
Birth of lord's Ram.

Shri Narada relates to Valmiki the story of Rama

The Sage Valmiki (Valmilri. Once a robber, became later a fully illuminated sage author of The Ramayana), chief among the munis (holy sages) and the most eloquent of men, constantly engaged in the practice of self-control and the study of the holy scriptures, enquired of Shri Narada (A great rishi, son of Brahma, the Creator):

"Who is there in the world today, endowed with excellent and heroic qualities, who is versed in all the duties of life, grateful, truthful, firm in his vows, an actor of many parts, benevolent to all beings, learned, eloquent, handsome, patient, slow to anger, one who is truly great; who is free from envy and when excited to wrath can strike terror into the hearts of celestial beings? O Sage, I would hear of such a man from thee, who art able to describe him to me."

Narada, acquainted with the past, the present and the future, pleased with the words of the Sage Valmiki, answered him saying: