
Chunin Exam Begins

"Hmmm? Chunin Exam?" said Naruto in confusion, tilting his head. "That's so soon? I thought it wouldn't be for some time."

"No, it's in 10 days time," replied Kakashi. "I nominated you, Sasuke and Sakura for the exam. But you still have to personally register at the academy within the next three days."

"Chunin Exam, huh?" muttered Naruto, deep in thought.

"What's the matter?" asked Kakashi in a puzzled tone.

"Are there going to be any strong candidates attending?" asked Naruto.

"Of course," replied Kakashi. "There's even candidates from other villages like the Sand and the Sound."

"What about the Lightning Village?" asked Naruto with a glint in his eyes.

"The Lightning is coming with their Raikage," replied Kakashi, puzzled. "Why do you ask?"

"I have a personal grudge to settle with their Raikage!" said Naruto with a growl. "I might actually go all out!"

'This doesn't look good,' thought Kakashi. "Anyway, I'll be holding special training sessions to prepare you for the Exam."

"Good luck with that," said Naruto, starting to walk away. "Have fun with Pinky and Broody. I've my own things to do."

"Hey, dweeb ...," Sasuke started to say before an immense pressure hit him.

"Careful Sasuke!" said Naruto in a threatening tone. "I'm pretty pissed right now. Annoy me and you'll be attending the Chunin Exam with missing limbs."

"What was that?" gasped Sakura as sweat trickled down her spine.

"That kid is full of surprises," said Zabuza chuckling. "I never thought he was at the level where he can apply such pressure with just his chakra."

"You can do something like that?" asked Sakura in shock.

"That's something that only a handful of selected Ninjas are able to do," said Kakashi, also deep in shock. "That's the Chakra Pressure Technique. I wonder where he learnt it from."

"I want to learn that, too," said Sasuke in a demanding tone.

"You don't have the Chakra Density nor the Chakra Control to learn it," replied Kakashi flatly.

"Then how can Naruto use that technique?" asked Sakura, slightly annoyed that her Sasuke-kun could not learn a technique that Naruto has learnt.

"Naruto naturally has a high Chakra Reserve due to coming from the Uzumaki clan," replied Kakashi. "And from the looks of it, he's trained his Chakra Control to rival even mine."

"Yeah, that kid's quite the monster," said Zabuza. "I'd say in about five or so years, he'd easily be a Kage-Level Ninja. Also, he just bested me in our Swordsmanship spar."

"WHAT!!!" screamed Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura in unison, their jaws dropping from shock.

"Relax guys," said Haku in a comforting tone. "It was just a spar. Naruto-kun doesn't stand a chance against Zabuza-san in a life or death match."

"Oh, you weren't serious against him," said Sasuke, sighing in relief.

Sasuke had to admit that Naruto was stronger than the current him, however, he knew if he continued training as he was right now, it wouldn't take long before he surpassed Naruro.

"That's not the point," gasped Kakashi, still in shock. "Don't forget that Zabuza is one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. The Seven Swordsmen are amongst the strongest Ninja Swordsmen you can find. You both witnessed Zabuza's strength first hand. In pure Swordsmanship, even I don't come close to Zabuza's level. To best him in a spar in Swordsmanship alone, just where did he learn the Way of the Sword from?"

"Where indeed," asked Zabuza chuckling. "Now tell me about this Chunin Exam he's going to be participating."

"Oh, I don't think he's going to have any trouble in the Exam," replied Kakashi. "Each Jonin instructor nominates their team if he/she feels their team are ready."

***** Flashback *****

The Hokage had all of Konoha's Jounins including Iruka in front of him in his office as he was smoking his pipe while he sat behind his desk.

"Have you all looked at the new training manuals I have sent out to you?" asked the Hokage.

"Yes, it's pretty comprehensive and will boost the strength level of all the Academy students as well as the Genins," replied Asuma as everyone in the room nodded in approval.

"Whoever put it together is a genius," replied Kakashi. "Most of the training specified in the manual is so basic at the Academy Level that it got overlooked. It's something that will benefit Ninjas all the way to the Chunin Level the most."

"That's right," agreed Kurenai with a smile. "The next batch of the Genins will be stronger than the current ones and every batch of new Genins after that will be even stronger than the previous ones."

"You don't seem surprised by the strength of the new training manuals, Kurenai," noted Asuma as he eyed Kurenai quizzically.

Hearing this everyone in the room turned their heads to look at the female Jounin.

"Of course not," replied Kurenai with a smile. "I have an idea on who cmpiled them together."

"Oh? Who might that be?" asked Kakashi, raising his eyebrow that was revealed.

"I'm surprised you haven't realised, Kakashi," said Kurenei, smiling as Kakashi frowned in confusion.

"It was the Genin you're in charge of," said the Hokage, blowing a lungful of smoke. "Naruto Uzumaki."

"That dead-last knuckle-head?" asked Asuma, shock written all over his face.

It was not just Asuma who was gobsmacked. Everyone except the Hokage and Kurenai had shock plastered on their faces. The Hokage smiled as he too was initially shocked out of his wits when he read the contents of the manuals.

Over the years, Naruto had gathered together any all training manuals - be it from the Uzumaki Compound, the Uchiha Compound, the Hyuuga Compound, the Academy library or the Konoha library - and he had been analysing them one by one. Through many trials and error, he had finally managed to compile the most optimum training manuals for Chakra Control, Chakra Reserve expansion, hand-to-hand combat, Swordsmanship and Sealing Arts. The only training manual that he currently lacked was in Medical Ninjutsu and that was primarily due to not having sufficient level of medical knowledge to write his own training manual in the field.

In regards to perfecting the other manuals, he had a sufficient number of guinea pigs in the form of his Shadow Clones to run enough simulations.

"That makes sense," muttered Kakashi under his breath in astonishment.

"There is one manual that has won me over completely!" said another Jounin passionately. "I hereby declare Naruto Uzumaki as my lifelong benefactor! Whatever and whenever he requires from on until the day I die, I will devote my all to fulfilling it!"

Everyone looked around to see Gai Mighto as he puffed his chest out proudly as he made his declaration. Gai had a shiny bowl style hair cut and remarkably thick eyebrows. He was wearing a green jumpsuit, orange striped leg warmers, and the standard Konoha flak jacket. His red forehead protector was worn around his waist like a belt.

"Whoa! That was more pationnate than usual, Guy," said Kakashi in surprised.

"Have you not read his Pink Muscle Training Manual?" huffed Gai as he pointed at Kakashi. "That is the epitome of all muscle training! With that and my level of Taijutsu, I can finally get a power-up! How can I not get passionate over that?"

"Enough!" ordered the Hokage. "I didn't call you all here just to discuss the new training manuals. Implement the training manuals as ordered. Also, it's finally time for me to officially announce that this year we're hosting the Chunin Exams! Now, do either of you want to nominate your teams?"

Upon hearing the question, Kakashi, Gai, Kurenei and Asuma stepped forward.

"I, Kakashi Hatake, nominate Team Seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno for the Chunin Exam," said Kakashi proudly.

"I, Gai Maito, nominate Team Nine, Neji Hyuuga, Lee Rock and Tenten Higurashi for the Chunin Exam," said Gai seriously.

"I, Kurenei Yuhi, nominate Team Eight, Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame for the Chunin Exam," said Kurenei, also proudly.

"I, Asuma Sarutobi, nominate Team Ten, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi for the Chunin Exam," said Asuma.

"Wait a minute," called out Iruka. "I can understand if Team Nine is ready since they graduated last year, but are the others really ready for the Exam?"

"Worry not, Iruka," said Asuma, chuckling. "I can't speak for Kakashi and Kurenei's teams, but my team is definitely ready. I don't know why, but my team is stronger than your regular teams."

"The same for my team," said Kurenei with a smile. "Especially Hinata Hyuuga. With some more experience, I will even nominate her to take the Jonin Exam."

"She's that strong?" asked Asuma in disbelief. "From what I know, she's just a shy and timid little princess."

"I strongly believe her relationship with Naruto Uzumaki influenced her growth," said Kurenei. "I just wish that Naruto could have been on my team too. That would have, undoubtedly, made my team number one."

"Her relationship with Naruto?" asked Kakashi with a glint in his eye.

"Yes, they're a couple," said Kurenei, giggling, as bombs exploded in everyone's heads. "Oops, it wasn't my place to reveal that."

"A couple ... at their age ... What has the world come to ...," muttered Kakashi, shock written I the part of his face that wasn't covered.

***** Flashback Ends *****

"You two should train fast," said Zabuza as he looked at Sasuke and Sakura. "That blondie is already at Jonin Level. If you face him in the exam, you stand no chance."

"Right," said both Sasuke and Sakura with complicated expressions on their faces.

Sasuke was still staring at the direction Naruto had gone. 'This is so frustrating! We're of the same age, from the same village, went to the same Academy as him and I've never slacked off on my training. So why is he so my much stronger than me? I'm wasting my time! I need to find out his training regime and copy it! That must be the only key difference! But how to get it from him? He's already given me the Pink Muscle Training Manual and it's been working greatly ... I'm already twice as strong as I was when I first became a Genin."

"Sasuke," said Kakashi, breaking Sasuke's train of thoughts. "I know you want to get stronger faster. But have patience. Naruto didn't become this strong overnight. He's had years to build up what he has now. There are three main training I want you and Sakura to focus on; Chakra Control, Chakra Reserve Expansion and Pink Muscle Training. Do one at any given day and focus the entire day on it. Repeat the cycle twice and take a one day break. That will help you to recover your stamina faster. Once your Chakra Reserve and Control are built up enough, I will start teaching you new Jutsus. Understood?"

"Understood!" replied both Sasuke and Sakura with fierce determination.

After leaving the training ground in a foul mood, Naruto was walking angrily towards Ichiraku Ramen store when he noticed an Anbu drop in front of him.

"Lord Hokage summons you," said the female Anbu stoicly.

"Perfect! I was planning to visit him later on anyway," replied Naruro. "Let's go!"

***** Hokage Office *****

Naruto and the female Anbu made it outside the Hokage's Office and knocked on the door. As they were waiting for a response, Naruto picked up a handful of energy signatures that seemed to belong to two separate groups; shinobi and civilians.

'They must be the Civilian and Shinobi Council,' thought Naruto. 'I wonder why the old man wants me to attend.'

As Naruto was pondering over this aspect, the Hokage's angry tone sounded from behind the door; "Enter!"

Naruto walked into the Hokage's Office while the Anbu took her usual post on the roof as guard. Naruto had thought right; there truly was a meeting with the Civilian and Shinobi Council and from the looks of things, it was not a pleasant meeting.

"You wished to see me, Old Man?" asked Naruto casually.

The second chapter for today. More to follow.

Profound1creators' thoughts
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