
Basic Understanding

"So that's why you were in my tent?" Bailey looked shocked as he sat opposite to Lewis, they both sat crossed legged in the small tent but neither felt the space was too cramped for their liking so they sat comfortably.

Lewis nodded, "I was just as surprised, I've never felt my Elementa move in such a way before it was like it was trying to rip its way out of my body and be absorbed by you."

He still felt fearful looking at Bailey, just a single movement from him could cause him to collapse in pain again although he was talking casually with him now he kept his guard up just in case he had any ulterior motives.

Bailey, of course, was oblivious to this, he was even more oblivious to the identity of the boy sitting across from him – if he'd been aware maybe he would've been the one to collapse from shock.

"So you also possess Light Elementa?" Baileys' question caused Lewis to frown slightly hesitating slightly he nodded his head, after all, was he really going to reveal the biggest secret of his clan to just anyone?

"Hahaha!" Bailey laughed loudly after seeing him confirm it, "What the-"Lewis was caught off guard by his laughter they seemed to echo in the small tent.

He sighed seeing that Bailey did nothing but laugh before calming himself down and berating himself for his sensitivity on the matter. "Sorry did I scare you?" Bailey asked with concern on his face.

'This guy's personality is really too fragile, just laughing caused him to be on edge, I'll have to be more reserved around him the future for his sake.' If Lewis knew what he was thinking he probably would've punched him, "Who's the sensitive one? You could kill me in an instant if you wanted to!"

But of course even the Prince couldn't read minds so such a situation was avoided.

"Teach me." Bailey said suddenly, staring into Lewis's eyes as he said it, "Wait, what?" Lewis replied with a shocked expression on his face, 'You want me to teach you? You're insane!' Of course he only said this in his head

"M-me? Teach you?" Lewis said his voice slightly trembling at the thought of teaching the monster in front of him.

"Of course!" Bailey replied with a grin on his face he was completely oblivious to the hesitation in Lewis's mind at this moment, on one hand, it was an opportunity to gain the trust of such someone who'd become a powerful pillar of the Empire in the future and on the other it'd have him close to this monster frequently.

After several minutes of silence Bailey began to grow impatient as he looked at Lewis's face as his expression kept flickering between hesitation, shock and thought.

Finally, Lewis seemed to have made his mind up as looked at Bailey, "I'll do it." He said, hesitation still lingering in his voice slightly.

"Great! Let's start now!" Bailey said enthusiastically, it was finally a chance to learn how to use his Elementa outside of his own body, he looked excitedly at Lewis whilst Lewis just looked at him with shock.

'How simple can one person be? All I did was agree to teach him and he's jumping with joy, does he really want me to teach him?' Lewis thought, he'd been hesitating previously because he thought the other party was simply toying with him, after all would someone with that much power need teaching?

But now he knew he was mistaken, the other party really did want him to teach him so why wouldn't he grab this opportunity to grow closer?

"So what do you want to know exactly?" He questioned cautiously, he didn't want to insult the other parties intelligence by teaching him the basics after all that could lead to a-

"Everything, teach me everything." Baileys' voice interrupted his train of thought almost immediately almost making Lewis choke on his own thoughts.

"O-okay then, so as you know Elementa naturally cycles through the body unless its host consciously stops it, of course you've already done this showing your mastery of Elementa has at least reached a basic level – the next level is to turn the internal into the external."

Lewis looked at Bailey to make sure he was still following, of course Bailey was sitting there patiently absorbing as much information as he could.

"Level One is considered to be using Elementa Internally whilst Level Two is where Elementa can be used Externally, this is why those at the peak of level one on the verge of level two are able to use their Elementa albeit for a limited time, outside of their body." Lewis continued, since he'd been asked to tell him everything it was best to not leave even the smallest detail out.

"So how is Elementa used externally?" Lewis was dumbstruck at the question, he really hadn't expected such a simple question but he ignored it and simply answered.

"You-um, you feel the energy inside of you and instead of moving it you try and force it outwards, you should feel some resistance when doing this at first – this is the first bottleneck between Level one and Level two, when this 'barrier' is broken down you've officially stepped into Level two." Lewis said, thinking of his own experience when breaking through.

Lewis felt a small tugging force from Baileys' body, thankfully he'd purposefully slowed down the speed of his energy cycling through his body or else Lewis would've been in agonising pain again.

"It's important to take this process slowly because it could cause inju-"

"Like this?" He was interrupted by Bailey who held a small ball of light in his hand, the appearance of the small ball of light almost caused Lewis to jump up in shock, the ball was several times larger than what he'd been able to form when he'd first broke through to Level two.

"Y-yes, just like that." He said his voice trembling, of course he'd never know that to Bailey this had been a simple task – the so-called 'barrier' that was supposed to exist had been but a fragile paper wall that collapsed in seconds before a warm surge of energy exited his body.

The strange thing was that he felt a connection to the ball of light in his hands, he could control it however he liked – it was like an extension of his own body.

"After level two is level three which you-"

"My Lord!" Several voices shouted from outside the tent, the shadows of four horses could be seen from inside and the men on them.

"Ah, I forgot about them." He muttered, obviously he couldn't spend all day teaching Bailey but to think they'd come to find him so soon.

Bailey was confused as he looked between Lewis and the shadows of the people on the outside, Lewis started to rise motioning to move the tent when he turned to Bailey.

"Let me reintroduce myself, my name is Lewis Keilan Crown Prince of the Keilan Empire. Nice to meet you." He said with a grin seeing the look of shock on Bailey's face.

'Tch serves you right for shocking me so much, this time it's my turn.' He thought with satisfaction before turning to leave the tent leaving a stunned Bailey to stare at him as he left.

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