

Having said his piece, Naruto started walking towards Gaara and extended his hand with a smile. "It's nice to meet you, One."

Naruto's statement caused the entire Sand Ninjas to freeze as they knew exactly what Naruto was saying.

"How do you know?" asked Gaara.

"Nine," replied Naruro with a bright smile, pointing at himself. "The name is Naruto Uzumaki."

"The name is Gaara," said Gaara, looking at Naruto with bloodlust and releasing heavy pressure. "Mother says you're strong. I'll be proving my existance by killing you."

'This guy knows the Chakra Pressure Technique as well,' thought Naruto, surprised. "Furball did mention the tanuki is one crazy dude. Looks like you inherited his craziness, too."

Naruto started to release his own Chakra Pressure Technique and quickly overwhelmed Gaara's. Gaara, Temari and Kankuro were all shocked when they came under Naruto's Chakra Pressure and started sweating buckets. After being exposed to Gaara's Chakra Pressure, Sakura dropped on the ground. She heaved a sigh of relieve when Naruto's Chakra Pressure released Gaara's pressure by offsetting it.

Temari and Kankuro were simply shitting their pants as Naruto's control and density of his Chakra Pressure Technique was stronger than Gaara's by miles. With Naruto's control, he could choose who his technique affected and by how much. He made sure that only the three Sand Ninjas were affected. Here was another Tailed Beast Host like their brother, however, he had the strongest of the Tailed Beasts, the Nin-Tailed Demon Fox.

Suddenly, another team made their entrance, however, they were from the Cloud. The team were accompanied by their Jonin instructor. He had a dark skin with a muscular body and a white hair with a goatee. He had tatoos on his right shoulder and left cheek.

The Cloud Jonin had oval-shaped sunglasses and was wearing a white forehead protector with the Cloud village symbol. He had a white scarf wrapped around his neck and was carrying 7 swords with him.

The team comprised of one male and two female dark skinned Ninjas.

"This seems to be a reunion," said Naruto, chuckling. "Nice to meet you, Two, Eight. The name's Naruto Uzumaki."

Sakura and Konohamaru appeared to be oblivious to the tension that was giving off sparks between the group. Cloud had attempted to kidnap Hinata when she was 6 years old as well as Kushina Uzumaki - Naruto's mother. Gaara appeared to be ready to jump in and attack all of them.

"Nice to meet you too, Nine," said the Cloud Jonin. "I fly like the butterfly and sting like the bee. I'm the Jinchuriki of the Hachibi. The name is Killer Bee." (Took this rhyming from another novel.)

"You're pretty funky, hahaha" said Naruto, laughing as he extended out a fist. "Spud me."

"The name's Yugito, nice to meet you, too, Naruto-kun," said the blonde haired girl.

"Do you mind if we join the party as well?" came a female voice.

Two more teams arrived at the scene as they have been able to sense the tension from anywhere in the village.

The girl who had spoken had a petite body with mint green hair. She had an orange clip in her short hair that matched her orange eyes. She had a tanned skin and wore a sleeveless white midriff shirt with fishnet armour underneath. She had fishnet shorts with a short white apron skirt over it. He forehead protector was worn on her right arm. She was accompanied with her two Genin teammates.

The second team that arrives was from the Rock village with their Jonin instructor. He was the tallest man Naruto had ever seen; standing a full head taller than Bee. He was heavily armoured, with what appeared to be a Steam Armour, with a furnace on the back that emitted steam. He had light brown eyes, had no eyebrows, with his armour extending all the way to the bottom half of his face, covering it up. Underneath the armour that covered the bottom half of his face, he wore a white cloth which also covered both sides of his face and the top of his head.

"Five and seven," said Naruto, smiling from ear to ear. "Welcome to Konoha."

"Thank you, Nine," said the big Rock Jonin. "A pleasure."

"Hello Nine," said the green haired girl, excitedly shaking Naruto's hand. "Wanna be friends?"

"Sure," replied Naruto, returning the girl's excited handshake. "The name's Naruto Uzumaki. Nice to meet you."

"My name's Fuu," the girl introduced herself. "Very excited to meet you. You too, five."

"Likewise," said the tall Rock Ninja. "The name is Han."

"Everyone appears to be here for the Chunin Exam, am I right?" asked Naruto with a smirk, looking at everyone, to which they all nodded. "This is going to be so fun."

The sand around Gaara appeared to be dancjng even more wildly when he noticed the arrival of the other teams. Temari and Kankuro were extremely nervous and were feeling jelly legged just standing at the presence of the Jinchurikis.

Kakashi and Sasuke soon arrived when they noticed the heavy pressure that was being given off by Gaara and Naruto.

"What's going on?" asked Kakashi as he arrived at the scene with Sasuke.

Kakashi had noticed there was some sort of a face-off between the teams of Sand, Rock, Waterfall, and Lightning villages with Naruto right in the middle. He also sensed the tension between them.

"Kakashi, you better train broody and pinky if you want them to survive," said Naruto in a serious voice. "I can guarantee that everyone here will make it to the finals."

"Why do you think that?" asked Kakashi, noticing the seriousness in Naruto's tone.

"Ichi (One)," said Naruto, pointing at Gaara.

"Ni (Two)," said Naruto, pointing at Yugito.

"Go (Five)," said Naruto, pointing at Han.

"Nana (Seven)," said Naruto, pointing at Fuu.

"Hachi (Eight)," said Naruto, pointing at Bee.

"Kyu (Nine)," said Naruto, pointing at himself.

Kakashi's eyes widened in shock when Naruto finished with the introduction. In front of him were 6 of the 9 Jinchurikis present together. It was extremely rare when there were even 2 of them present together, but here they were; 6 present at the same time in the same village.

"Why are you trying to look cool like Sasuke-kun?" asked Sakura, frowning. She had apparantly recovered from her shock earlier.

"What did I say earlier?" asked Naruto, frowning as he looked at Sakura. She sensed a chill running down her spine.

"Shut up, Sakura!" said Kakashi sharply. "I'm allowing you to take the Chunin exam, but you are forbidden to have a face off with any of these individuals Naruto just introduced including Naruto himself. Do I make myself clear?"

Sakura gulped and quickly nodded. She quickly got scared of Kakashi's glare.

"It's been fun guys," said Naruto, starting to walk away. "See you all at the exam."

*** Team 7 Minus Naruto ***

"Why did you forbade us from fighting those 6, Kakashi-sensei?" asked Sasuke, still brooding over the fact he got overpowered by Naruto.

"Because they are not your everyday Ninjas," responded Kakashi in a serious tone. "They are as strong as Naruto if not stronger."

"But Naruto is a Genin just like us," whined Sakura.

"In rank only, but not in power level," said Kakashi in a grave tone. "You should have witnessed what he is capable of during the missions we have taken. Even I don't know the full extent of his power."

"Are you serious?" asked Sasuke, feeling more and more angry.

"Deadly serious," said Kakashi. "But don't worry yourselves too much. I will be giving each of you a tailored training programme and I want you both to train hard for the next week. It's not long enough to raise your power levels to match theirs, but you'll stand a better chance at surviving. I will repeat again, don't try to be cocky and face them in a fight. If you get matched up with any of them, forfeit."

"Un," grunted Sasuke as he nodded. He may be arrogant, but he's not stupid.

"O-okay," nodded Sakura nervously as she too agreed.

*** Sand Team ***

"Stay away from the blonde kid," said Gaara, his sand still dancing around him.

"We already know," said Temari and Kankuro in unison. Both Naruto and Gaara had instilled a certain amount of fear in them.

"Good!" said Gaara as he crazily laughed. "I'll enjoy spilling his blood for mother."

A cold shiver ran through Temari and Kankuro's spine all over again.

*** Cloud Team ***

"That blonde Naruto seems strong," said Yugito. "What do you think, Bee?"

"Stay away from him," replied Bee. "If you get matched up with him, forfeit."

"But can he even use the Nine-Tails?" asked Yugito curiously.

"The Eight-Tails says the Nine-Tails never bonded with any of his previous hosts," said Bee, deep in contemplation. "I don't know if Naruto has managed to do what others failed. Still, don't try to aggravate him and if you face him in a fight, it's best to just admit defeat. Even without the Nine-Tails, he's plenty strong. Also, the way he knew all of us, they are at least on talking terms."

*** Waterfall Team ***

"That Naruto-kun is pretty funny," said Fuu happily. "And he became my friend."

"He seemed pretty strong," said one of Fuu's teammates.

"Oh, he's very strong," said Fuu. "Stronger than any of us."

"I knew it," said Fuu's other teammate gloomily. "We stand no chance of defeating him."

"Silly, we're not here to defeat him," chirped Fuu. "We're here to make friends."

*** Rock Team ***

"Today's meeting was an interesting one," said Han quietly as he smiled. "Meeting so many Jinchurikis at the same time."

"The blondie was quite the loud mouth," said one of Han's Genins.

"Yes, just like the green haired girl," nodded another one of Han's Genins in agreement.

"Do you think he'll give any problems?" asked Han's third Genin.

"He doesn't seem the type," replied Han after a moment's silence. "But that Sand brat is a problem. Regardless, don't aggravate anyone here. "Konoha's relationship with Iwa is already rocky. Remember our mission. Don't cause any further problems."

*** Hokage's Office ***

"What can I do for you, Naruto-kun?" asked the Hokage as he looked at the blonde troublemaker in front of him.

"Sigh ... I've recently hit a bottleneck," sighed Naruto.

"Tell me about it," said the Hokage, lighting up his pipe.

"I want something strong to train with," said Naruto.

"Why not train with Kakashi?" asked the Hokage, raising an eyebrow. "He's strong enough."

"That lazy bum is training with Mr. Broody and Miss. Pinky," said Naruto in an exhasperated voice. "He's busy enough with them. I doubt he has anything new to teach me. I've already learned the Chidori from him."

"What makes you say that?" asked the Hokage.

"I know him," said Naruto. "He became a Jonin at a very young age and he's been stuck at the same level for too long. You want me to stagnate like him?"

"He's one of Konoha's strongest Jonins," argued the Hokage. He didn't like a Genin to badmouth one of his Jonins. Even if the Genin was Naruto.

"I didn't say anything when you put me in his team," said Naruto. "But now I want someone at the Kage level to teach me. My training will be more effective that way."

'This kid ... where am I going to find him a Kage level Ninja to train him ... so troublesome,' thought the Hokage.

"Come on, old man," whined Naruto. "Pull one of your connections ... hmm? ... did you know someone's spying on you?"

"Dammit! Is it Danzõ again?" asked the Hokage angrily.

"No, it seems to be another pervert like you," replied Naruto, pointing at the window.

"Pervert? Jiraiya! Stop snooping around and get in here!" shouted the Hokage.

"Kid, how'd you find me when I was perfectly hidden?" asked a voice.

"Naturally because you weren't perfectly hidden," said Naruto nonchalantly.

The Hokage's window slowly opened and a tall and well-built man with fair skin jumped into the office. He had a wart on the left side of his nose and waist-length, spiky white hair with two shoulder-length bangs framing his face. There were red lines under his eyes which extended further down his face, going all the way to the bottom. His attire consisted of a green short shirt kimono and matching pants. He also wore hand guards, a black belt, traditional Japanese wooden sandals, and a red haori with two yellow circles on each side.

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