
World Dominator - PhantomClown

Road to dominate anime worlds in my style. Note some content I have used can also be found in other fan fiction novels. It is fan fiction of fan fictions. Author Note: I am writing this novel just to kill some time. I do not own any of the content. It is just what I would like to do if I get a chance to go to the worlds mentioned in the novel. All fictional worlds and characters belong to their respective authors. I claim no ownership. I am not publishing this book to make money, but donations to support me is completely unrelated to this. As the content of this book will be free for all unless the changes are on website.

PhantomClown · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Death and meeting god

As I walk down to the beach alone and climb up onto the rocks, I jumped from one rock to another until I came across the biggest rock that I could find to sit on and enjoy the view of this bright orange sun just about to hit the water on the horizon. After a very exhausting day in the city, I finally felt relaxed staring into this beautiful act of nature.

Sitting there and enjoying the solitude I have, I closed my eyes and started to hear the soothing sound of the waves brushing against the rocks.

I felt the rays of the sun starting to warm up my face and arms, as tears slowly start to trickle down my face. There was a slight breeze that kept brushing strands of my hair right on to my face, but I did not mind at all because that breeze felt so cooling on my warmed-up skin. Along with the came tiny bits of salty sand flying all over the place, as I move the hair out of my face, I get some sand in my mouth and taste the mixture of the grains and the salt, but it does not bother me.

In the distance I can hear the sound of people talking, laughing, and dancing to a local band playing reggae music at one of the nearby resorts. Everything seems so serene.

As I was lost in the nature, a mature beautiful lady walks up to me and pats my shoulder and asks in the lovely voice "Arthur whats up? Why are you sitting here so desolately?".

I open up my eyes to this intense assortment of orange, yellow, and pink colours all over the sky with the fiery sun already starting to hit the water. The ocean water is now mirroring the colours in the sky. There is a small boat in the distance that is in the exact same path of the sun, which in my view, looks like the sun is sitting right on top of it like cup on top a saucer. I feel like it adds a little extra beauty to the scene, as I reply to the lady "Rachel, I got the report today."

"Arthur don't you dare to lose hope!", the lady shouted at me.

"Rachel doctor has said that at max it will happen in six months. It can even happen at my next breath."

"You know that even if you can live for only next hour, I want you to enjoy this time. Please don't lose yourself in sorrow, just enjoy your rest of life.", Rachel replied with tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry Rachel. I have already sent all my remaining money to my little sister. Just promise me you will look after her. Also don't forget about the insurance claims.", I said as I get up to walk down the stones.

I only manage to take one step as I start coughing very hard and vomiting blood. Rachel rushes to me as she tries to pat my back to help me breathe.

"Please hold on Arthur, I will get help", Rachel sobs as she helps me to lay down on the salty ground and starts to shout for help

"Help! Please someone help! Please call an ambulance!"

As I am about to take my last breath, I look at Rachel and try to speak.

'It's ok Rachel', but I can't produce any sound. All that came out of my mouth was a gurgle full of my own blood. The next moment I start to have difficulty in breathing. I take hold of Rachel's arm and look in her eyes with pleading expression.

Rachel looks at me then wipes blood from my mouth and gives me a smile and says with tears in her eye, "Don't worry about Silvia. I will look after her. She will not have any problems throughout her life. You can rest in peace Arthur".

After hearing her reply that I start to feel at peace and look at her with a thankful expression as I close my eyes along with the setting sun.

I start to drift to the eternal silence as I hear the ambulance alarms close by as I take my last breath in this world.


I open my eyes and I feel like I am floating. I look ahead and see a giant being sitting on a thrown made of pure gold. His eyes are closed as if waiting for something. The aura around him screams out loud to others to bow in front of him. Not sure what to do I was about to speak when he opened his eyes. They were pitch black like black holes. One look at them and then you can't look away. Seeing that I am observing him he speaks.

"Welcome to the land off death Mortal. You might be wondering what is happening right now so let me explain. I am what you may call as God of Death, Reaper. You died in your previous world close to a century ago but had been lost in the void because my servant was not careful and lost you while travelling at speed of light. Normally you would have been already sent to another world but since a mistake happened on our end we will compensate you.", Reaper

"Ummm hello and thank you. But I just feel like I died some moments ago", Me

"I did say you were put in stasis right", Reaper

"Yeah sorry. So, what is going to happen now?", me

"I can fulfill your 4 requests and then send to your next journey", Reaper

"Ok, then can you tell me about what happened with my love and my sister", me

"They lived their life peacefully, but died 40 years after you in an airplane crash and have already been reincarnated in another world", Reaper replied in merciless tone

"Oh, that's alright. Then you can send to any other world I have no further request", I replied with sorrow in tone

"Interesting, you are one of the few mortals who just enquired about their family and going to proceed ahead. There are only few who get to talk with me not even your relatives were able to. Since you have no further request, I would have sent you on your way. But I have request to make to you, if you accept this then I will allow to next world with some wishes of your own.", Reaper

"Sure please tell me", me

"Well I am bored very much due to no entertainment. So I want you to travel to a fictional world of my choosing and conquer it", Reaper

"I can accept that but will it be possible that I travel to another world after conquering the said world?", I asked

"So you want to travel multiple worlds", Reaper

"Yes", I replied

"Ok, no problem. Your first world will be... ", Reaper

Hi guys,

Had to keep this chapter short. Second will also be short. The main story will start from third chapter and from then chapters will be long.

Thanks and enjoy

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