
Chapter 2

Amanda's flight to America was horrible. When she got out of the plane, her first intention was to go directly to the room she had reserved, take a bath and sleep for about 12 hours. She wanted to call a taxi when she heard tow girls shouting her name.

« Amanda! How are you darling »

« Esmeralda, Flora, what are you doing here? I was not waiting you. »

« Uncle Henry told us that you were to arrive today so we have decided to come and take you. Your room is the biggest of all the house. Grandma is more than exited to see you and I'm sure you will like the... »

« Flora stop. I'm not coming with you. I have a room reserved just for me. Tell grandma that I will be there for grandpa's birthday, not before. »

Before her cousins could reply, Amanda had hired a taxi and was on the way for her new room. Being very tired, she fell asleep, simplifying the driver's work.


When she woke up, she was on a king size bed in a very beautiful room. Everything was perfect except the fact that this room was too elegant to be hers. She stood up to open the door but it was locked. She knocked the door but no answer.

« Is there someone? »

No answer. She increased te volume of her voice.

« Who is there. Open the door. I will not tell anyone what happened here. Are you there? Open this... »

« Close your mouth. Even if you use a microphone, you will not leave this place until the boss comes, so the best thing for you is to save your time and energy. »

She could not understand. Was it because of her money that she was kidnapped? Where was she?and most important, when will that boss come for her to negotiate?


Amanda did not know how many hours she had passed in that room when the door was finally opened. A man, particularly handsome with black hairs and grey eyes, entered in the room before closing the door. He had a large variety of food on a large plate and a plastic bag in the other hand. It was only when she saw the food that Amanda realized that she was hungry and tired. The man took a chair and put it in front of the bed.

« Good evening Amanda. My name is Emanuel Adams. I know the circumstances are inadequate for this type of declaration but I love you. »

Amanda was terrified but not inconsistent. How could someone kidnap her and later proclaim love towards her.

« Mr. Adams, I am not here for jokes. I have about one million things to do so let's be direct. How much do you want? »

He had an amused look on the face.

« I want to think that it's for money that you kidnapped me so how much do you want to release me? »

« You are not here for money Amanda. I have organized all these since one year and now that you are here, I will not release you for some millions. I want you to stay here till December. If by then you don't love me, I will release you voluntarily but, if you try to escape, I will kill one of your family members. Understand something, I cannot do something bad to the person I love but I don't have any problem killing someone else to have what I want. You will go to school from here accompanied by one of my bodyguards and you will come back with him. Anything you want to buy, I will buy it for you. I will give you everything but I don't want to arrive to an extend where I must punish you. »

He made a little pause while Amanda was digesting what he said. How can someone love a person he does not even know.

« In this bag, you will find dresses and here as you can see, there is food for you to eat. You are not closed up In this room but you cannot go out of the manor without a company. Is it clear?»

Amanda approved with a sign of her head. She was flabbergasted at a point where she could not speak. If she was not terrified, she could be crying.

« Then I will leave you alone for some time but I want you to eat with me this evening. I will send someone at 6pm. I'm sure you will be ready by then. »

He leaved the room leaving Amanda alone with her thoughts. She was thinking of anything she could do and finally decided to play the game. If he thought she was completely with him, he will leave her more space to leave this place.

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