
That’s fun (edited)

Having just went to bed, Bill was confused when he woke up someplace else. He was just looking up info about one of his favourite novels Reverend insanity when he fell asleep. Bill started to look around to see what was happening but his eyes were blurry and people around him were speaking a different language. "Wait was I reincarnation!"


15 years later…

"Young master it's time for your awakening, you don't want to be late to that!"Called out one of the servant girls.

After Bill's surprise about being reincarnated he soon figured out what world he was in and the next steps to benefit him.

He learned that he was reincarnated into the body of Cao bu Lin, the son of the 2nd elder of the Cao clan in the Gu world. This clan resides on the gutou jiangshi mountain with their rival the Lou clan in the southern border near the eastern sea. The Gutou jiangshi is above the Shang mountain but below the Lei Ci mountain. The Cao clan owns the left half while the Lou clan owns the right. Their is almost always fights on where the border ends so both clans don't let their youth go to far

Cao clan is a medium-large sized clan with a rank four upper stage clan leader and a rank four upper stage retried clan leader. They also have two primeval springs. The only reason they are not a large clan is they don't have a rank 5 leader and the last primeval spring. They also specialize in the bone path.

The Lou clan has about the same strength as the Cao clan but they specialize in zombie gu and transformation.

Cao bu Lin's father's position is the leader of the secret hall and he is a rank 3 peak stage who is very close to breaking through. The secret hall deals with confidential information and secret missions, often doing sabotage missions. Only very talented elite gu master are able to join.

While Bu Lin's grandfather is a rank 4 initial gu master who was thought to be dead but he is the leader of the dark hall. Only the clan leader's, his family, and a few high ranking elders know who the dark hall leader is. The dark hall mainly deals with the defences of the clan as threats for outside forces. The gu masters have to be adept in assassination and counter intelligence. They also are the one who meditate inner conflicts.

He also learned that he was born 7 years before fang yuan is born which gives him a good amount of thyme to grow vectors the story starts


Cao bu Lin wiped the sweat off his face after finishing his martial arts training. Before becoming a gu master bu Lin trained martial art to keep in peak condition.

"Alright, let's go" said bu Lin

"Wait young master, your mother wants to see you off." Replied the servant girl.

His mother is a rank 3 initial stage gu master who just advanced a few months ago. She is the daughter of the leader of the medical hall but bu Lin's mother sometimes helps her but she mostly stays at the manor.

Bu Lin's mother Cao bu Shi is a beautiful middle-aged women with a great smile and lovely personality but can be very strict and dominating when necessary.

"Mother I am leaving, please wish me good luck for my awakening."Said bu Lin while bowing.

"With your father's and my talent you should be at least a B grade or an A grade."replied bu Shi "With that talent and our clan's resources. You would be able to become at least an rank 3 elder or higher in a few years."

"I will try my best to not disappoint you and father." Affirmed bu Lin.

While bu Lin not treating them as his parents, he still is grateful for sheltering and helping bu Lin. With that he doesn't want to disappoint them and make them think he is useless

With this thought, bu Lin began his walk to the awakening ceremony.


With his bu family's reputation a lot of people knew who he was and gave him way. 'With my family's talent I think would be at least C grade or B grade with some chance of being A grade.' Thought bu Lin 'but most likely I won't have the highest talent because the clan leader's daughter is getting awakened.'

The clan's leader's daughter is Cao bo Jing and is the clan's hope to get another A grade talent. She started walking at 3 months old, taking at a year, and she has photographic memory and can remember almost anything.

There was also a kid named Cao yue yuan who's strength can rival full grown men when he was 7 years old and has a very smart mind.

'This is going to be a interesting ceremony' claimed Bu Lin 'with this many estimated top grade talents most of the elder will be their to see this historical awakening but some of the weaker elders are going to be at the other spring.'

"Young master bu Lin we are here." Whispered the female servant

Bu Lin looked around and saw about 100 kids and 15-20 servants following them. 'The rest are probably going to be at the other spring later today' thought bu lin. Likely yue yuan and bo Jing are both here

Yue yuan has long brown hair that reaches his shoulders, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin. He is very large towering over everyone there. He looks around 6'3" and 240lbs of muscle. He looks like a gentle giant with him talking to everyone with a big smile on his face.

About 15 feet to the right of him bo Jing was be herself and only her servant was close to her. People tried to talk to her but because of her uptight attitude people soon stoped talking to her. She stuck out like a sore thumb with her bright blond hair, pale skin, and dark green eyes. She looks around 5'8" and a rather thin body.

Because of Bu Lin observing everyone else he looked at himself.Bu Lin has shorter black hair and deep blue eyes. Bu Lin is a rather tall person who is around 6' 0" but because of his constant train in martial arts, he has a well built compact body.

The academy elder came out of the building and looked around at all the children. Mostly looking at bo Jing, yue Yuan, and bu Lin.'This batch has a lot of promise.' "Alright most of you are here so let's go."

Next chapter