
Chapter 22: The Corrupt Druid Part 1


The door was pushed open and a woman walked into the room. She had long blonde hair that ended at her hips, ocean blue eyes and wore a black military outfit.

She was one this bases communication officer's. There job was to manage the bases flow of information. Not long ago they receive a request for reinforcements from Thirty-seven.

When she received the message, she did not delay for a second and immediately went to inform the captain of its contents.

She stepped into his office and introduce herself.

"I'm communications officer Ellyn Pernal here to deliver a message." She said as she walked in front of the captain's desk and handed to him.

When Captain Fields first heard someone knocking on his door he was filled with annoyance because he specifically ordered them not to disturbe him, however he still allowed the person to enter; he could not tell them to simply leave for there was a possibility what they were here to report was of importance.

Captain Fields took it and read through the message. When he was finished read through the message his brows were furrowed, the message was incomplete but he had an understanding of the situation.

The team he sent after the merchants son seems to of run into a Brown bear. He could not understand why such a creature appeared here but he place that thought at the back of his mind.

He stood up and grabbed his helmet before exiting his office. He walked through the halls at an incredible fast pace he had to get to their location as soon as possible or his men would most definitely die by the claws of that demonic beast.

Fields had a very bad feeling about this sudden situation, his gut was telling or warning him that the situation was not as simple as it seemed. Such a creature appearing so close to the base right now seems like to much of a coincidence.

If anyone else saw this happening they would simply say it was a coincidence. Demonic beasts are unpredictability creatures, the Triad has a little more understand of the creatures and there behaviour than any other force or organization but there were still many mysterious about these creatures even they do not know.




The Brown bear charged at one of the soldier in black, he tried to get away from the creature as he continuously fired his weapon at. Unfortunately for him all his attacks weren't even able to put a scratch on the beast when the guard in black saw this he looked at the beast in fear and started to panick.

He attempted to flee but it did not take even a second for the beast to catch up with the man. The swiped its claws at the man's legs causing them to detach from his body, he fell to ground and screamed in pain.


The guard in black screamed in agony, blood flowing out of his legs. The Brown bear looked at this seen with a look of enjoyment on it face. If one looked truly carefully they could make out an amused smirk on the beasts face. That expression on it face made it seem as though this was not a beast at all but a human a very cruel and amost sadistic one.

When the beast felt the guard had suffered enough it opened it's large maws and bit down on the man head crush it within it mouth instantly.

It chewed it's food slowly while being barraged by the attacks of the other four guards, blue lights of energy hitting the beast's brown fur but the creature simply ignored them.

When the creature had finished devouring the guard it looked at everybody else. The fresh red blood of their comrade could be seen covering the beasts mouth dying it brown fur a dark red.

The beast looked at each of them as if deciding which one to go after next. The guards on the other hand were pachrified all of their continuas attacks had yield no results what so ever not even a patch of burnt fur could be seen on the beast.

They had no idea as of what to do, fleeing was not an option seeing as to what fate befell their comrade any thought of running away had long left their minds.

The four guards all looked at each other before given a brief nod to each other, it seemed as though they all had the same idea they moved closer to each other but still kept some distance from each other it seemed to be a ten feet.

They all dropped there rifles and withdrew knives with engravings on them. These runs crafted combat knives were weapon created by the Gray Dwalfs. They were creature of the neutral fraction that did dealings with almost every known creature the only ones beings they had no dealings with were the creature of the abyss. The beings most commonly known as demons.

Sorry I've kind of been slow with the updated

Blood_Empirecreators' thoughts
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