
It's my kill now bitch!

As the fight raged on and two members of Baroque Works died, Mr 5 and Miss Valentine who arrived on the scene got serious.

"This went south quick, these lowlives can't do shit for themselves, let's go take care of these pirates," said Miss Valentine.

"I'll first take care of this traitor Vivi," said Mr 5 who saw Vivi and decided to go after her first while Miss Valentine decreased her weight thanks to her devil fruit and flew up into the air.

"Mr 5, you are here for me I assume," said Vivi as she got ready to fight.

"You should not have betrayed the organization, Mr 0 is quite angry," said he as he turned his snot into bombs and hurled them at her.

She managed to dodge it but was still blown backward.

After the slaughter, she was Level 14 but Mr 5 was Level 15 and had a slight advantage in strength and on top of that he had a devil fruit.

"Give up, Miss Wednesday, there is nothing you can do," he said as kept walking towards her releasing snot bombs.

There was nothing she could do against him as she was kept on the defense as he constantly threw bombs at her using his devil fruit.

"Hm, has she gotten stronger? well whatever, I have this special weapon," he said as he didn't expect Vivi to be able to dodge him this long.

He took out his revolver and blew into it as his breath was explosive thanks to his devil fruit and then emptied the entire chamber at Vivi who was hit with it and crashed backward into a rock.

But in the next instant, he suddenly felt a weight on his back.

"Hey hey mister, you are quite a dirty old man, using snot to attack a woman," said Yuna as she giggled.

"What the fuck, you little bitch, get off of me" he screamed trying to get her off of him but his hands couldn't reach her as she simply jumped on top of his head.

She held out two seastone daggers in both her hands as she stabbed both of his eyes, the daggers went straight through his eyes as she moved them around for a few seconds making sure she crushed them as much as possible.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! HOW DARE YOU!" he screamed as he released a blood-curdling scream as he exploded parts of his body in anger, pain, and fear.

"Hehe, what a stupid overconfident guy," said Yuna as she laughed and managed to dash away quickly as she was unharmed, with the sheer number of lives she had taken she reached Level 14 and her dagger skill had reached Level 5 of the Expert Stage

Mr 5 who was screaming and blowing himself up as he came towards them with the little bit of vision he had left as he could barely make them out as he only saw red.

"I'LL KILL YOU, I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU" he screamed like a maniac as he ran towards them.

Nami who was done killing the "Millions" bounty hunters turned around and saw Mr 5. She had leveled up to Level 15 with her Lance Skill at Level 7 of the Expert Stage.

Not only that, after reaching Level 15 she had unlocked Armament Haki, as she had just unlocked it she only managed to cover a couple of inches of the tip of her lance in Armament Haki as she threw it towards the exploding Mr 5.

"Nooooooo" he screamed as he spurted blood, the Lance pierced his chest as it pushed him backward until he was hanged to a giant rock with it.

"Huh, what are they doing, looks fun" said Lala who turned around to see what was happening with two tornadoes filled with blood and weapons moving around behind her.

She had reached Level 15, as well as her Wind Wind Fruit, had reached Level 8 of the Expert Stage.

She had unlocked Armament Haki as well but unlike Nami who used a physical weapon where applying Haki was a lot more intuitive, she had no idea how to use Armament Haki with her winds.

"Eh, how do I do this?" she said as she tried to circle a small blade of wind around her right hand and tried to infuse it with Armament Haki as the Haki slowly moved to the surrounding blade of wind but disappeared the next instant as she failed.

"Ah, I would have to ask Master to teach me afterward" she said as she sighed.

"Hehe, it's my kill now bitches," said Yuna as she licked her lips and quickly dashed towards the still barely alive Mr 5 as she jumped on him and sliced his head off.

Meanwhile, Miss Valentine was in the air as she saw the sudden change of events in such a short amount of time.

"W-what, how did this happen so quickly? What do I do by myself" she said as she was nervous, she increased her weight as she prepared to drop down on them when she felt someone's hand touch her shoulder.

"What, who are you, how can someone else fly this high?!" she shrieked as she was frightened as she couldn't imagine anyone else being this high up when saw a red-haired guy with long blue wings covered in dark blue flames as she felt the surrounding temperature drop.

"Oh, that's quite a convenient devil fruit you have their miss," said Jonathan as he held her shoulder and laughed.

Before she could do anything, Jonathan covered his fist in Haki as he slammed her head sending her crashing down to the ground.

He had leveled up to Level 17 as his Ice Phoenix Devil Fruit reached Level 5 of the Expert Stage and his Armament Haki had reached Level 6 Novice Stage.

His Sword skill was at the peak of the Expert Stage at Level 9 as he felt he would breakthrough into the next stage in the next couple of fights.

He landed on the ground as his wings disappeared.

Miss Valentine woke up as she saw she was surrounded by the Blood Lotus Pirates who were looking at her like a bunch of hungry wolves.

"Well then Miss Valentine, I have something you could do for me, if you agree, I can spare your life," said Jonathan as the tip of his sword touched her neck.

"Y-y-yes, I'll do anything, don't kill me, please" she said as she tried to pull her neck back from the sword with fear.

Jonathan then proceeded to mark her with the Divine Slaughter mark as he saw her eyes turned into blood-red lotuses as she was marked with a Blood Red Lotus on her palm.

"You will go to Little Garden and take out your colleagues" ordered Jonathan.

"I understand, I will get in done" she said as she bowed.

After she had recovered, she decreased her weight and began gliding towards the direction of Little Garden.

Meanwhile, Jonathan saw the entire Island was covered in weapons, but this time he had followers who could collect it for him so he didn't have to himself.

"I'll leave it up to you guys" said Jonathan as he got back up on the ship while waving his hand.

After he left , Nami , Lala and Yuna looked at Vivi with a dark smile.

Vivi who saw them looking at her like this gulped as she backed away.

"Well now, Vivi is the newest member of the crew, so she has to follow tradition right?" said Nami as she smiled.

"W-w-what tradition?" said Vivi as she backed further away.

"Hm hm, she has to do it, otherwise she isn't considered a real follower" said Lala as she nodded.

"Well then, you will do this for us won't you, make sure you don't miss anything," said Yuna as she climbed her back and put her arms around her neck as the latter shrieked before she realized what they said.

"Oh, that's it, you want me to collect everything?" she said as she tiled her head in confusion.

"Yeah, we'll be counting on you Vivi" said the trio as they walked away leaving a dumbfounded Vivi who got all the work pushed onto her like an intern at a new job.

" P-Princess, let this old man help you out" said Igaram as he watched the scene, he knew the Princess should not be doing such things but these Pirates were absolutely terrifying and he did not dare speak a single word in their presence lest they decide to chop him into pieces.

"No, it's fine, I will do it myself" said Vivi as she huffed and went on to collect all the weapons in her inventory leaving a shocked Igaram.

His entire world view was broken apart and rebuilt in just a few hours.