
Chapter 2 : A Whole New World

After the random experiment of creation and destruction, then he tried to create other things, such as the sun, moon, and any other space object he knew, with delight. But to create a fully functional world, he needs to create a complete universe, not just a random planet, sun, or any other space object at his whim.

He then began to ponder what he could do to create a new world, well a universe.

Lost in thought as Yawan floated through the void. He had created and destroyed so many things in his time around, but now he wanted to create something truly magnificent. A fully functional universe that could support life and continue to grow and evolve over time.

But how could he achieve this? What could he do to bring a new universe into existence? He had experimented with creating planets and stars before, but he knew that creating a fully functional world would require much more.

"A big bang theory, well, I think it's the most possible way to make a new world. Isn't the biblical thingy and any other novel where the MC is god and also creates a world with a big bang?"

He floated in the void, he needed to create a planet teeming with life and potential to continue his game. It would be his first step in order to become a real god, he guesses. Welp, there is no help, he must search for the answer himself though.

He began to explore the idea further, delving deep into the science behind the Big Bang theory. He learned about the various stages of the universe's development, from the initial explosion to the formation of stars and galaxies.

As he learned, he began to formulate a plan. He would use his immense power to create a massive explosion, similar to the Big Bang, that would kickstart the creation of a new universe.

Excited by the possibilities, he then set to work. Yawan began to imagine the process of the creation of the universe that he had seen through the video while channeling the energy in his body into his hands. He focused his energy on creating a mass of big rotating gas, shaping the elements, and guiding their formation. It was a delicate process, but Yawan was patient and focused.

With that, in his mind, a dark void without anything gradually began to form irregular clumps of energy that were infinitely scattered throughout the corners of his vision. Then he imagined that these energies were rotating around a point that was getting faster and faster. In his vision, a giant spinning top made of condensed energies spun at high speed and gradually turned into a giant red fireball, which moments later exploded with a loud bang.

As Yawan was still imagining the process of the universe's formation in his mind, white light shot out from his hands and formed a scene that was exactly like what Yawan had envisioned in his mind.

And then bang!

The process was so fast that when the giant fireball exploded, a strong wind blew away all the materials inside the fireball.

Feeling himself being blown away by the strong wind, he woke up from his trance and stared at what was in front of him in amazement. "Holy crap!"

A big bang ensues, creating a spectacular sight in front of his very eyes. Not even the most advanced video he saw before can replicate what he sees now. A wonder of creation in front of his eyes!

He gazed at the process of the universe's formation with gusto. This was the first time he had seen something as amazing as this, and of course he didn't want to miss it. This was the first realm created by him, and it was worth remembering.

A great explosion, a burst of light and energy that expanded rapidly in all directions. And then, feeling the process a bit slow, with a flick of his finger, time accelerated and became faster and faster.

As the energy expanded, it began to cool and condense, forming matter and energy, galaxies, stars, and planets.

As the universe continued to expand and cool, Yawan watched with interest. He saw that the universe was full of potential and that it would continue to evolve and change in fascinating ways.

Over time, Yawan watched as the stars and galaxies formed, as planets took shape, and as life emerged on some of those planets. He saw the beauty and complexity of the universe, and he was pleased.

As the world took shape around him, Yawan felt a sense of wonder and pride. It was beautiful—a pristine world untouched by any other force. He knew that it was just the beginning and that there was much more he could do to help the universe thrive.

Yawan nodded and chuckled in awe at the natural world he had created. Now all he could think about was what he should do next to create the universe.

"Okay, great! My first universe will be named Yawan's World after me! Now all I have to do is pick a planet that will be my main observation site and create lifeforms to populate it!"

He smiled like a fool, and he named his world after himself, a testament to his newfound divinity. Yawan's world would be a beacon of hope and possibility, a testament to the power of the gods and the beauty of the universe. An eccentric name, but who cares He is the one who created these.

Then he began searching for a planet that suited his needs. In his mind, a suitable planet for living beings to inhabit would be one that was not too close or far from the sun and as similar as possible to the familiar Earth. His gaze zoomed into those galaxies and their stars.

And then he found it, third from the sun, albeit slightly bigger than Earth.

Although Yawan also believed that any planet could be inhabited by living beings as long as Yawan prevented it by giving a little of his power to the planet, moon, or whatever it was, it might sound crazy, but Yawan was also convinced that even the sun or the surrounding vacuum could be inhabited by living beings if he wanted them to!

But for this first experiment, Yawan prefers to take the ordinary and less extreme route. After all, he has nearly zero knowledge about this thing. Maybe after he learns one or two, he can make something out of the box—something that science cannot comprehend!

Well, um, it seems he himself is not a scientist who can explain anything, not even the previous event of meeting with The Creator can.

He then once again quickens the time, so the planet he chooses will have its natural evolution first and, importantly, support his assumption that this planet has the ability to contain life.

Then that's it, the planet, like the Earth, begins its process of evolution.

At first, it was a barren and inhospitable place. The planet was bombarded by asteroids and comets, which created massive craters and released gases into the atmosphere. But over time, the planet began to cool and solidify, and the surface was covered with oceans of water and an atmosphere rich in nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.

As the conditions on the planet stabilized, the first forms of life appeared. It's still not entirely clear how life originated on Earth, but one possibility is that simple organic compounds formed in the oceans and combined to form self-replicating molecules. Over time, these molecules evolved into more complex organisms, such as bacteria and single-celled organisms.

These early forms of life thrived in the oceans for billions of years, gradually evolving into more complex forms, including multicellular organisms.

Over time, the planet continued to change and evolve, with plate tectonics and other geological processes reshaping the planet's surface and creating new habitats for life to thrive.

And he knows this is the right time for him to work and shape the world as he wishes.

"It's show time for me!" Yawan posed with his hand on his hips, then proceeded to fly into the planet's atmosphere just like a superhuman.

He started creating entire landscapes, complete with mountains, valleys, and oceans. He found that he could shape the world around him however he wanted, using his powers to bend reality to his will.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as Yawan explored his new powers and experimented with his abilities. He would spend hours at a time creating and shaping his world, often losing track of time as he worked. He began to realize that creating something truly remarkable would take more than just raw power; it would take vision and creativity.

He started with a blank canvas, shaping the land and the sky with his powers until it was just right. Then he began to create the creatures that would inhabit his world—animals of all shapes and sizes, each with their own unique features and abilities.

As he worked, Yawan realized that creating something truly remarkable was not just about the raw power of creation; it was also about the little details. The way the sunlight danced through the leaves of the trees, the sound of the wind rustling through the grass, and the way the water sparkled in the sunlight He poured his heart and soul into every detail, creating a world that was alive and vibrant.

Finally, after months of hard work, Yawan stepped back to admire his creation. The world he had created was like nothing he had ever seen before—a vibrant, living world filled with wonders and mysteries. There were towering mountains, lush forests, sparkling oceans, and sprawling deserts. And everywhere he looked, there were creatures of all kinds living and thriving in harmony.

Yawan smiled, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction wash over him. He had done it—he had created something truly remarkable, a world that would stand the test of time. But he also knew that this was just the beginning; there was still so much more he could create and so much more he could do with his powers.

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