 appraisal data but due to trust issues, they cant be simply copied into scripts. In the book of scripts, Mike saw a lvl 7 Kingdom lvl Appraisal data and he copied that too. lvl 6 ring can show details of items with 2 ranks above sage and lvl 7 can list items 3 ranks above sage. He also copied a basic Empire Map, continent map and a world Map.

After being done with his script he started making plans for next year. Since he is a grade B affinity he needed a grade 6 affinity improvement material to increase his affinity to A then a grade 7 material to increase his affinity to S, getting grade 8 affinity increasing material will be tough, with his luck he might encounter it at some point many years later but to acquire it will be a challenge.

For training and cultivation it is believed that for lvl 1, body cultivation, a person should experiment on himself to make his body stronger, body cultivation too can increase affinity in rare cases by a small margin. Since every body is different the body cultivation too is different for everyone. Only close family members sometimes guide their children on how to proceed as the have somewhat similar bodies.

Next would be farewells and partings. He will have to bid goodbye to his family and friends. He will miss his family. among his friends Rose and her sweetheart james will stay in the village, along with peter. Lotus will be going to empires capital to build her own system, he himself will be going to the other forested side of the continent for accumulating resources and training in the 'Awakened Academy' branch. But remembering the circumstances of the twins clad and brez he sighed in pity. He knew it would be like that but the reality hurts more than truth.

In this amazing world of Amill if there is some flaw. It is the circumstances of twins borned in this world. Even gods make mistake and the creator of this world made one. The twins although are two separate people but they have a thread of soul connected with each other, while they are not awakened it poses no problem but the moment one of them reaches the practitioner level his soul will strengthen creating a strong suction force. Directly absorbing his twins soul and body even if they are separated across the world. The absorption itself wil strengthen the user directly increasing his affinity by one or two grades, his soul too will strengthen so will his body. Being born as a twin is a life of tragedy of treachery or guilt. The surviving twins go on to become most ruthless and some of the most powerful people in the world, but many end their life out of guilt long before that. The other option that remains for them is to suppress their cultivation but for 2 people to live 100 years as weaklings or 1 person to live 300 or even more years as a strong expert. The first great emperor himself was backstabbed by his twin brother who cultivated in secret, the emperor survived and absorbed his elder brother just because he somehow found a soul based treasure which saved his life. He went on to create world domination system and the greatest empire just to ensure he is never betrayed again. It is believed that he still lives as a hermit in a remote corner of the world.

For clad and brez, they initially had a 50% chance of survival as they belong to one of the two special category of twins, who are indistinguishable before awakening. As a mean to rectify his mistake, the creator, changed the rules of the world such that for 1% of twins would both survive but they will be talentless in cultivation and another 1% would both have great talent but will both die when either of them reach practitioner realm, and with their talent they are sure to reach that realm within 10 years even if they suppress their cultivation. It was prophesied by the oracle, who himself was a surving twin, that a pair of twins borned to be talented, will come together to become gods and save their kind.

Clad and Brez both unfortunately are talented and belong to the 2nd category, they both have affinity grade of A but no one congratulated them but instead pity the two brothers, this scenario is pretty common as 1 in every 100 twins suffer from same fate. Having twins is seen as a bad omen in caring families and seen as a great boon in ruthless families as surviving twin is generally more ruthless and stronger.

Sighing he hade up his mind to visit clad and brez perhaps for the last time ever. From what he heard Lotus has already left for empire. Mike planned that he will meet family in the town portal, then directly use it to go to the Endless Forest beyond the Great Wall mountain range.

Endless forest contains many city states each city pioneered by amazing individuals by exploring Wildlands. With abundant raw material gained in form of herbs, ores and magical beast corpses or even living magical beast cubs in form of pets, the endless forest is one of the biggest resource gathering location. Each of the 5 biggest cities are strong enough to contend with Empires in strength. the other smaller cities are strong on their own as they are capable of survival in the dangerous Endless forest. There is one Elf branch Village hidden there too. Also because of how rich the area is in natural resources, many dragon lairs too have been spotted. Each city have their own main market which is connected to other cities in the region too. It is believed all these Markets are managed by a hidden clan which also supports the biggest city. The largest city, Lanka, the city of gold, has two important attractions, one is its main market which by itself covers an area larger than even the imperial capital of Doscon. The market is a global strategic point of being the liason between every city in the endless forest and the outside world. The Market is one of the richest places in the world, while doscon Empire trades its abundant foodgrains with the world in bulk to become the richest empire, the city of Lanka is one of the biggest supplier of raw material to the world and accumulates 3-4% of global trade. given 100s of empires in the world this is commendable. The Doscan empire on the east and The city states on the west of great wall together make the richest continent in the world. the great wall have spared a fight between these two behemoths hence they are closely allied and help each other.

The other great attraction of Lanka city is the 'Awakened Academy'. It is a indipendant city affiliated with Lanka, called just Academy in the region. Every 4th day of the year it organises a 3 month long boot camp for newly awakened. It is recommended that people should start body refinement only after the boot camp for added benefits in the long term. Other than the boot camp the Academy houses one of the largest libraries in the continent. Also there exist a university of dozens of thousands of contracted teachers who help the millions of participants irrespective of their talents or ambition. Students from all over the continent arrive here, many of them eternally grateful for teaching them without discrimination. It is believed that one of the previous holder of the title ' World Dominator' originally had an F grade talent, all the universities in the world rejected him and only the academy accepted him without distinction. It is believed that he vowed fhat day to always protect the academy as long as he lives. According to rumours he still lives as a hermit in the academy and will protect it against the whole world.

Due to the scale of the academy it is one of the most important academic institutions of the world with countless teachers, students, skill books, books providing knowledge in all fields imaginable. with such large population comes geniuses who even if they are talentless in cultivation can make great invention. The academy has given birth to many great inventors, merchants, engineers, doctors, artists, along with cultivation related profesionals, like healers, alchemists, blacksmiths, fighters, and array masters. With many great personages eternally grateful to the academy it is one of the few untouchable and undefeatable existence in the world. To gain admission, a person just needs to survive the 3 months of bootcamp. If at any point someone is close to death he can use a 1 time help of the boot camp master. The second time this happens is when you fail. usually after asking for help, the participants collect food worth the remaining time and dig a hole, cover it up for the duration that is left for the bootcamp. This affects their evaluation but they atleast gain entrance to the academy.

Having collected all the relevant data, Mike was ready to move, to begin his new adventure.




------------------------- Chapter end --------------------------------

Author Tip: If you cant keep track of all characters in future dont worry, as like in real life, many a times you meet friends, and people for one last time. Sometimes they come back but mostly they dont. I attempt to make this story as realistic as possible hence I give so much lore. No one needs to know how rich the Doscon empire is or how it builds wealth, but knowing it can make you feel that how real Doscon empire is and it has its place in the world of Ammil.


Trivia: The Lanka is called city of gold because it is so rich that the main market street is paved with gold.

If anyone feels that the world is too detailed, or full of info dump, sorry but it is done so that readers can build an image of whats happening. They can then explore and relate with the decision Mike makes. Mike doesnt like being clueless hence collects ample information before proceeding. All the info dump at start means less infodump in the future. Also if you feel bored when reading the lore you can skim through it.

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