
Second Coming of The Saint

The Saint had been a legend that had wandered the world freely shortly after the death of the final Beast King and the establishment of the Keilan Empire.

The rumours said he was the disciple of the Emperor who'd been tasked with healing the suffering of the world, some said that he'd been the first to discover how to harness Light Elementa due to his desire to heal the suffering of all before even the Emperor himself.

But regardless of who they were, no one knew the origins of The Saint, he was an elusive existence.

An organisation had once tried to track down his movements only to find him in one continent on one day then another the second.

This discovery led many to believe The Saint was more than one person but then where were all of these powerful healers appearing from?

The only man known to have the ability to cross continents in a single day was the first Emperor himself.

It wasn't as if people weren't suspicious of the Emperor using the persona of The Saint to tour the continent but it'd been proven impossible when the two of them had met.

Records of the meeting stated that the Emperor had a look of surprise on his face the first time he'd met the man and even he couldn't see the true extent of his powers.

From that day the man became a legend to the world, an existence that represented hope and light.

Few healers had ever seen him but those who had were people who had all gone on to become famous Light Elementa Healers.

Yet one year The Saint simply stopped appearing, it was as if he'd never existed – many had speculated on whether he'd died or simply become bored of watching over humanity.

But a year after his disappearance from the face of the world the Healer Organisation appeared in the world, establishing branches throughout the world.

Every branch of their organisation possessed a Level Four Light Elementa Healer, and multiple Level Three's.

It was speculated that the reason The Saint had disappeared was that he'd achieved his goal of creating an organisation dedicated to relieving the suffering of the world.

Of course, it was never stated whether the founder was truly The Saint or not.

The old man was one of those lucky enough to see The Saint in his younger years, his name was Locke Ovanti, or to be more precise he was referred to as Duke Ovanti, the Royal Healer.

It was something about the aura The Saint had given of that'd given him the inspiration he needed when breaking through the bottlenecks to grow to become a Level Five Light Elementa Healer, dedicating his life to the well-being of others.

The Saint could be considered his half-teacher and he held immense respect for the man.

When he'd felt Bailey's Aura it'd been like that day, despite feeling it was weaker than The Saints' it was as unfathomable.

Locke, although dazed, didn't lose sight of his goal. Seeing how powerful Bailey was he quickly led him to the tent holding the most heavily injured, those on the brink of death.

It only took a few seconds of arguing with the guards before they allowed both of them in, inside there were dozens of healers running around without rest from one person to the next, these were the people who were most in need of Baileys' powers.

Bailey saw the hundreds of gravely injured men and women laying on the brink of death and it seemed like his heart was mourning for them.

It was an unimaginable feeling, from the depths of his mind there seemed to be a voice screaming at him.

'Help them, heal them, save them.' It was almost agonising but he managed to withstand it.

Gritting his teeth he began to cycle his Light Elementa, the power began to surge from him like a flood as it began to build up around him.

Healers had always been sensitive to Light Elementa since they used it daily, feeling the intense surge of energy they couldn't help but look up at Bailey.

To an outsider, they might've felt an invisible pressure making it harder to breathe but that was it, but to the healers, it was as if they were looking into the heavens.

To them, he was an unreachable existence that stood at the pinnacle whilst they were still fumbling about near the bottom.

Locke who'd simply led Bailey into the tent was shocked by the power radiating from him if the power he'd presented before was akin to a star the current him was equivalent to the sun.

He slowly backed up to the corner of the tent to prevent anyone from interrupting what was about to happen.

Near the battlefield, the first true battle had begun and Lewis was coordinating with the commanders on the best plan to reduce casualties among the troops.

"Agh!" Lewis clutched his chest in pain, he could feel an intense power from the direction of the Healers Camp.

Of course, he knew the reason for this and could only awe at the power Bailey was giving off at this moment despite the agonising pain he was in.

The commanders were shocked as they began to gather around the Prince in an attempt to help him up, "I'm okay, it's just... Something big is about to happen." He said simply, the commanders were confused by his response but his bodyguards seemed to have understood what he meant by those words and simply nodded.

"Continue to discuss, I need some time to rest." Lewis said before slowly moving out of the tent, resisting the urge to scream in pain at that moment.

The Light Elementa gathered around him was like a black-hole, it continued to gather power from the surrounding and even the Healers felt like their own Elementa was being drawn into it.

Locke thought for a moment before gritting his teeth as he began to release his own Light Elementa towards Bailey's aura. Almost instantly he'd been sucked dry and he fainted from exhaustion.

The other Healers saw this and some, like Locke, took the risk and decided to do the same.

Of course, some others were hesitant and instead retreated, after all the event was simply too shocking.

It wasn't only the healers in the tent, however, from all over the Healer Camp the Light Elementa of the healers begun to gather towards Bailey, he was filled with a type of intense power he'd never felt before.

The power in his hands was enough to destroy all of them in a second if he willed it, that was how strong it was, but there was only a single thought on his mind as he looked at those injured and close to death.

A single thought that echoed in his head.

A single thought that repeated in his heart.

A single thought that echoed in his mind.

"Heal." He muttered.

What followed next was silence, as if the entire world had frozen in that second and then it began.

The massive ball of Light Elementa shattered spreading in every direction as it surged across the camp.

Yet it didn't stop there, it continued even towards the soldiers who were battling on the frontlines, it extended across the continent to all of the troops fighting to protect the Human Race on the Elipse continent at that moment.

Across the continent the Healers and soldiers were astonished, injuries had vanished and limbs had regrown themselves.

It was as if a deity had personally healed the wounded, those fighting the beasts across the continent witnessed this miracle.

Strangely however the pulse of Light Elementa didn't extend past a certain point, only limiting itself to the troops in battle and not towards the Forest of Beasts or the beasts on the battlefield, it was as if an invisible barrier was blocking its way.

Then it stopped.

Bailey collapsed along with those who'd fainted from giving their energy to him and fell to the floor.

The healers who'd remained awake and those with heavy injuries simply stared at him in shock.

Luckily they had no idea how far that pulse of Light Elementa had spread or else they might've fainted simply from astonishment.

Not far from the battlefield an old man floated in the air looking down towards the Healer Camp with shock in his eyes, "Luckily I was here or else even those beasts would've benefitted from that…" He muttered.

"He's still far from the level of The Saint of that year but he's not nearly as mysterious, having such a boy in our Human Race is only beneficial…" He said, before looking up towards the Forest of Beasts.

"I truly wonder what evil has been breeding inside you in this last year, even I can't penetrate that barrier. In the future, we may have to face a calamity far greater than the beasts ever were and to survive we need more people like that boy." He said calmly as he stared into the distant trees.

He could vaguely see several human-like figures moving within, they were gradually growing closer to the exit of the forest, stroking his chin in thought he disappeared...

Within the Forest of Beasts, hundreds of human-like figures gathered as they stared into the sky staring at words that hung in their vision – greed in their eyes they charged onwards…

[World-Event: Assist the Beast Wave in attacking the Army of Humans!]

[Xp Reward Based on Contribution!]

An enemy far more dangerous than the beasts ever were was about to descend onto the World of Keilan...


With these we officially end Volume 1 at 15k Words, although short we've advanced quickly and I intend to to continue at this pace!

Thank you all for reading so far :)

This marks the end of Volume 1: Beast Wave

Volume 2 (Which will be much longer) will begin the day after tomorrow to give myself some time, thank you for your patience :)

Immortal_Paincreators' thoughts
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