
Chapter 15 : An Ancient Race

Against the backdrop of the sky, a towering tree loomed high above, its branches stretching toward the heavens.

The tree was a towering behemoth, stretching hundreds of meters into the sky. Its crown of leaves was so vast that it seemed to cover the entire expanse of the heavens, casting a cool and soothing shade below. Its massive branches twisted and turned like the limbs of a great beast, exuding a sense of raw vitality and life force.

The tree whispered ancient secrets to the sky as the wind blew through the leaves. Birds flitted from branch to branch, their cheerful songs filling the air. Beneath the tree's wide-reaching canopy, a lush carpet of green grass and wildflowers grew, dotted with patches of dappled sunlight. The tree seemed to emanate a sense of calm and serenity as if it held within it the wisdom of ages past. Standing in its shadow, one could not help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the magnificence of nature.

And as one gazed up at the tree's magnificent canopy, one would notice the many blossoming flower buds, their petals delicate and fragrant against the deep green of the leaves. And amidst the foliage, a pulsating red fruit could be seen, its fleshy exterior rippling like a pregnant woman's belly, hinting at the abundance of life and fertility that this tree held within it.

This tree is none other than the Tree of Eternal Life.

In the heart of a sprawling lake, an island lay hidden from the outside world, its forests teeming with life. At the center of this mystical realm stood the Eternal Tree of Life, a towering giant that had watched over the island for eons. And as one explored the island's depths, one would discover that the Eternal Tree was not alone, for throughout the forests, other Trees of Life stood tall, their trunks and branches gleaming in the dappled sunlight.

As the years passed and the seasons cycled through, the blossoming flowers of the Trees of Eternal Life gave way to ripening fruit. Each fruit was a marvel to behold, its flesh plump and succulent, its skin a vibrant shade of red. And as the fruit grew, it seemed to take on a life of its own, swelling to sizes as great as a meter in diameter. These were no ordinary fruits, but a bounty of nature's most precious gifts, embodying the vitality and abundance that the Trees of Eternal Life stood for.

Each one is a symbol of the enduring vitality that coursed through its ancient form. And yet, these were no ordinary fruits - they were a source of magic and wonder, imbued with the power to give birth to new life. As they fell from the towering branches and hit the ground with a soft thud, the fruits split open with a soft crack, and from within them emerged living creatures of all shapes and sizes. It was as if the Tree of Eternal Life was the keeper of the very essence of existence, a gateway through which life itself could be born anew.

As the fruits of the Tree of Eternal Life burst open, they revealed a wondrous sight - living creatures that were as stunning as they were enigmatic. They stood tall and slender, their skin smooth and flawless, as if it had never known the touch of time. Their hair was a cascade of earthy brown, silky to the touch, and framing their faces were features of ethereal beauty. Their eyes were the most arresting of all, a swirl of brown and green that seemed to change with each passing moment catching the light like precious gems. But perhaps the most striking feature of all was their pointed ears, peeking out from behind their lustrous locks like delicate, translucent shells.

As the creatures emerged from the fruit, they gazed around them in wonder, taking in the new world they found themselves in, their senses assailed by the sights and sounds of a world they had never known. Their movements were graceful and fluid as if they had been born to dance. And yet, for all their beauty and poise, there was a sense of uncertainty in their eyes. But as their gaze fell upon the majestic Eternal Tree of Life, something within them stirred, a sense of recognition flooded over them. At that moment, their uncertainty fell away, replaced by a deep sense of connection and belonging. They knelt before the tree in supplication, their voices a soft, harmonious chorus they whispered, as if the tree were a beloved parent, watching over them with all the tenderness of a mother's embrace.


And at that moment, the world welcomed the birth of these beautiful creatures that would be known as Elves.

In the eons that followed the birth of the Elves, the Island of Life underwent a remarkable transformation.

The trees of Life, once mere saplings, now towered over the landscape, their trunks thick and gnarled with age. And yet, despite the passing of centuries, these trees remained vibrant and alive, each one a testament to the enduring power of the Eternal Tree of Life. And now, scattered among these ancient sentinels, were tree houses, delicate structures that seemed to grow from the very trunks of the trees themselves. Each house was a masterpiece of Elven craftsmanship, woven from branches and vines, and leaves, and adorned with intricate carvings and mosaics. They were a testament to the Elves' reverence for the natural world and a symbol of their unbreakable bond with the Eternal Tree of Life.

The Elves, born of the Eternal Tree of Life, moved with grace and elegance as they danced on the Island of Life. Their flowing white garments fluttered in the breeze, lending an ethereal quality to their movements. Each Elf wore a crown of flowers, a symbol of their connection to the natural world. As they danced and laughed, the Island seemed to come alive with their joy, the very air ringing with the sound of their music and merriment.

The Island of Life was not only home to the Elves but to many other magical creatures as well.

Among them were the Dryads, born of the Tree of Life itself. These creatures looked much like the Elves, with their slim forms and pointed ears, but their hair and eyes were a vibrant green that seemed to glow in the sunlight. They wore clothing made from the supple bark of the trees and adorned their heads with crowns of leaves, a symbol of their connection to the natural world. The Dryads moved with fluid grace, and their voices were soft and musical, blending seamlessly with the sounds of the forest.

The Fairies, on the other hand, were tiny winged creatures born from the Island's flowers. Their mischievous natures often got them into trouble, but they were always quick to lend a hand when needed. Together, these creatures formed a magical tapestry, each one adding its own unique thread to the fabric of life on the Eternal Island. And their bell-like laughter always can be heard amongst the music performed by the Elves.

Despite the joyful atmosphere on the island, there is a solemn meeting that took place right now in a large round building encircling the Eternal Tree of Life, the Elven Elders, Dryads, and Fairy's Queen gathered with grave expressions on their faces.

The room was arranged with a small circle in the center, surrounded by nine benches made of sturdy tree trunks in each corner. Each bench was occupied by a group of Elves, Dryads, and Fairies, with five Elves, three Dryads, and one Fairy on each bench. The atmosphere was tense as the leaders of the different groups awaited the start of the meeting, their expressions serious and focused.

One of the middle-aged Elven men, whose gray hair shone under the dim light, spoke in a grave tone, "I can sense that the dark energy inside our Mother is growing. Is there truly no solution to this problem?"

Sitting beside him was a young-looking Elven woman named Elice, who spoke up, "Not at present, it seems. We may need to consider Fryde's words..."


A robust Elf with bulging muscles interrupted Elice with an angry roar. His face was flushed, and his eyes were brimming with emotions.

"Enough! Do not speak that name in this chamber again! She and her followers are traitors who abandoned our homeland and our mother!"

Elder Enim, a long white-bearded Elven man, who appeared to be the oldest person in the room, cautioned Aturn with a stern voice, "Calm yourself first, Aturn. Do not embarrass yourself in this meeting. Otherwise, I will have to ask you to leave."

Aturn fell silent and slumped back onto his stool, still looking angry.

Enim continued, "I have tried with all the power I possess as a Druid. Even when the young ones came to help, it only managed to ease Mother's symptoms. We have no choice but to send some of our young ones away..."

"My wise one..."

"Shh, Aturn. I know you will not agree, but this is crucial for the survival of our offspring, and our future. Therefore, I entrust Elice and Ffyr to lead this mission and search for Fryde. It's highly probable that she has established a solid footing out there."

Elice and Ffyr, a Dryad woman, bowed to Enim and then left the chamber.

As the two left, everyone else just can shake their heads and left with a heavy sigh as they exited too, Enim who came out last let out a weary sigh and gazed up at the Eternal Tree of Life, which was still lush and green.

"I hope everything will turn out all right, Mother," he muttered, hoping against hope that there was still a way to save her.

And in his vision, that lush green vitality was just like an illusion, as that vitality slowly became tainted by black smoke, which threatened to consume it entirely.

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