
New Life

Talent : Sword (SSS), Combat(SSS), Super Sensitivity(SSS)

Skill(s) : Sword Saint Sword Art( SSS ), CQC (SSS), Housework(A), ]

My magic power is unusually high, cause I copy , pasted the Magic power of others onto me, as for my magics, Null Magic evolved or should I say got perfected after I copy pasted, Asta's Anti-Magic, Celestial Magic from Yuno's Star Magic and Divine Magic is from Sister Lily Holy Water Magic.

Using Divine Artisan Touch and Copy Paste skill, it work wonders together.

As for my system-The Template Inventory system, it's basically allow me to obtain any character Template for a year, after that it will vanish, it would have been a shit system if not for my Copy Paste Skill and Sophrosyne skill, Using the copy paste skill, I just copy the Talent and Sophrosyne would store all the knowledge of the character.

The only problem is inventory part, as it name says, it would allow me to access all the items that character have obtained in his life, I can consume the items and it wouldn't vanish but I can't also store any item beyond the year time limit.

So the only thing I did to cope up with this situation, is to copy the effect of consumables to fruits or something edible. Thus I was able to preserve the some things off the character valuables. 

And it's was not my idea but Myne's , Hmm, Who is Myne?, well it's nick name for Sophrosyne, it's mouthful after all.

My talent and Skills came from the Sword Saint character template, I acquired, at my 9th time roll for random Template Inventory, and it is the only good character I have ever acquired, rest were either normal soldiers , cooks or farmers. 

Jake then looked at the time and saw it's still 4 months before he could roll out another Template.

"Sigh, I really hope to obtain a better Template this time" I muttered to myself, I mean out of 15 rolls I only got one good character, and it was not even Magic related. Sword Saint Energy or Sword Energy is opposite to Magic energy, still thanks to Myne, I successfully substituted Sword energy with Magic Energy though it only have 80% of original powers, Myne is still working on it to perfect it but it would take time.

"Hey, Jake, aren't you coming to get the Grimoire?" I looked down and saw Asta shouting, calling for me.

Jumping down the roof I joined Asta, Yuno and others, today we are going to Grimoire tower, after all today is Grimoire acceptance Ceremony.

"Jake, Yuno and Asta best of luck, you are all pride of our village" Father encouraged us as we all got ready to go to Grimoire Tower, and you all read it right, Father also praised Asta, unlike the original Asta, thanks to me copying the Sword talent of Sword Saint and his Swordsmanship to him, he is now powerful, just by swinging branches he can cut down big boulders.

He is truly a protagonist because, after gaining Sword Saint talent for a week, he reached the Sword Master Stage and awakened Sword Energy. It was a funny sight that day when he returned crying, and everyone became concerned because, after all, if any kid from church would not cry even in the most difficult situation, it would be Asta, but that day, it happened, and everyone, including the now-emo Yuno, became concerned.

They all assumed something horrible had happened, except for me, who recognized through Super Sensitivity that Asta had awoken Sword Energy, which he most likely confused for Magic. It's not his fault, after all, he is the only one with Anti-Magic and now Sword Energy, which, after some investigation with Myne, I discovered is just another special magic like Anti-Magic, with the ability to cut anything, including Magic itself.


"Asta, what happened why are you crying?, Tell us we will help" Sister Lily consoled Asta, who was constantly crying.

Other children crowded around Asta trying to help him.

"Asta, tell us, what happened?" Father inquired, his face pale as a sheet of paper.

"I-I can now use magic," Asta exclaimed while crying.

Father : "...."

Sister Lily : "...."

others : "...."

everyone : "Eh?" 

"A-Asta did you hit your head?, let me check it" Sister Lily became agitated and began nervously inspecting Asta's head.

"Pftt~~" I burst out laughing, unable to restrain myself.

"Jake, what are you laughing about?" Father frowned and questioned.

"I saw him using magic," I remarked with a smile.

Again, silence dropped in the room.

"You not kidding right?" Father questioned, clasping my shoulders and seeming serious, but he couldn't hide the joy hidden deep behind his serious eyes.

"Why don't you show them Asta?" I grinned, then glanced at Asta and said.

Asta nodded and then exited the house; everyone followed him out into the open, where he chose a random stick and swung it at the boulder, causing it to break into two sections.

"T-This is?" "Really magic," the father's eyes widened and tears streamed down his cheeks. He stretched out and held Asta, "I am really happy for you, really happy for you."

Everyone celebrated that day; of course, the party just consisted of tatoes, but it was sufficient considering the Church's condition.

I also covertly put a book with Sword Saint swordsmanship near Asta's training location and then confront him the next day, and during the fight, I purposefully blasted the wall where I had hidden the book, and voilà, Asta now has Sword Saint Sword Art.


Back to present Day

"I wonder what kind of Grimoire will I get?" Asta mumbled as he reached the Grimoire Tower.

"Probably something related to Sword," I smiled and said.

"I agree," Yuno said, nodding as well.

"Well, we can find about it and then I will pass the Magic Knight Selection and then become the Wizard King!!!" Asta began his self-motivation speech again, and when Yuno and I saw this, we left him and entered the Grimoire Tower.

"Hey don't leave me behind" Asta said.

When we got inside, we noticed a large crowd of people, all around the age of 15, waiting for their Grimoire.

After a while, the old man of the Grimoire Tower emerged and began his lengthy speech, concluding with "Now it's time for awarding....The Grimoires"

As he finished speaking, Grimoires began to fly off of the shelf and reach their destined owners.

Next chapter