
Focusing On Your Own Personal Problems Is A Surefire Way To Die In A Fight


July 23, 9:20 am, New York City, USA

The city was a lot dirtier than Gadiel expected.

And a lot emptier.

He walked down a sidewalk, trash blowing down the street as abandoned cars sat immobile by the side. Large "closed" signs hung from the doors of most of the shops, even as the giant billboards flashed in the distance. The sky was overcast and gloomy, grey shadows cast over the streets as a chilly breeze blew through the dead metropolis. The scent of something faintly rotting seemed to permeate the air.

Gadiel shuffled along, hoodie pulled up as he scanned the area for any new signs of life, but there weren't any. Most windows were boarded up or shuttered, and the few that were open seemed empty of people as well.

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