
Ian and The Game

World of Adventure

Gaming & Entertainment United

Gamers Wanted!

Your Family Will Be Paid!

(Must be 18+ and Healthy)


Ian saw thies fliers plastered all over the poor run down town he lived in. The moment he saw them he had an idea, a spark of hope. 

World of Adventure was a money making masterpiece, it wasn't a normal VR game like the ones that came before. They were hiring people to be put into the game permanently… and they would be the only people in the game. The way they were making money was a streaming service that would allow anyone who paid for it to watch. The viewers could see everything that happened in the world at any time, they could watch in real time or go back and watch something that happened weeks ago. 

Since the players would be stuck in VR for the rest of their lives once they signed the contract the money they would have been paid would go to their immediate family. To make sure that the players would never become idle GEU made their paychecks dependent on how successful they were in the game, basing it mostly on their rank. 

For Ian this could be a dream come true. He was the oldest sibling of 4, their family barely being supported by their parents by working multiple jobs. Ian tried numerous times to convince his parents to let him get his own job to lessen their burden but every time they insisted that he focus on his studies so he could get into a good college. Having recently turned 18 he was job hunting despite his parents protests when he saw the fliers. 

If he got accepted his family would be taken care of, his parents wouldn't have to work, and his sibling would have the resources to pursue whatever kind of life they wanted. He just couldn't pass up this opportunity. 

The next day he left early for the nearest GEU office. It seemed that they insisted on doing all the interviews in person, something quite unusual nowadays. Arriving at the building he was stunned at the sheer amount of people lined up outside the building. You could have filled a small stadium with the amount of people here. There wasn't any of the chaos that you would expect from having to keep so many people organized, but it seemed like GEU was more than prepared for such a turn out. They had security officers everywhere keeping people in line, a designated que line, and even a search booth you had to go through before you could even enter the line. 

After steeling himself for the long wait, Ian stepped up to the booth, showing them his application and ID. After confirming that Ian was who he said he was they searched him for any weapons and had him go through a metal detector. That's when the waiting game began.

Almost half the day had gone by and lunch had since passed by time it was Ian's turn to be interviewed. He was led past numerous occupied interview rooms on his way to his own. Opening the door Ian was greeted by a very tired looking bearded man in a lab coat. He motioned for Ian to sit, and after doing just that he began talking. 

"You're Ian Welmont, correct?" he asked looking at what Ian assumed to be his application.

 "Yes, thats me…" Ian answered a bit awkwardly. 

"Alright… well you fill all our requirements" the interviewer said before turning to look at ian for the first time since he entered "so why do you want this job?"

Ian took a moment before answering, "I see this as an opportunity to help support my family, the money I can earn by playing this game could make all the difference in the world for them"

The interviewer sat up a little straighter, "are you not worried about leaving them for the job?" he asked.

"A little," Ian told him, "but I'm comforted by the fact that they will be able to watch my journey" 

The interviewer nodded, "well then the next thing I want to talk about is…" he paused to flip through Ian's application, "it says here that you don't really have any prior experience playing this kind of game. Are you not worried about that negatively affecting your performance?"

Ian shook his head, "no, I may be inexperienced in VR RPGS but I've played the old ones."

The interviewer whistled, "a retro player huh? Well alright then that just about covers it. You will receive a message in about a weeks time telling you if you have been accepted or not." 

Ian was surprised, he expected there to be more of an Interview but they only asked a few questions. As the interviewer stood up Ian followed suit, shaking his hand before leaving. 

The next week was one filled with anxiety. Ian had gotten it stuck in his head that his interview was so short because his application wasn't up to par, and that they never planned on hiring him in the first place. By time the message had arrived he had gotten himself so worked up that it took him an hour just to work up the courage to open it.



You have been accepted to become a player in the game of World of Adventure!

Next chapter