
Original Universe

Clank!!! Clank!!! Clank!!!

It was extremely dark in this sealed dimension yet a being was incessantly tugging massive and infinite chains use to bound him place,those chains were inscribed with countless runes all shimmering in the dark fluctuating according to the emotions of the person bounded. It's links were big as planets continuously releasing boundless power to keep this particular person in place.

"Will you tug to eternity to get yourself out of this endless torture?Dream on then. A whole Galaxy was refined into chains just to keep you in place and your immortality being a double edge sword would never allow you to die but wallow in pain and agony making death the best medicine for you". The voice of this individual was immensely powerful, stars lost their colors as he spoke with the whole universe resounding his words across the entire sealed place like an heaven's decree in doubtable and unquestionable.

Upon hearing this booming the chained person raised up his head and suddenly the world lost all his colors his features were otherworldly even among other insanely powerful supernatural immortals, his face was finely sculpted,stoic and unwavering despite the immeasurable despair surrounding him. His left eye was purely black , shinning and glittering like the Void all encompassing the chaos of life while capable of isolating itself from chaos and still infinitely produce it like an unending stream. His right eye was the direct opposite, it was pure white and contains the order of the universe, its gestation, duration and destruction which were the primary laws of order Both eyes was dimmed before but upon hearing that jesting voice it released such a fierce light that the speaker neck shrank inside his face paled for a minute before recovering his blood circulation.

"AETHER!!! you are just a dog and sinner locked up for trying to stop us from the world from the greatest calamity and yet you gave me such a death look". The owner of the voice was infuriated and furious he suddenly chanted some mantras making the chains glow like the sun, the runes came back to life swimming round the links like dragons in the sea. Aether roared in pain since the suppression had increased in power dissembling is physical and mental faculties. Still, he showed a devilish smile and said to his torturer.

"You can't break me, Oh sixth reverend your dogmatic, pedantic and pathetic thoughts of you and your shit filled reverends will lead to the destruction of this universe. You know what's coming when three powerful bloodlines come to this world exactly within a same time frame yet, you labelled my son as the key to the unending calamities of the universe, turn my wife against me and then abandoning my son not knowing his whereabouts in this boundless universe!!!"

The visible agony of Aether was reflected in his face and the universe alike lamenting while stars dimmed and galaxies quaked. All this phenomenas shocked the sixth reverend he wondered if the "Star Bounding Chains" were working since if they were then Aether ought to have been weakened by now since he had already been bound for a hundred plus years.

As he was pondering, eleven shadows appeared seamlessly to this sealed dimension with undescribable presences that suppressed everything even with them trying to conceal it. The first reverend gaze was transfixed on the chained Aether he was feeling something inexplicable that he could not place his hands upon, it was like Aether had reached another level and could break away from those chains anytime but was holding himself back due to a particular reason he could not comprehend, maybe he was enjoying the pains the reverend thought.

"Aether you probably don't know why we are hell bent on killing your demonic child, our temple has discover a girl with the most powerful bloodline in the universe the exceptional and peerless " Origin Universal Bloodline " we trained and are grooming her her for any impending calamities yet, during the birth of your child her bloodline was massively suppressed making her to bear great agony your son even experienced the "Legendary Catalyst Tribulation" affecting the very fabric of spacetime and you claimed he's not the calamities that the whole universe is scared of !!!"

Aether chuckled with a devilish grin on his face he used the most secret term to address the first reverend. Rare as immortality and precious like divinity.

"Brother In Law, you know very well my son is not the calamities you are worried which bloodline could surpass and suppress the most powerful bloodline since the primitive times, and even face catalyst tribulation without destruction. You were able to rope in the girl with the Origin universal bloodline and sooner she will be beguiled by your ways and yet three blood lines that can match and surpass the so called "most powerful bloodline" sudden appearance has shaken you to the core,you want them to be groomed by you in order to maintain that damn universal balance you have been preaching for eons of eras. Damn It!!! you are just scared old corpses who does not want to be overthrown by the younger generation so you try to use them as tools for your dirty works!!! I can bet my life that you are searching for Blood Lucien child who also attracted divine tribulation, Dream on!! I transported them to a plane countless light years far away from here you will never ever find them. !!!

This really made the twelve reverends livid their aura was completely released escalating around the selaed dimension causing different phenomenas that's mind blowing and breath taking. They all felt like torturing Aether continuously for all of eternity Alas, he was already immortal and a very powerful one, harming his body was already and arduous task and took myriads of resources. A whole Galaxy had to be refined into chains just to hold him down. Though in this universe there are still plethora of ways to inflict pain on an immortal. The first reverend gave an astonishing order that shocked the remaining reverends beyond reasoning.

"Bring Aether to the middle of the black hole region and the star sea region place him the middle and use the divine reflection mirror to gather the powers of the black holes with the stars then concentrate it on him, let him be devoured and roasted by the powers of the black holes and stars sea, he shall beg for death but not see it till eternity!!!!!

The usually unfazed first was fuming with anger so he acted rashly and did not see he had done according to his enemy desire. As Aether had both energies concentrated on him he screamed in pain which delighted the 12 reverends assuring them he is not invulnerable.

Though Aether was wallowing in pain inwardly his expression was bountiful joyful the energies were rapidly absorbed, repairing all damages his body had endured all over the years. Using the boundless despair and suffering to fortify and train his will. He chuckled and said in his mind.

" Oh Original Universe have really deceived you thinking the twelve reverends chains and formations can hold me. Am a fucking hybrid with the holiest light fae powers and peerless devil dark fae powers!!!. My son and Blood Lucien daughter would overturn and thwart any obstacles in their way!!!

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