
A small Village

(currently on hiatus as I didnt realise how difficult it is to write a web novel)

[1762nd year, 12th month, 26th day, Local Time]







On the Planet of Ammil, Castoc continent, there is a mountain range known as the great wall. It divides the diamond shaped continent into two parts, on one side of it are the endless forests. With a few heavily fortified cities lying scattered in the forest like pebbles on grass. On the right side of the great wall lies the region rich in agriculture. Although the left side with forest recieve most of the rains, 90% of the rivers originating from the mountains flow rightward creating floodplains most suitable for agriculture. The right side is the Empire of Doscon, it is an agriculture rich country with few mining activities on moutains to feed domestic supply. The empire is free from the threat of most monsters, and only low lvl monsters and animals can be found in the forests of Doscon. In the fertile plains there are thousands of cities, surrounded by smaller towns which provide as a link between towns and villages.

Hundreds of villages surround each town and hundreds of towns surround each city. 100 cities are governed by a Major City or metro. and 10 metros are make up a prefecture, 4-5 prefectures is the usual size of a kingdom in Doscon empire. Some large kingdom might even contain upto 20 prefectures. Each Kingdom contains a capital city. The empire is made up of 58 such kingdoms. alongside it has Capital province which serves as overall capital of the empire. Thus, the kingdom has 319 prefectures, that is 3,190 metros, 319,000 cities, around 37.8 million towns, and around 6.969 billion villages. With a population of over 2.261 trillions It is rightfully the most populated empire of the world.

A large population with most of it dedicated in farming and food production, it is the place which almost feeds the whole world. In fact 70% of the empires and kingdom of the world import their food from here. Making this place peaceful and rich. All the fertilizers and commodities are imported hence creating a balance in the economy.

Among these billions of villages there was a small common village near the brook town of prince prefecture in the Borbon kingdom. the name like most of the villages was name of nearest town followed by a number. Official name of the village was Brook-35. Villagers themselves called the village as "Brothafi".

In the village of Brothafi was a group of 7 children playing around. They were of the same age, enjoying last of their youthful days. Out of two girls, one called Rose, named after a flower, was blushing as she talked to her neighbor, James. Her red hair and red blushing face, along with her green clothes looked just as if a red rose was standing there swaying with the wind. The other girl Lotus, who too was named after a flower, was fighting in a role playing game with 2 other boys and successfully suppressing them. after defeating the two twins, Brez and Clad, she challenged another boy, Peter. They struggled against each other and after about 15 mins Peter won. With a smile he helped her up and came to the boy resting beneath the tree.

"Nice Fight! You faught well." said Michael.

"But you would have defeated me in any case." Peter replied with a laugh.

"Still your skills have increased considerably. And as for me defeating you, you know that I train a lot more, we have different dreams after all."

"Ha Ha!! But are you sure about that 'dream' of yours, Mike?"

"Yes! Yes I am. Remember not a word to anyone else"

"Ok, Ok, I am mum," Peter turned towards him and added with a complicated expression, "But I still think what you are dreaming of is idiotic. I just hope you change your mind in the 4 remaining days"

"Sorry for shattering your hopes then" Mike retorted.




As the sun was about to set the group of youths started heading for their homes. Rose and James, neighbors and lovers went away together. The twins too headed home. Clad, named after 'cloud' had a gentle nature and always thought things through, suggested a race and immediately ran off. Brez, named after breeze, was faster of the two, he was impulsive and quick to react. Brez accepted the challenge without thinking even twice and ran after his brother. Only Peter, Lotus and Mike remained.

"Are both of you still determined to leave the village after the ceremony?"Peter broke the silence, "Why are you both so stubborn?"

"Yup, I will be leaving the village, you know I have to...", replied Lotus immediately. With her eyes shining she added "I want to be the first female to create a 'Knight system' its my dream. Instead of waiting for a knight, I want to become a knight and guide thousand of girls to the path of knighthood and glory."

"But you know how dangerous it is to trying to create a system. Even...even my dad...you know...even my dad...died. Died in his attempts to create a system... only 1 in a 10000 ever succeed in making a system in their lifetimes and even then, they are many a times unable to pass on their legacies, their system, wasting away their lives hardwork."

"I know you worry for us, I know that our journey will be difficult..." Mike spoke "... But you know... dreams and ambitions are like that. One knows that his dreams and goals are too difficult, almost impossible to achieve, yet he will work towards them, he will dream of making impossible into possible. I think... the drive to work towards that impossible is what makes us alive... to always move ahead is what makes us alive. I want to be alive... I want to create a system."

"You...You are an idiot...you both are idiots... why cant you give up...why? why do you want me to lose more people to this stupid system creation... My father... my brother... my friends are all of them idiots... Argh... my father died, I have not heard from my brother in 7 years... and now you two, my best friend and the one I loved... am I really destined to be alone... why god whyy...WHYYYY?" he broke down...

"what...do you mean? what do you mean by 'the one you love'? Oh my god Peter!!! Since when? when did you started loving me....No...noNono...it is not possible..."Lotus was shocked. Too shocked to respond.

All the while Mike stared at those two, completely dumbfounded. Should he comfort his friend for his loss? Should he still insist on leaving the village at this moment? Or should he encourage both of them on the shocking revelation that Peter loves Lotus? After giving it a thought he decided to stay silent and let nature take its course.

Finally after half an hour when everyone had calmed down, they all left for their homes, Peter and Lotus returned together. They were going to celebrate their last four nights of youth, together. Mike wished them luck and reminded them to use protection on which both of them blushed.




After getting exhausted physically and emotionally, Mike returned home. His mom had already came back from village hospital where she works as a doctor. She was cooking food when he returned. usually Mike is the one who makes food, but since he came in late today his mother had already started preparing dinner.

His cute little sister who was 9 year old was setting the table. Patting her head, which made her happy, he helped her to set the table.

"Sorry for being late, we all were discussing something. Also I am tired so I will take a bath to refresh myself before eating."

Seeing her son in a melancholy mood she paused, then shouted that she will leave his food on the table as he wants.

Mike's Father who just came back from his farm was in a very good mood. The three people started eating and making small talks.

"HaHaha, today was a great day, my Farming System told me today, that i will soon have a spiritual breakthrough... and just as I thought things couldn't go any better, I found this on the farm. Look! isn't this beautiful? I think this ring will sell for a lot of money. I had put this on to check its function. It is a ring of appraisal...can you believe it! This ring is a lvl6 ring. And if it being one of the rare appraisal ring was not enough, it is too beautiful making it even more valuable."

"Alas we dont know anyone who does not have a system, after all only those who are without a System and are trying to make one, need a ring of appraisal."

"HaHa today was still a great day indeed"




Hearing their conversation, Mike's mood turned complicated. It was indeed lucky for him to get his hands on appraisal ring at this critical junction of his life. But will his parents truly be happy to learn that their own child needs the ring and is going to leave them for a long long time? He sighed and after few hours almost at midnight he went to have his food. It was a bit cold but still tasty.

As he was eating his food, his dad came in and sat in front of him, and said seriously,

"I know what you are thinking after all I am your father, and can easily guess my sons thoughts. I won't stop you. Yet, I want you to make sure you know what you are doing. I just hope you will think this through. Don't disappoint me."

Just as he was about to say something his father pressed his finger on his lips. He got up and directly left, leaving Mike alone with his thoughts and the questions in his mind.

After about an hour Mike shook his head looked towards the door of his father's room for some time. He then again shook his head and silently went to bed.


Trivia Facts: Amill is one of the worlds with very strong specialty when compared to an average world.

PS: Can anyone suggest me names for people, cities, regions, and/or kingdoms. Names can be of any language, thanks.

Hi there,

We finally meet our protagonist. Hope he is likeable enough.

I have decided that at the end of each chapter i will put a trivia fact which will help me give official answer to your queries and also give you some bites of stories which are too far away in the future. I will also put some easter eggs in these facts which might be uncovered later in the story.

Wish Me Luck

M_samacreators' thoughts
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