
The Story of Past.

In the capital of the Republican Confederacy "Lorien".The Golden Plaza, a place near the capital, which was also one of the most extravagant places with deep historical value was surrounded by thousands of expert soldiers with military-grade equipment, Vehicles, Helicopters, Tanks, and Aircraft which were on standby orders.

If it was before, the citizens would have filed millions and billions of complaints to the police and security departments giving them an acute heart attack.

But today was different, people wearing different attires like expensive black suits, and military uniforms with capes and badges, emanating a solemn atmosphere were gathering around the plaza. They were wealthy businessmen, military generals, bureaucrats, and several Influential figures.

Each one of them commanded enough authority to level a small country with just one word, but the "Grand Council" would literally skin them alive if that ever happen.

All of them were waiting for the arrival of the Body of their late President Mr. Edward Samuelson who died in a plane crash, even with the outstanding advanced technology of mankind resurrection of the dead was a distant dream.

Due to the death of the Confederacy's and Council's elite leader and member, not only the Confederacy which was considered the largest and strongest nation in existence but also the other countries were turned upside down.

It was seen for the first time after World War 3 when Nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles were used, during that time Humanity was on the brink of extinction.

After 10 years later the war ended with each country receiving an overwhelming death toll which also include civilian casualties, the countries that survived this on slot mainly the Eastern and Western nations gathered their surviving members, and since the UN did not prevent the war, it was disbanded, and the "Grand Council" was established.

The countries mutually agreed to invest everything they had to develop technology, that reduces the contamination of radiation, by neutralizing radioactive particles, and thus for more resources, they started their crusade to plunder resources from the extinct Nations to bring back civilization.

Because of humanity's unyielding or quick to adapt nature the society was back to normal after 70 years, and because of the constant efforts of the Grand Council which included many key Figures from various fields like Military Generals, Political thinkers, Scientists, and lawmakers gave their utmost for restoration of the lost glory of Earth's civilization, hence the death of one of such entity morally affected the whole world.

As such that day was declared a Black day.


-----------"Where am I?"...

A deep and fuzzy voice resounded in a Dark Void.

"Aa, Have you awakened my child?~"

Immediately after that, a sweet voice also resounded in the void and suddenly a blinding yellow light engulfed the darkness, it was quite soothing to the soul as if all the burden he was carrying vanished in an instant.

"Y...you are... Aa...Goddess?"

An old man in his late 80's evident from his wrinkled face but having a built body with a deep voice said with evident fear in his voice, but when he gazed at the majestic woman in front of him he was mystified. With long golden hairs reaching to her waist, a divine halo floating above her head, her deep blue eyes, soft and white skin, a pair of beautiful white bird wings indicating her angelic bloodline and her dress much like an ancient Greek goddess, she was truly an ideal goddess came out of picture book.

The old man Edward had never seen such an Immaculate beauty.


The Old man was mesmerized by the beautiful goddess in front of him that he forgot to answer her question.

But suddenly a non-existent bolt of light struck his head, it was not some kind of divine retribution for looking at the Goddess with disrespect but something the old Edward has horned from years of hardship, quickly composing himself he answered.

"Y..yes I'm awake"...

"Oo thank the heavens, I thought your soul had taken damage because of the forced transfer, My name is Tyche"~

Edward was quick to notice some keywords and formulated a response with the given information

"You are a Goddess? Forced transfer of Soul? does that mean I died but you snatched my soul from my world"?

Due to the advancement in Science and Technology, android robots in which one could transfer their consciousness were created. Everyone except the members of the leadership of the country, even the Grand Council members were not allowed to do so to prevent them from becoming a tyrant, but if they truly wish to live longer they must step down from their possession, many choose to step down and live longer. Edward despised such things as he was a strong advocate of "I had seen enough for one life theory by Ezio"

Scientist termed consciousness that could be transferred from one body to another as "Soul" and thus the concept like Rebirth or Recycling of Soul was hot topic among people and religious institutions.


The Goddess suddenly flicked her fingers and a large Party popper formed out of thin air that showered Edward with confetti and glitter .

Old Edward's mind was filled with mixed emotions. She snatched my soul? does that mean the plane crash was not a terrorist attack but her scheme?

I admit I'm not a particularly religious person but does that mean you have to take my life for that? and here I was cursing Middle-east and various other resistance groups for this accident. Well even if it was not done by them the Grand council will not stay put as it had came to their reputation. And even if it was not an attack by the Insurgent groups they would have wanted me including the members dead.

Ha, what would an 86 years old man like me would have done, The future of the world is now in the hands of the youngsters, I'm free of my obligations.

"You said you snatched my soul, does that mean you orchestrated that plane crash!? Yeah I might have felt nothing if it was only me who would have died, but there were many promising youngsters alongside me why would you have to kill them as well? And most importantly why am I here... you have to explain to me that!"

Edward spoke in an angry tone.

"Aa.. that I'm sorry, but I think there's a misunderstanding I was not the one who did that my child, It was the terrorist. I was only waiting and watching you all, but even in the face of death you were unhinged, quietly drinking tea while others were panicking, well it was kinda cool, how come you were so calm as if you would not die? And even now, do you know you are the first human to talk to me like that"~

So she was not behind the plane crash. Edward was stunned for a moment.

Were the leaders of the Resistance group's fools? Do they not foresee their doom if they ever touch a member of the Grand Council? No do they possess something that can stop The overwhelming military might of the Grand council?"

A visible shudder ran down Edward's spine as he thought about such a possibility

No, it can't be there must be something else...

Many possibilities ran through Edward's mind, it might have felt like a long time has passed but it only took Edward a few seconds to reach a conclusion

"It must be that old snake Le Yen Fang, one of the fellow member, I did not think I was such an eyesore to her, she must have dearly wanted that, even if you took me out bitch I will not let you succeed, as an even greater gift is waiting for you"

Edward chuckled softly

Then Edward quickly formulated an answer to the Goddess who was also watching him with intrigued.

"I'm truly sorry for taking such a tone in front of you lady Goddess, but if I may ask why am I here?"

I would have to be careful, even if she is allowing this conversation to be a casual one, she is a greater entity it would be wise not to provoke her.

"Oo... no wonder the higher-ups choose you, so let me get straight to the point as well"~

Out of thin air, the goddess conjured some sort of documents in her hands and started reading them.

"Edward Samuelson, President of the Republican Confederation, Former Military adviser, and Administrator of West, and One of the founders of the Grand Council, a war orphan who lost everything in the flames of war but crawled out of the depths of Hell to restore peace. With your outstanding talent and unyielding efforts you were able to save humankind. You paved the way for the world with people like yourself and reclaim the lost glory of your civilization, through both underhanded as well as just means, a remarkable achievement. Now due to the extraordinary talent and achievements you have shown in your world Heavens had chosen you to become a Hero and save a different world from its eventual collapse and in this endeavor, Heavens will give you full support"~

-I Respectfully Decline!

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